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peter | 10.12.2002 21:59

This is a response to comments made by Jack Sludd regarding my personal doubts about the so-called Israel-Kenya connection.

Dear Whacko Jacko,

Thank you so much for recommending the link to 'Steven Seymour' - which reminds me; are you, Steven Seymour, and Joe Vialls actually one-in-the-same person, or just some kind of backdoor blogging buddies - because the three of you seem to be secreting and recycling the same tainted spurts of disinformation over and over again?

As far as the 'Mossad-Mombasa' connection - I'm afraid Mr. Vialls' argument had more holes in it than a security fence on an Israeli settlement.

But intrigued by your promise of a "wealth of info available for those who actively (which is spelled with an 'e' by the way), seek it" - I searched the web for more coherent evidence regarding the 'Mossad-Mombasa’ plot. I did, in fact, find 5-6 sites that promised exciting new revelations - but to my bitter disappointment they all featured exactly the same article by Mr. Vialls that had already so thoroughly under-whelmed me. In other words Whacko; nobody else is writing or theorising about 'Kenya-Gate' because nobody else even remotely considers it a viable possibility. At least with 9/11, there are other conspiracy addicts out there who have put forth a variety of dubious scenarios. But sadly, on this one it appears you're not only alone, you're a loon.

And speaking of 'conspiracies'... After you accused me of inappropriately using the term, I decided to look it up, and here's the definition according to Webster’s:

1. A combination of men for an evil purpose; an agreement, between two or more persons, to commit a crime in concert, as treason; a plot.

With this in mind Whacko, I invite you to peruse the site of your good friend - or mentor, or alter ego - Mr. Vialls and see if you can detect a tiny similarity in the various conclusions he's reached after his sp-called ‘investigations. Here’s just a brief sampling:

CRIME: 9/11 Bombings CULPRIT: Israel
CRIME: Bali Bombings CULPRIT: Israel
CRIME: Pan Am Flight 103 CULPRIT Israel
CRIME: Shoe Bomber CULPRIT Israel
CRIME: The existence of Arafat CULPRIT Israel
CRIME: Death of Lady Diana (!) CULPRIT Israel
CRIME: Passover Massacre CULPRIT Israel

The list goes on and on, but I think the point is clear: if a Conspiracy is "a combination of men for an evil purpose, committing a crime in concert such as treason; a plot" then I think Mr. Vialls’ characterisation of Israel’s actions would certainly fit the bill. In fact, it would seem that there’s barely a single act of terrorism in the 20th and 21st centuries that we can’t somehow trace back to the manipulative hands of those evil Israelis. (To be honest, once I learned that in Vialls’ mind Arafat was an Israeli operative, ‘al-Qaeda’ was a fictitious CIA invention, and the ‘al Jazeera’ network was merely a mouthpiece for some unnamed anti-Muslim organisation, I knew that he had moved beyond journalistic investigation, and was now hovering somewhere between extreme paranoia and unintentional self-parody.

May I also just add that by choosing to headline his article on the Passover Massacre – in which 20 innocent Jewish men, women, and children were killed – as ‘The Passover Jewbilee’ (notice his spelling), suddenly revealed a rather unsavory streak lying beneath Mr. Vialls’ Israeli obsession.

In response to my comment, ‘al-Qaeda itself has proudly acknowledged their involvement in the above-mentioned atrocities’, you wrote: ‘Well what were they going to do, ask Mossad to do their publicity for them?’ I’m not quite sure if I get your point here – assuming there is one. Are you saying that although Mossad really committed the act, ‘al-Qaeda’ decided to take credit for it – because according to Mr. Vialls, ‘al-Qaeda’ doesn’t even exist? Please illuminate me on your logic here Whacko.

You also accused me of dismissing the Internet as 'a debased medium' but in rereading my post I found no such reference. I can only assume that this relates to my description of you and your blogging buddies as 'a crack team of groovy cyber-sleuths' - but I hardly see how this constitutes a full-frontal attack on the entire Internet. From extreme paranoia to self-parody….

A few other thoughts…

I noticed in an earlier post that you employed one of the most frequently used defenses and rallying cries for Islam: (To paraphrase) "Islam was an advanced civilisation at a time when the Western World didn’t even know how to wipe its ass’.

And so?

Michael Jackson used to be a credible pop musician – but now he’s got half a face and dangles babies over balconies. So should I still buy his new album?

Maybe the West couldn’t wipe its ass – but that’s why it went on to perfect modern plumbing. The point is, it progressed, which is something the Muslim world seems utterly incapable of.

The issue is not what the Islamic world was –but what the Islamic world is – and what it ‘is’, is a big under-achieving mess. All those people, all that free n' easy oil money, and yet what scientific, technological, socio-political or artistic advancements have they bestowed upon the world in past 100 years? 200 years? Please share with me all those memorable Islamic acts of altruism and charity (to non-Muslims), please enlighten me as to their contributions in the fight for freedom, justice and full human rights (meaning women as well), all around the globe – not just in Gaza?

Lastly, in two earlier posts you’ve made references to my ‘sky ghost’. Forgive my ignorance, but I’m afraid I don’t know what a ‘sky ghost’ is – although I must say it sounds like something Carlos Castaneda might have puked up after a bad peyote trip. In an effort to help me stop ‘looking behind the sofa’ and seek the truth, could you please enlighten me as to the meaning of ‘sky ghost’?

In the meantime,

Do yourself a favour and Wake up Whacko!




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truth will come out eventually

11.12.2002 00:16

How about the deliberate attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 by Israel in which dozens of americans were killed and hundreds injured? Will you then deny this too? If they could do such an act and get away with it, then bombing an almost empty hotel resulting in kenyan casualties is not beyong them.

Although the links to mombassa cannot be proved directly at the moment due to strict censorsip of the news media and investigations, one day don't be surprised when the truth does come out, either by a former mossad or from elsewhere..


Come on Don

11.12.2002 05:10

Come on Don,

Even if I went along with your Israel/USS Liberty claim (which in terms of urban myth status has surely become the Big Foot of the Zionist conspiracy set), your follow-up argument makes no sense:

A. Israel bombed the USS Liberty so that -
B. The Western World - especially the USA - would blame the Arabs .
C. This would naturally lead to increased support for Israel from the US and other Western nations.
D. Hence, Israel has now bombed a Kenyan holiday hotel owned and frequented by Israeli's so that
E. Israel can profit from increased moral, monetary, and military support from...Kenya?

If Israel and the CIA really wanted to carry out a terrorist act that would galvanize American and Western European support for their cause - do you really think they would have gone after a group of traditional African dancers in an Israeli owned, one-star hotel?

Do you really think Mossad sat down and said: "Hmmn, if we had to pick any spot in the world in which to fake an Islamic terrorist attack, which spot woud be most likey to upset and outrage the Western World and thus generate the maximum amount of animosity towards the Muslim world, and the maximum amount of sympathy for Israel?"

"Well that's obvious, isn't it: the ideal spot would be an Israeli owned hotel in Kenya!; that'll be sure to rally the entire Western world to our side.

Yes Ron, the truth will come eventually - and maybe it will include a big surprise for all of us; but in the meantime, is it really fair to denounce the victim as the most likely suspect.?

One last thing....

When you claim that it's difficult to know the truth about Mombasa due to 'strict censorship of the news media and investigations', what information are you actually basing this on?

Is this just a knee-jerk, anti-establishment assumption (i.e. 'The powers that be always hide the truth'), or do you really have concrete evidence that various government organisations have been censoring and covering-up the 'real' story?

If the latter is the case, it might be nice to share some of your sources with us. Other than the fact that the Kenyan authorities refused to hand over certain pieces of evidence to Israel, I'm unaware of any major obstructions in the investigation so far. Please enlighten us.

Yours in the pursuit of a Benneton-like universe,



link to USS Liberty article in Guardian

11.12.2002 08:20,3604,533578,00.html

By the way, I agree with Peter's doubts about the reliability of Joe Viall's articles, but shouldn't this column be reserved for news articles, rather than personal attacks?


See it in the wider context

11.12.2002 12:44

Two dream paradise holiday resorts get blasted, one aimed to instil fear in Australians, the other to make sure Israeli citizens know the daily fear will follow them to their holiday idyll. Remember the relaxation exercise 'Imagine your lying on a warm sandy beach, the gentle lashing of the waves, the swaying of the palm trees.....' BOOM -you're dead.
The message is - better stay at home and let Homeland Security or your local equivalent take care of things by creating the totalitarian state, sucker.

And yes, this was a disgraceful personal attack on a contributer by one eager to maintain the consensus


Nice try Peter ... but ...

11.12.2002 17:54

Dear sad Peter

You say that the mossad-mombassa connection has holes in it and yet you fail to point them out.

You accuse Viallis et al of recycling disinfomation and yet you fail to correct it.

As for logic - use it. Would a 'front company' allow the hidden hand to speak for it [al-qaeda/mossad/cia]? What would be the point of this? And I see you wisely avoided commenting on the well documented CIA involvement there.

'The muslim world' ... hmmm!
'The islamic world' ... hmm!
'What scientific, technological, socio-political or artistic advancements have they bestowed upon the world in past 100 years? 200 years?' ... hmm!

Surely you don't condemn 1billion+ people and whatever contribution -big or small- they have made, without the reason being: you are compromised by your own hatred and fear of that which is not like you [ and I presume here that both your sympathies for israel regardless of the outcome, and you intolerance of the muslim world stem from your religious affiliation - hence sky ghost; a reliance on imaterial, irrational, non-existant powers to obviate the need to take responsibility for your own state of mind and actions ... perhaps too cynical of me, after all, as the opiate of the people religion, probably helps dull the pain of a consciousness that lacks critical insight].

In other words - you have issues with xenophobia [racism].

So far, all you have done, apart from evoke personal invective [water off a ducks back etc] is to deny deny deny, without offering any insight, analysis or fact to back it up.

You have not explained the real inconsistancies in the evidence put forward in either mombassa, bali, 911 or the uss liberty outrages - because you can not explain them without suspending the laws of physics or the credibility of your audience!

Instead you fall back on the only weapon you have ... you attempt to smear, ridicule and divert attention with your smoke and mirror rhetoric. Well sad as it may seem to you, that does not cut much ice with people who can think for themselves, but please be my guest - have a go, it is much easier to spot you as a fool that way.

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