EU Summit Update: Protests, ISP Raids, Arrests
imcista | 13.12.2002 16:57
UPDATE - the cops who raided the ISP this morning took away log files for a couple of sites including +/+ Several sites including ulydighed and summitinfo are still OFFLINE, due to a major denial of service attack directed at them (summitinfo has a page mirror up at )

Friday 13th December 2002
Demonstration towards the Conferance center - no violent clashes
The demonstrations started at one of the sleep-over places for the demonstrators, the "asyl-center".
About 1000 demonstrators, mainly from Denmark, Germany, Italy, Sweden and Finland, moved towards the center, where the EU-heads hold their meeting. The demonstration both went under the label of non-violence and civil disobedience. A section of "white over-alls (see picture) paved the way through the first (plastic)-baricades and into the socalled "red zone". But when reaching the second police blockade, which consisted of 11 police vans, the march stopped around 80 m. in front of it, and the demonstrators chose to read out why they protested the undemocratic EU, before they turned back towards the alternatvie city Christiania.
Latest messages:
From Summitinfo: According to The feminist group KRAN has occupied Illums (High society shopping mall)
From Summitinfo: According to a group of Italians has occupied a FIAT dealer in cph. protesting against the closedown of FIAT factories in Italy.
From Summitinfo: Press Release GR: A group of activists has peacefuly blocked Daniscos main office, protesting against exploitation of 3rd world contries
From Summitinfo: Press Release GR: a spontaneous demo is moving from langebro towards Vesterbro.
From Summitinfo: Torch Demo against racism and fortress Europe, at 17:00 from Enghave Plads to Rådhuspladsen.
From Summitinfo: GR massaction is now walking back to Christiania after being at BellaCentret where they were stopped by police, no confrontations
From summitinfo: According to the GR actionday meeting at Christiania is delayed until mass action is over
From summitinfo: Press Release GR: 2500 participating right now in mass action in front of SAS-Radison hotel
From summitinfo UPDATE: To make it absolutely clear:
It is the FRIM that hosts the homepage of, GR and that are searched by the police.
From Summitinfo: Democracy for the Basque Country,
Protest at the Spanish Embassy Vesterbrogade 10, 17:30. Protesters will join the big demo when it passes.
From Summitinfo: According to 50 policemen are searching the premises of the internet host of GR, and
Italian spokespersons of the Disobedience-movement arrested
During the last night, about 5 people where arrested at Nørrebrogade, and later on another 3 Italians were arrested at Christianshavns Torv. (source
Among the arrested are Massimiliano Gallob, Michele Valentini, Riccardo Varotto, Paolo Do, Enrico Casagrande and Luca Casarini.
Luca Casarini functioned as a spokesperson during and after the protests at the G8-meeting in Genoa 2001.
Pil Christensen (Global Roots) says - It is hardly coincidental that the police – out of a large group of people – chooses to arrest exactly those who have represented the movement in public and are known faces in Italy and internationally. We urge the police to respect the constitutional right of speech and to stop their one-sided escalation.
TV Stop reports, that two of the arrested were from the Italian radiostation, Global-Radio.
This morning, the suspects had not been released yet.
Today in ten Italian cities there will be actions and demonstrations at the Danish embassy and Danish consulates between 2 and 4 pm.
Other than the Italians and and some Danish people, also activists form Sweden (6 Swedes according to and France have been arrested on other occasions.
Other than 28 arrests made altogether, the confrontations between the police and activists has been peaceful though, with only one policeman hurt - when falling from his motorbike while escorting.
Danish police searching premisses of web provider of major alternative news groups
50 officers of the Danish police have been searching the premisses of the web-provider Catpipe on the morning of the 13th of december. Catpipe is responsible for hosting several leftist/alternative sites such as and the Danish global roots web page. They are reported to make copies of the pages, and is an alternative newssite covering the events in Copenhagen. The press center of the police can't say anything about it at this time. Indymedia in Denmark has its pages on the same server as Indymedia Norway, which is placed outside Denmark.
update: The police commisioner Henrik Møller Jakobsen from Copenhagen Police's Press Center doesn't now anything about search, and can therefor not say anything about it.
An employed at Catpipe has the police there though said, that the search follows a complaint from the Danish foreign minestry concerning a a call for a "netblockade" by the activist group global roots.
Global Indymedia Intro Feature:
English: Copenhagen - no borders in our Europe - press release
Postato il Venerdì, 13 dicembre @ 13:01:23 EST di claudio
At 3 o’clock at night police stopped around 20 disobedients who came to Copenhagen via the zapatist caravan,
by LOTEK Friday December 13, 2002 at 01:17 AM
Police question large amounts of activist-looking people in copenhagen.
High security on borders
by lotek 1:35am Fri Dec 13 '02
Demonstrations and actions:EU-summit copenhagen
An english summary of demonstrattions and actions during the EU-summit in copenhagen
For More See English language reporting at: (mirror site)
Demonstration towards the Conferance center - no violent clashes
The demonstrations started at one of the sleep-over places for the demonstrators, the "asyl-center".
About 1000 demonstrators, mainly from Denmark, Germany, Italy, Sweden and Finland, moved towards the center, where the EU-heads hold their meeting. The demonstration both went under the label of non-violence and civil disobedience. A section of "white over-alls (see picture) paved the way through the first (plastic)-baricades and into the socalled "red zone". But when reaching the second police blockade, which consisted of 11 police vans, the march stopped around 80 m. in front of it, and the demonstrators chose to read out why they protested the undemocratic EU, before they turned back towards the alternatvie city Christiania.
Latest messages:
From Summitinfo: According to The feminist group KRAN has occupied Illums (High society shopping mall)
From Summitinfo: According to a group of Italians has occupied a FIAT dealer in cph. protesting against the closedown of FIAT factories in Italy.
From Summitinfo: Press Release GR: A group of activists has peacefuly blocked Daniscos main office, protesting against exploitation of 3rd world contries
From Summitinfo: Press Release GR: a spontaneous demo is moving from langebro towards Vesterbro.
From Summitinfo: Torch Demo against racism and fortress Europe, at 17:00 from Enghave Plads to Rådhuspladsen.
From Summitinfo: GR massaction is now walking back to Christiania after being at BellaCentret where they were stopped by police, no confrontations
From summitinfo: According to the GR actionday meeting at Christiania is delayed until mass action is over
From summitinfo: Press Release GR: 2500 participating right now in mass action in front of SAS-Radison hotel
From summitinfo UPDATE: To make it absolutely clear:
It is the FRIM that hosts the homepage of, GR and that are searched by the police.
From Summitinfo: Democracy for the Basque Country,
Protest at the Spanish Embassy Vesterbrogade 10, 17:30. Protesters will join the big demo when it passes.
From Summitinfo: According to 50 policemen are searching the premises of the internet host of GR, and
Italian spokespersons of the Disobedience-movement arrested
During the last night, about 5 people where arrested at Nørrebrogade, and later on another 3 Italians were arrested at Christianshavns Torv. (source
Among the arrested are Massimiliano Gallob, Michele Valentini, Riccardo Varotto, Paolo Do, Enrico Casagrande and Luca Casarini.
Luca Casarini functioned as a spokesperson during and after the protests at the G8-meeting in Genoa 2001.
Pil Christensen (Global Roots) says - It is hardly coincidental that the police – out of a large group of people – chooses to arrest exactly those who have represented the movement in public and are known faces in Italy and internationally. We urge the police to respect the constitutional right of speech and to stop their one-sided escalation.
TV Stop reports, that two of the arrested were from the Italian radiostation, Global-Radio.
This morning, the suspects had not been released yet.
Today in ten Italian cities there will be actions and demonstrations at the Danish embassy and Danish consulates between 2 and 4 pm.
Other than the Italians and and some Danish people, also activists form Sweden (6 Swedes according to and France have been arrested on other occasions.
Other than 28 arrests made altogether, the confrontations between the police and activists has been peaceful though, with only one policeman hurt - when falling from his motorbike while escorting.
Danish police searching premisses of web provider of major alternative news groups
50 officers of the Danish police have been searching the premisses of the web-provider Catpipe on the morning of the 13th of december. Catpipe is responsible for hosting several leftist/alternative sites such as and the Danish global roots web page. They are reported to make copies of the pages, and is an alternative newssite covering the events in Copenhagen. The press center of the police can't say anything about it at this time. Indymedia in Denmark has its pages on the same server as Indymedia Norway, which is placed outside Denmark.
update: The police commisioner Henrik Møller Jakobsen from Copenhagen Police's Press Center doesn't now anything about search, and can therefor not say anything about it.
An employed at Catpipe has the police there though said, that the search follows a complaint from the Danish foreign minestry concerning a a call for a "netblockade" by the activist group global roots.
Global Indymedia Intro Feature:

English: Copenhagen - no borders in our Europe - press release
Postato il Venerdì, 13 dicembre @ 13:01:23 EST di claudio
At 3 o’clock at night police stopped around 20 disobedients who came to Copenhagen via the zapatist caravan,

by LOTEK Friday December 13, 2002 at 01:17 AM
Police question large amounts of activist-looking people in copenhagen.

High security on borders
by lotek 1:35am Fri Dec 13 '02

Demonstrations and actions:EU-summit copenhagen
An english summary of demonstrattions and actions during the EU-summit in copenhagen

For More See English language reporting at:
