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A fault worthy of attention

dh | 13.12.2002 23:54

If a contributor can fix it, pray tell how
No story to tell yet, seemingly replaced by
's article doesn't display: At the time when the story was uploaded,or a comment to it was posted, the load on Indymedia was extremely high, and a script has automatically shut our database down to prevent further damage. As a consequence, this story has not been read from the database properly.'

Appears to block access to not only the story or comment - stories which have appeared online have disappeared presumably as a result of comment/modification - and this can carry on all down the headlines, but also appears to block access to the Newswire and to the Hidden pages - and could also appear to be operating on less straight news stories and could so be construed as censorship.
Time to do something about this fault, if Indy is to stay truly open



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just a thought

14.12.2002 00:39

those affected by it could just repost their stories, and any commentators would just dovetail in


Grow up - dh

14.12.2002 23:18

Bored with your aggitation go to another site and moan there must be lots of nutty sites on the interent for you to maon at - if you don't like this one so much sod off .
