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Arafat's futile struggle

Joe | 20.12.2002 10:27

In todays Guardian Emanuele Ottolenghi looks at how Yasser Arafat gambled and lost - the intifada has brought nothing but suffering to the Palestinians.

This futile struggle

Friday December 20, 2002
The Guardian

The Palestinian uprising has failed. More than two years after its outbreak, the Palestinians cannot point to one significant achievement. No Arab country came to their rescue. Neither Egypt nor Jordan cut ties with Israel, despite Israel's iron-fisted policy toward the Palestinians. The Palestinian Authority has all but collapsed, its leadership discredited. Efforts to internationalise the conflict have so far failed, as have attempts to decisively isolate Israel. Though the intifada brought the region to the brink of war, if war happens, no armies of deliverance will come to the rescue of the beleaguered Palestinians.

The Palestinians inflicted a severe blow to Israel, but at what price? The Palestinian economy is near collapse. People live mostly under curfew. The spectre of anarchy and civil war looms.

In the twilight of Oslo, Israel's most leftwing government to date proposed a compromise based on the only realistic solution there is for the conflict: partition. Though perhaps unable to meet all Palestinian expectations, Israel offered all it could give, and then some more. Violence was the answer Israel received. And the result? Today the Palestinians face Ariel Sharon instead of Ehud Barak, and if negotiations resume, Israel's new wary national consensus will almost certainly offer them less than was on the table two years ago.

Every time Palestinian leaders were offered peace based on partition, they rejected it and resorted to violence, in the mistaken belief that force could get them what diplomacy could not. This pattern recurred in 1937, 1948 and 2000, and each time with the same result: suffering for the Palestinians and another opportunity lost. This is the greatest tragedy - and the leitmotiv - of Palestinian history.

Yasser Arafat was no exception: he had to choose peace over war, independence over dreams, a prosaic future of state building over a glorious past of revolution. He had seven years to prepare his people for the price of independence. Instead, he deceived them and inflamed their delusions. He preferred history to the future, recrimination to vision.

As armed militants and explosive-laden terrorists rampaged, Arafat chose to exploit the situation, condemning violence in the western media while encouraging it at home. He thought he could both remain Israel's sole interlocutor, and be the leader of the revolution. He gave terrorists free rein and thereby relinquished the monopoly of force over his society, hoping that violence would improve his position in future negotiations. His police stood by while fighting raged on. They could always be called in to restore order once political achievements could be shown to the people. But success never came, and Israel gradually escalated.

For Arafat, the price of restoring order in the streets increased: the more he gambled, the more he lost; the more he lost, the more he had to gamble. As the dream of Greater Palestine returned, a truncated but tangible state of Palestine faded away. The dream was a potent - if elusive - rallying cry for action, and too hard to resist given what was on offer: a mini-state short of expectations irresponsibly fed for generations. For many Palestinians, it was easier to hold on to their distorted self-image of "victims of victims" and bask in the glory of revolution rather than dirty their hands in the muddy waters of state building and take responsibility for their destiny.

Arafat believed that fire, not diplomacy, would restore Palestinian national pride and in the process deliver a state, a people and independence. Instead, that same fire is quickly devouring Palestine. Palestinians are victims: of their own irresponsible leaders and their inability to choose what is possible over what is desirable.

After 29 months of human bombs and harsh military responses, most Israelis understand that there is no military solution to this conflict. By contrast, many Palestinians are still convinced that their struggle against Israel will deliver them what negotiations could not. They are wrong. The time has come to lay down their weapons and understand that their war has been futile and tragic. Only a return to negotiations based on pragmatism will deliver the Palestinians from their ordeal.

Meanwhile, Israelis feel that peace will remain elusive for this generation - and perhaps the next as well: many are willing to leave the Palestinians to their own devices. Unilateralism will not be a substitute for peace, but at present most Israelis prefer it to the current stalemate. It is up to the Palestinian leadership to end violence and return to negotiations before it is too late.

Unless this happens, after the elections, Israel will move to unilaterally withdraw. Partition will happen, but on Israel's terms alone: the line of demarcation will look less like European borders, and more like a mixture of the Line of Control, the DMZ and the Great Wall of China. The Palestinians will be the losers: unless they acknowledge the futility of armed struggle, history will once more leave them behind.



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PHD from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem e

20.12.2002 12:40

He done learnt well from Israel, that boy!

An extremely biased view of the Oslo process.

And he misunderstands the concept of "negotiations" completely, Palestinians as the weaker party have no hope of a "fair" settlement in talks with the BUSHARON regime.


Stop the War

20.12.2002 13:34

The Guardian is probably trying to even things out with some pro Israel pieces. However it can't be denied that the Intifada war is a complete disaster for both the Palestinians and Israeli's - and if the armed groups dont stop targetting civilians and return to negotiations soon, the Israeli presence on the West Bank will grow bigger, stronger and more permanent.

useless blob

The occupation is costing a bomb!

20.12.2002 15:32

What hope do you think that the Palestinians have of a "fair" settlement at the negotiating table?

Last time, they got screwed, and when even Arafat could no longer say yes, the Israelis screamed about how they offered the Palestinians "everything", and all they want is to be under curfew and occupation being treated like dogs by the Israelis.

Is it likely to be any different this time? If so, why?


Why don´t they say "yes"?

20.12.2002 15:56

In fact the palestinians has been offered several, very generous, "deals" since 1948. Every proposal made by the Israels (sometimes with the assistance by mettlers has been rejected though. Why? The problem is that it´s far easier to maintain the leadership of the palestinian people by rejecting rather than accepting proposals which contain both sides acknowledgement of the other people´s right to exist in the area. This will be the case as long as vast numbers of palestinians (NOT every palestinian) deny that the state of Israel has a right to exist. Any palestinian leader who agreed to some kind of solution consisting in ensuring the jews the access to land that a lot of palestinians view as THEIRS will face severe internal problems of legitimacy.
This is not to say that Israel has always been the one part displaying committment to "fair play" and honesty in every single action.


Christ, not again...

20.12.2002 18:07

Joe on Oslo:

"Though perhaps unable to meet all Palestinian expectations, Israel offered all it could give, and then some more. Violence was the answer Israel received."


NO compromise on Jerusalem,
NO right of return for displaced refugees,
NO collapse of illegal settlements,
NO redistribution of Israeli monopolised water,
NO return to pre-67 borders.

Arafat signed Oslo, thereby signing away virtually everything in the name of peace.Israel then reneged on Oslo. Arafat's been lambasted by the Palestinians for this and for the arrests, imprisonments and assassinations of numerous Palestinian militants and dissidents. The general view amongst the Palestinians I've lived and worked with is that he's sold his own people down the river in order to maintain power for himself.

As to the benevolence of Israel, long-suffering champion of peace..

How many more bloody times?



21.12.2002 04:42

By, whatever you are, check facts straight!
Israel want to kick out all Palestinians if it can, Israel has a very bad image to the world, so it is forced to restrain the killings of Palestinians, but with the excuse of terrorism it may killed enough people each day without people became aware of it.
Israel do not want peace they want get rid of all Palestinians if that is possible. Now you understand why Palestinians do not want Israel to exist. Zionism is a failure of human identity, they are nazists and they know it!


Palestine will be free

23.12.2002 03:42

The intifada has NOT failed as it has highlighted to the world the bravery and courage of the Palestinian people, who have survived against the zionist goal of genocide of of its rightful inhabitants for over 55 years.

The Palestinians with mere rocks, and their own bodies as weapons, remain steadfast in their struggle to free the holy land. It has been cruelly taken away from them temporarily, perhaps as a test from God, by a racist ideology called zionism, whose followers claim that this holy land is theirs as they are the "chosen" race. Who's chosen race? The zionists have destroyed both churches and mosques and generally showing utter contempt to that which belongs to God. And what has this illegitimate state brought to the world? What can its loyal zionist followers be proud of it for? NOTHING. It is the worlds leader in human trafficing, money laundering and terror training, bringing death and destruction to people allover the world.

We have seen the pictures of the Palestinian children who have used mere rocks to fight againt the "israeli" tanks,
the wickedness and savagery of "israel" has been exposed for all to see. No longer can the media twist and distort the truth. The recent cold blooded murder of Ian Hook, the head of UNRWA in Palestine, is yet another example of this hideous crimes of this illegitimate state.

When arafat signed the olso peace occords the Palestinians gained nothing. Arafat accepted the zionist dream of taking over 100% of Palestinian Land, putting him as dicatator of the worlds most densely populated strip of land, called gaza, for a probation period. The zionists in return did not even acknowledge that Palestinians exist, and claim that all Palestine belongs to "israel". However Arafat when he signed the accord, did not speak for Palestine or its people. Once "israel" is dismantled, as it surely will be, Palestine will be reborn and will be a model country for all the world to see.

Palestine always existed and always will exist, and Palestinians, who are of all faiths and who have been part of this land for 3000 years, will one day live in peace, free from zionist terror. May the international Palestinian solidarity movement keep growing from strength to strength.
