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Who Killed Holly and Jessica?

Holmes | 12.12.2002 11:08

Why has the crime which shocked the nation been swept under the carpet and all but forgotten?

Why are the media no longer interested?

Why have the suspects not been given bail?

When is the trial?

Where is the evidence against them?

The corpses were but a week old, the killer’s DNA would have been present.

Is Huntley being drugged?

Why has he never made a statement through a lawyer?

Are they keeping Carr in Holloway to compromise him?

Why were internet perverts assigned to this case?

Is it because the whole police force are paedophiles, so there was no other choice?

Why was there no outrage at a child-pornographer acting as liaison officer?

Why were the bodies dumped at an RAF base?

Time for a public inquiry?

Why is no-one else asking these questions?

Who killed Holly and Jessica?



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Holly & Jessica

12.12.2002 12:58

Without proof of the cause of death it is difficult to see how a charge of murder will be proved.
My pet theory - drug overdoses. Sorry if this detracts from the 'two little angels murdered' theory Then bodies removed.
Police desperate to find evidence of
1. Causes of death
2. Then, what links Ian Huntley to such causes.


Holly & Jessica

12.12.2002 12:59

Without proof of the cause of death it is difficult to see how a charge of murder will be proved.
My pet theory - drug overdoses. Sorry if this detracts from the 'two little angels murdered' theory Then bodies removed.
Police desperate to find evidence of
1. Causes of death
2. Then, what links Ian Huntley to such causes.


agree absolutely

12.12.2002 13:02

your questions are pertinent. i think we're in a new age of hysteria, when certain folk-demons become literal scapegoats for greater threats, either real and imagined. its clear the entire establishment is in serious crisis, from the humble servants to the highest office; church, cabinet, crown, police, are all looking decidedly shaky now. comparisons can be made: weimar republic ? court of tzar nicolas and rasputin ? something is wrong, and its later than we think.

agree absolutely

Bunch of piss poor questions

12.12.2002 14:57

We all know that police can fit people up for crimes, especially high profile ones, where they are under intense media pressure. Guildford 4, Birmingham 6, Bridgwater 3, etc.

But this is just a bunch of rather pathetic questions that doesn't tell us anything. Such as:

Why are the media no longer interested?
-cos they've got a short attention span and anyway nothing is happening at the moment.

Why have the suspects not been given bail?
- a lot of murder suspects don't get bail, and there would be a massive media outcry if they did

Why has he never made a statement through a lawyer?
- maybe he's been advised not to make a comment

Why were internet perverts assigned to this case?
- they were only found to be perverts AFTER Huntley was arrested

Why were the bodies dumped at an RAF base?
- cos that is where the killer left them!!!!!

Why is no-one else asking these questions?
- cos they're crap questions

If you think there is a problem with Huntley being arrested then please give us some more information, rather than this lame attempt to concoct a conspiracy.

Miss Point

Holly and Jessica - drugs?

02.12.2003 03:42

Although your questions are generally valid, I dispute the follow up that somehow Holly and Jessica od'd. That is a fairly ridiculous theory, seeing as the girls were under ten! And don't accuse me of naivety! How many kids of that age are serious drug users? Even soft drug use is rare among kids of that age (and how many can afford it!). Even if you are suggesting that Huntley drugged them it appears an unlikely theory. The media would LOVE to publish a scandal like that. We would have heard about it.

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