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What is christmas about?

Redkop | 19.12.2002 09:42

Can anyone inform me what christmas is all about.Are we celebrating the fast approaching slaughter and genocide of Iraq.

Just what are we supposed to be celabrating next week.All i see when walking around my local town are people addicted to chemical and consumer induced pseudo euphoria.At any other time of year they all appear moronic and docile.Do i miss the point of all that is going on around me? Iappear to be the only person concerned with the fast approaching genocide of the poor people of Iraq.I recently noticed a poster in a shop window proclaiming peace on earh and goodwill towards all men is this meant as soom sick sarcastic joke.Can someone please inform me of how this poster squares with killing and maiming poor defensless people.I fail to understand the relivence of this thing people refer to as christmas can anyone enlighten me of what is going on.



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19.12.2002 09:54

Totally agree...
I also find it sickening that people sit round their table stuffing turkey or whatever into their fat chops and don't even spare a thought for the millions of starving people around the world. And we are supposed to be civilised. Humbug.


njoy xmas!

19.12.2002 10:40

aww i hate these middle class liberals..why should we working class people who have saved up for months to have just one day to enjoy themselves be put off by jet setting middle class types who care more about Africa then workers heree?


middle class liberals!!!!!!!!?????

19.12.2002 11:24

What as middle class or Liberal to do with my original question? Just for the record i am neither middle class or Liberal, but working class and disabled.I simply asked the question what is this thing called christmas?Look at the misery all over this planet i fail to see the relivence of this xmas thing.Can someone please try and explain what the celebration is all about, i await any serious answer to my original question.
