Portland Indymedia(USA) Reports on FBI Frame Up
charles amsellem | 23.12.2002 01:58
Portland Indymedia Center is reporting on the apparent frameup of an activist. Tre Arrow was becoming increasingly more effective until the FBI stopped him with indictments that many local activists believe are a set up.

Portland Indymedia RULES!: Reporting On FBI Frame Of Environmentalist
by charles amsellem
original article on the pjttf(portland joint terrorism task force including the fbi and portland police dept personnel):
cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem. all rights reserved
Portland Indymedia is once again showing what the indymedia network is all about. First, they were one of the first in the network to post a feature about the possiblities of government complicity in the atrocities of September 11th. Then, they continued their tradition of an excellent mix of local portland area news and uncompromising features on a wide variety of issues relevent to all progressives and free thinkers. Now, those wonderful people at the portland indymedia center are supporting their local community by featuring an article on what many close to the issue believe to be another FBI frame of an effective activist. This while the mainstream media is goosestepping in place to portray that same activist as a monstrous threat.
Tre Arrow, has been an effective and non violent activist by all accounts and was recently placed on the FBI's most wanted list. The corporate thugs are so hell bent on stopping his increasingly effective activities that they have placed an up to $25,000 reward for his capture. Arrow's real name is listed along with criminals who's crimes include (great big ALLEGEDLY here) child molestations, multiple murders, rapes, and vehicular homicide. The crimes Arrow is accused of (many believe falsely) are the vandalism and arson of four or fewer timber industry trucks. He is being listed as a domestic terrorist by the bureau.
The domestic terrorism charge is ironic in light of the recent testimony of FBI agents Robert Wright and John Vincent to none other than ABC news that they were deliberately prevented from investigating leads that may have prevented the 911 atrocities:
Special Agent Wright's revelations were initially exposed in the LA Weekly and are well worth reading to understand just where the bureau stands on the issue of domestic terrorism:
The guerrilla news network also has an interesting article on how ominously absent a real investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing is in the mainstream media. Wright has had a book censored by the fbi thay may have filled in some of the holes in this case:
Many Portland activists smelled a rat when the Jeff Sherman, undoubtedly terrified by the 40 year sentence the authorities are threatening him with, named Tre Arrow as the culprit in the arson of Shoppert logging trucks. The local community has rallied under Truth to Power to raise money for Tre's defense and issued this statement in their website:
"As we all saw in the case against Judi Bari and Daryl Cherney, the 'facts' are not always what they appear to be. It has been said that 'truth is the first casualty of war', and the 'war on terrorism' is no exception: in the blind pursuit of 'national security' evidence is lost, manipulated and, in some cases, manufactured, to suit the prosecution. Within this system, the only hope for justice is a dedicated and independent defense team empowered to thoroughly and agressively investigate all charges and evidence brought against citizens, and to bring to light evidence of their innocence."
For more information, or to get involved, contact:
Thank you, Portland Indymedia Center for continuing to do such a great job.
by charles amsellem
original article on the pjttf(portland joint terrorism task force including the fbi and portland police dept personnel):

cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem. all rights reserved
Portland Indymedia is once again showing what the indymedia network is all about. First, they were one of the first in the network to post a feature about the possiblities of government complicity in the atrocities of September 11th. Then, they continued their tradition of an excellent mix of local portland area news and uncompromising features on a wide variety of issues relevent to all progressives and free thinkers. Now, those wonderful people at the portland indymedia center are supporting their local community by featuring an article on what many close to the issue believe to be another FBI frame of an effective activist. This while the mainstream media is goosestepping in place to portray that same activist as a monstrous threat.
Tre Arrow, has been an effective and non violent activist by all accounts and was recently placed on the FBI's most wanted list. The corporate thugs are so hell bent on stopping his increasingly effective activities that they have placed an up to $25,000 reward for his capture. Arrow's real name is listed along with criminals who's crimes include (great big ALLEGEDLY here) child molestations, multiple murders, rapes, and vehicular homicide. The crimes Arrow is accused of (many believe falsely) are the vandalism and arson of four or fewer timber industry trucks. He is being listed as a domestic terrorist by the bureau.
The domestic terrorism charge is ironic in light of the recent testimony of FBI agents Robert Wright and John Vincent to none other than ABC news that they were deliberately prevented from investigating leads that may have prevented the 911 atrocities:

Special Agent Wright's revelations were initially exposed in the LA Weekly and are well worth reading to understand just where the bureau stands on the issue of domestic terrorism:

The guerrilla news network also has an interesting article on how ominously absent a real investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing is in the mainstream media. Wright has had a book censored by the fbi thay may have filled in some of the holes in this case:

Many Portland activists smelled a rat when the Jeff Sherman, undoubtedly terrified by the 40 year sentence the authorities are threatening him with, named Tre Arrow as the culprit in the arson of Shoppert logging trucks. The local community has rallied under Truth to Power to raise money for Tre's defense and issued this statement in their website:

"As we all saw in the case against Judi Bari and Daryl Cherney, the 'facts' are not always what they appear to be. It has been said that 'truth is the first casualty of war', and the 'war on terrorism' is no exception: in the blind pursuit of 'national security' evidence is lost, manipulated and, in some cases, manufactured, to suit the prosecution. Within this system, the only hope for justice is a dedicated and independent defense team empowered to thoroughly and agressively investigate all charges and evidence brought against citizens, and to bring to light evidence of their innocence."
For more information, or to get involved, contact:

Thank you, Portland Indymedia Center for continuing to do such a great job.
charles amsellem