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Fairford background

dissenter | 12.12.2002 00:13

Just something lifted from, which appears to be a pro-US military-type site. This is what's in the public eye, but I'm sure other weapons of mass destruction are lurking there. The Saturday demo seems to be snowballing. Wish I could be there, but I have babysitting duties.

RAF Fairford, UK

RAF Fairford was constructed in 1944 to accommodate British and American troop carriers and gliders that would be used during the D-Day invasion of Normandy. After the war, the base experienced many transitions until 1950 when it was transferred to the U.S. Air Force for strategic bomber operations. Work commenced immediately to construct a 10,000-foot runway, which is today, the longest in the United Kingdom.

The runway and hardstands were completed in 1953 in time to receive the first Convair B-36 "Peacemaker" aircraft from Carswell AFB, Texas. On the heals of the B-36s came B-47s which were maintained in an armed and ready to deploy status because of the then increasing vulnerability from Soviet Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles.

After years of more transition, Fairford was chosen in 1969 as the British Flight Test Center for the Concorde. Concordes used the airfield until 1978. In 1979, the U.S. Air Force returned with a squadron of KC-135 Stratotankers which wound playing a major role in supporting the attack on Libya in 1986. KC-135s were withdrawn in 1990 and the base was reduced to a standby status.

The next claim to fame came when the base, again because of its runway, was designated as a trans-Atlantic abort landing site for the Space Shuttle.

Because of its strategic location and infrastructure, Fairford is now designated as a forward operating location for the U.S. bomber fleet. Eight B-52s from the 2nd Bomb Wing, Barksdale AFB, La., and almost 300 people representing 18 different U.S. air bases, deployed in mid-February 1999 to support potential NATO operations in Kosovo.

In the early years of the Cold War the British and American governments reached an agreement under which elements of the USAF Strategic Air Command (SAC) would be based in the UK. Bases had already been established in East Anglia -- at RAF Mildenhall and RAF Lakenheath -- but they were considered to be too vulnerable to bomber attack and airfields further behind the RAF fighter defences were sought. Four RAF airfields were selected to receive SAC units -- RAF Brize Norton, RAF Fairford, RAF Greenham Common and RAF Upper Heyford. In 1948 the Americans occupied RAF stations including Fairford, Brize Norton, Burtonwood Greenham Common, Mildenhall, Lakenheath and Woodbridge to build up a deterrent in Europe against the Soviets.

Ostensibly an RAF station located near Cirencester, Glocestershire, this is one of the Airfields currently used by the United States Air Forces in Europe. RAF Fairford is approximately 60 miles from RAF Croughton and 54 miles from Bristol. Tankers from SAC, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve units rotate to RAF Fairford and conduct air-refueling operations in Europe under the European Tanker Task Force.

The population of the British base expanded three-fold in two months because of the influx of people supporting NATO's Operation Allied Force in early 1999. Troops deployed to the 2nd Air Expeditionary Group, validating the Air Force's bomber concept of operations. Forward deploying bombers is one of the initiatives identified by the Long Range Airpower Panel and included in the long-range plan for the entire bomber fleet. RAF Fairford's host unit is the 424th Air Base Squadron. The initial deployment of seven B-52s with aircrew and over 300 support personnel later grew to 13 B-52s, 5 B-1s and 5 KC-135s with over 1100 personnel.

The beddown of the additional 800 personnel from Ellsworth and Mountain Home was accomplished by resorting to the use of barrack type dorms, formerly closed dorms, and a newly erected porta cabin site with room for up to 450 persons. This was called Boom Town. This housed approximately 85 individuals. Rooms were large, open-bay style with approximately 8 people per room. Individuals were sleeping on cots. The rooms had no phones, television, refrigerators or microwaves. Bathing and restroom facilities were located in separate portable trailers anywhere from 10 to 75 yards from any individual port-a-cabin.

Certain service members, mostly of the lower pay grades, were moved 3-4 times during the deployment. Unfortunately this was always from one level of quarters to a lesser level of quarters. Many personnel were unsure why there was US involvement in this war in Kosovo. Numerous complaints were heard, sometimes bitter, as to the legitimacy of the use of NATO forces in this war, the specific US national interests, and specifically who were the "good guys" and "bad guys" during this conflict.

The first wave of airstrikes began on 24 Mar 99 and consisted of deployed B-52s flying CALCM missions. A total of 148 missions were flown by B-52s and a total of 350 plus sorties were flown throughout the operation. B-52Hs were at Fairford carrying out the initial strike of the war with ALCMS. Within nine days of hostilities, a tasking order was issued to the 28th Bomb Wing for deployment of B-1Bs. B-1Bs were launched in hostility within 24 hours of arriving at Fairford.

Fairford is undergoing a (pounds sterling)60m (US$90m) upgrading of its runway and fuel bunkers in the largest single military construction project within a NATO country since the end of the cold war. The US is planning to use Britain as a base for long- range stealth bombers. The Pentagon has chosen Fairford in Gloucestershire, western England as a possible base for the bombers when they were needed to be deployed forward. Alternatives, such as Moron and Zaragoza in Spain, could face local opposition.

The Royal International Air Tattoo 2000, held at Royal Air Force Cottesmore, Rutland, England, 22-23 July 2000. The Tattoo was forced to find a new temporary venue because of extensive runway resurfacing work at RAF Fairford. RAF Cottesmore, one of the Royal Air Force’s frontline bases, is home to two squadrons of Harrier GR7s, serving as part of the British Joint Force 2000. Runway resurfacing work at RIAT’s traditional home, RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire, was not due for completion until late spring 2002.



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Up to date Fairford info

12.12.2002 12:18

Wilts & Glos Standard - the Fairford area local newspaper - reports on Nov 7th.

"Deadly B-2 Stealth bombers... are to be housed at RAF Fairford.

The US Air Force is building five shelters to store the futuristic B-2s at the base, at a cost of more than £6.6 million"

The B-2 is the world's most advanced bomber and is capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear weapons."

"The shelters are needed to maintain a stable environment to store the planes."

These are quick build shelters and are likely in place by now. Similar shelters have been deployed to Diego Garcia. The B-2 has a special skin which reduces radar footprint. This is very delicate - hence the need for storage in a controlled tempurature and humidity environment.

The recent upgrading of Fairford, mentioned above, added much needed servicing capability to the base. The B-2, rated as being as effective 20 'normal' bombers, needs 16 hours maintenance for every hour flight time. It thus needs a lot of specialised mechanics and equipment.

Although it could fly direct to Iraq from the US - with in air refueling - it is much cheaper to fly from Fairford and turn around time is faster allowing more missions to be flown.

The B-2's are not at Fairford yet - but we expect them within the next month.

If we can stop the B-2s coming to Fairford we have achieved a significant degredation of the US war machine. If local protest can deter construction of B-2 bases in Spain then we've got to try and deter their deployment here.

For more information see Gloucestershire Weapons Inspectors site -

Dave Cockcroft
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13.12.2002 05:42


THIS DEMO HAS BEEN CALLED IN RESPONSE TO THE USE OF RAF FAIRFORD BY U.S STEALTH BOMBERS, which will be used to Carpet Bomb Iraqi Cities. The Pentagon chose to locate nuclear & stealth bombers at Fairford because alternative locations in Spain were feared to face too much local opposition. LET'S SHOW THEM .......


These areas have confirmed they'll be providing transport, but there's reports of people coming by car, & other means, from all over the country. Please also try the numbers below for info (especially for London), & check the Groups page of the National Coalition website for areas near to you which might be going.

Tel: 07951 235 915 or 020 7053 2155/6
Groups page:


1) DIRECTIONS: Fairford is 10 miles north of Swindon & 20 miles west of Oxford. Fairford is on the A417 going east to west. Or along the A361 going north to south, turning onto the A417 at Lechlade village. USAF Fairford is 20 minutes walk from Fairford Village, along Horcott Rd. You should be able to park on PARK ST. Meet on HIGH STREET @ 12.00noon for march to the Base.

* BATH transport: Phone Mike on 01225 471548 for details.

* BRIGHTON coaches: Leaves 8.30am from St Peters Church, £6. 01273 298192

* BRISTOL coaches: To reserve a ticket email:
OR: Greenleaf Books. 82 Colston St. BS1 5BB
(Top Of Christmas Steps. City Centre)
(Behind the Watershed Complex. City Centre)

* MANCHESTER transport: Leaves the Union Building & Fallowfield @ 8.30am, Saturday 14th December. Returns approx. 7-8pm same day. £15 waged/£10 unwaged.
Contact:, or 07960 890 758 to book.

* OXFORD Coaches: 11am Coach to Fairford leaves St Giles. 5 pounds waged, 3.50 pounds concessions. Tickets from Quaker Centre, 43 St Giles; Inner Bookshop; Jean 01865 771046 or Nuala 018645 749459


* SWINDON coaches: Leaves 11:00 outside Swindon College, Regent Circus. email:
Circus, £6/£3

a) Arrive at Fairford Village by 12:00noon. Drop off & Pick up at PARK ST. It should be possible for Coaches to wait in Park St.
b) Congregate along the HIGH ST. (at the bottom of Park St.) for the march to the Main Gate on HORCOTT RD. (20 minute march)
c) 12:30-1:00pm. The Gloucestershire Weapons Inspectors will request entry to the base.
d) After the expected refusal, there will be open mic speakers (using megaphones) for as long as people wish to speak.
e) During this time people will be encouraged to line the road, & explore the public pathways, so as to 'circle' the Base.
f) 3:30. Demonstration ends. People are requested to return to the Village before dark, & by 4:00.

mail e-mail: D.A DAY
- Homepage:

Whose country is this?

07.03.2003 13:41

I spent many years in the Royal Navy working for NATO and was disgusted when RAF Fairford was used for a pre-emptive strike on Kosovo. Now it appears that it is to be used for an illegal and immoral attack on Iraq.

Bush is the world's biggest threat to world peace and he should not be allowed to bomb from British soil.

Philip Greig
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Role of RAF Fairford

14.04.2003 22:11

We are delighted to have RAF Fairford on our doorstep and are proud of the role it plays in World Peace. We are not so delighted to have thousands of do gooders who have forgotten the millions of servicemen who gave their lives in order in order that they have the right to protest. As someone who has served 39 years in the armed services, I am dismayed that the 'peace protesters' have nothing better to do with their time than cause wanton destruction and tie up hundreds of the police force who could be employed doing their primary task. Thank God you lot were not around in the 1930s or we would all be under tyranical leadership.

John Calver