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Hugh Bayley MP Loses College Debate

YATW | 17.12.2002 10:45

A debate at York College between York Against the War member, and first year York Uni student, Greg and Local MP Hugh Bayley saw 95 people attend and resoundingly vote against attacking Iraq.

The debate originally titled 'Should we go to war against Iraq?' was changed by Hugh's request to something like 'Should we use force to make Iraq comply?'. Of the 95 attending 19 voted in favour of Hugh, the rest supporting Greg. Hugh refused a request to film the debate.

At the event lots of tickets for the London demo were sold and 35 people joined York Against the War.

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18.12.2002 16:02

I think it's interesting that Hugh wanted to change the title to "... use force...".
It's kind of comical. It's like he's saying "we can't say "go to war" that's far too honest and direct. We need a eupephemism like "use force" instead" (!)

Chris Moyles