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Anglican church leaders preparing for war!

John | 23.12.2002 18:34

The Anglican church prepares for slaughter.

Just what is the christmas message supposed to be about?On the one hand the Bishop of Lverpool writes a Christmas letter of peace in the Guardian, while both the Arch bishops of Canterbury and York state that the killing of innocent Iraqi people can be justified.Just where does this leave the Christmas message of peace and goodwill,the whole Christmas chirade appears to me as complete hipocracy.How can the established church of this country lead people in Christmas worship and at the same time justify mass genocide of the poor people of Iraq?JUST WHAT ARE WE ALL SUPPOSED TO BE CELEBRATING?Surely Christs message was one of peace and toleration.Please correct me if i am wrong on this as i write as a Atheist and not a practising Christian.



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Worship Not Warship!

24.12.2002 08:04

You're absolutely right! Go back to what Jesus says, and there is nothing that would justify war, quite the contrary. He did, however, exhibit righteous anger, when he threw the money-lenders out of the temple: so it's a mixed bag: basicly a "turn the other cheek" attitude, but at least once, a "take action" stance.
If your christian leaders are not following Jesus's philosophy, then it's time to re-remind them of what Jesus said and did (if they're Christian, that is).
I'd say this to your religious leaders:
Worship Not Warship!
