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Police provocateurs Copenhagen 2002

Kommunistisk Politik/Netavisen | 17.12.2002 01:03

Police provocateurs Copenhagen 2002
For months the police and intelligence agencies have claimed that Copenhagen would be a battlefield of raging violence during the EU-summit. If there is violence, they will tell: We predicted it. If there is none, they'll say: We prevented it. The following photos tell another story.

Police provocateurs Copenhagen 2002
Police provocateurs Copenhagen 2002

Police provocateurs Copenhagen 2002

For months the police and intelkligence agencies have claimed that Copenhagen would be a battlefield of raging violence during the EU-summit December 12th-14th. The demonstrations - with the major ones Saturday December 14th - totalling around 20.000 persons were focusing on the political issues and disciplined - and no violence, exept for what was created by the police themselves by provocations. More than 6000 policemen including a number of under cover agents, propped up as anarchist demonstrators, who acted as infiltrators and provocateurs, held Copenhagen in a tight grip.

The police cannot avoid winning: If there is violence, they will tell: We predicted it. If there is none, they'll say: We prevented it.

The following photos tell another story. They are from the International Demonstration Saturday December 14th, where more than 10000 participated.

You'll find the whole story in English and more photographs here

Danish version:

Kommunistisk Politik/Netavisen
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Look for the shoes

17.12.2002 12:52

My Mom always said, you can usually tell where someone's from by their shoes. As a rule of thumb, cops wear expensive loafers, or in this case riot issue boots.


They don't look like anarchists at all

17.12.2002 16:42

Ha! they don't look like anarchists at all or protesters - look at the faces too.

Another observer

but that is not the point...

18.12.2002 10:29

As long as they look like anarchists to the media, their job is done! If they start a fight, or even just raise the tension, the media will presume they are protestors and even if the crowd have decided their best tactics are to remain calm and peaceful in front of the riot police, these thugs could turn that around very quickly.
