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No Fuel, No Fire! No Sanctions, No War!

jacksquat | 09.12.2002 14:36

Who's Driving This War?

No Fuel, No Fire! No Sanctions, No War!
No Fuel, No Fire! No Sanctions, No War!



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quit driving

09.12.2002 15:42

but some of us have to go to work. with no available public transport. and go out to buy food, etc.


Good point but..

09.12.2002 18:21

and the oil used by the plastics and other industries in manufacture, road haulage etc... eeee, I wish life was so simple.


Yes but they have a point...

09.12.2002 18:47

Yes but they have a point, our relience on fosil fuels is also a large factor in this war effort, it is not all the Americans fault. The whole of the west is using too much and we should cut down as well as call for an end to the slaughter to come.
