Voice | 09.12.2002 05:59
Humans, an invention of God.
To what purpose did humanity arise?
For what reasons may humanity fall?
And, if possible, how may humanity survive?
To what purpose did humanity arise?
For what reasons may humanity fall?
And, if possible, how may humanity survive?
The questions are hard to answer, and they have followed humanity throughout history. Are we made of a creator, are we chaos brought to order or are we fooled by Descartes mind-wrestling demon, aka the devil? Probably none of the above, and at the same time - all of the above. This is me conversating with with my spirit, demiurge or whatever you can call it when talking to yourself.
- Is there a god?
Hard to unveil God is, and for a reason - otherwise it's not God we are talking about.
- Can it all be chaos?
In theory, it seems that chaos is an acceptable explanation of the world. However, if one decides to fill the gaps in the chaos-theory, perfection lies beneath.
- And the devil, where does he fit?
Probably nowhere. Who is the devil? What kind of creature is the devil if a perfect being is to create a creature of pure evil? If manifested as a creature, the devil would be proof that God does not exist - since no being of pure good can create a creature of pure evil just to teach his other underlings a lesson. If however the devil do exist, he must have been created by God - thus, the devil is proof that God does exist. Either way, a manifested devil is Gods paradox - it is impossible. The devil does not exist.
- What about Satan in the Bible, then?
Humanity have already been fooled by Satan, just look at how we govern our planet. Satan is not real, however.
- We have been fooled by someone unreal?
Yes. We have been fooled by our belief in Satan, the devil, hell and all other bad things. Bad things simply does not exist, they must be manifested and since no being of God can do evil deeds, evil deeds must be a result of misunderstanding.
- So, our misconception of the world is actually the manifestation of the devil?
More or less, yes. The devil exists in each and every one of us, but not alone. The devil is a creation of the disbelievers, and the disbelievers are a creation of God. The disbelievers are made in the image of God, so they can give proof to the universe that even evil deeds are done with good intentions.
- Evil does not exist, then?
Evil is a matter of definition. Evil to whom?
- Isn't hurting someone else and act of evil?
If you knowingly hurt someone, you choose to do a deed that may be interpreted as evil. However, the one who actually does the deed must have a reason to do it that outweighs the evil deed. This reason may be a phony reason, but if the individual believes it to be real - the individual will act as if it were real. Thus, in the eyes of the do'er of evil, it would be even more evil not to do the act.
- So noone is actually evil, they just lack knowledge?
Yes, and no. Noone is evil - just think of it. Evil is an abstract definition rooted and explained by its own paradoxial existence.
- So we are all stupid, then?
No. We are actually very, very clever. We are actually so smart that we don't accept the world, even if every teacher, textbook, priest, newspaper and tv-channel offer us ways of interpreting it. Movies like The Matrix, Star Wars and Lord Of The Rings are indicators that we actually believe something grand to happen soon.
- What are to happen?
Maybe nothing. It's up to us.
- But if something is to happen, what then?
Either we choose to live in peace, or we choose not to. As of the current situation of the world, our acceptance of previous natural patterns as self-enhancing are bringing us toward hellraising. Our extreme search for our origin may be what saves us. Deep within the scientific principles lies the bits of evidence we were waiting for.
- So science is our saviour?
No, science has brought principles as to how to look at the world. These principles can be used in psychospace.
- Psychospace?
Your soul. Your inner self. Your feelings. Your total conceptional storage of every piece of information the world has ever brought you. Or should I say, your own personal way of looking at the world. The very reason that we wage war.
- Is psychospace a scientific term?
Don't know, but don't think so. Science, like religion, has misunderstood some basic principles and because of this, miracles have simply become paranormal events. Same reason for psychospace - many scientists consider research on the mind as blasphemy. Therefore, science has never been able to answer religious answers - until quite recently when some researchers have come out and said that maybe religion isn't that stupid after all.
- How does this psychospace work?
Impossible to say, but it may appear that this is the fourth dimension. Time is an abstract definition and can therefore not be regarded as a dimension. There are two ways to move, inwards and outwards.
- Inwards and outwards?
Yes. Remember that we have left the three dimensions of space and have reached the fourth dimension. This is a dimension that we think as an extra direction to our earlier three directions. This is wrong. If a two-dimensional entity could freely travel in three dimensions, this entity would be extremely powerful compared to other two-dimensional creatures. It could simply vanish and reappear at will. Fourth dimension, same rules - move at will.
- In other words, teleporting?
No, by no means. Something that may look like teleporting, perhaps.
- What, then?
A free mind with a free will - free to do what one desires.
- No rules?
Actually, no. No rules.
- So it's just wishfull thinking, then?
No. A true, free mind will always search its creators perfection. Since this perfection results in understanding and further knowledge, the free mind don't need rules.
- And if someone is to do something wrong, anyway?
Once a mind has truly freed itself, it can't be hurt.
- Why?
Seen Matrix? Remember what happened to Neo, and more figuratively to those against him?
- In other words...?
You will be granted with total power of wish if you live by the laws of God.
- I thought free minds didn't need laws?
Not like our laws. It's as simple as this: "all that feels good and none that feels bad, this is the feelings that decide what to do and what not to do". If you can question your reasons, do so - discover yourself, you might be amazed.
- In other words, I live by these laws at every moment, even if I don't recognise them?
- So, the only reason that I do errors, is the fact that my background material is erroneous?
It would seem so.
- Then why, if I'm so perfect, haven't I noticed this before?
You have. You have always wondered, but since noone has been able to answer, you have automatically assumed that "the meaning of life" is too great a task for one man, and especially yourself.
- And this goes for every individual on the planet?
Differen misconceptions and different degrees of the misconceptions. Otherwise, yes.
- Does this mean that we all run on automatic?
- And the free will?
At this point, it's a mere illusion.
- But I do make my own decisions, and my big mistakes are my proofs?
And within your proofs lies your answers. Your answers to why you made the mistakes in the first place.
- And if I can't figure out of my mistakes?
Then you have started climbing the wrong mountain. Find something that interrests you and eventually knowledge and understanding will grow in you. Suddenly one day, you may find the answer to your mistakes, and to other questions in your mind.
- Why are you telling me this if there is so much power related with this? Don't you want it yourself?
Yes, I want it. I simply urge it. But I can't have it. None of us can.
- Then why are you telling me?
Because there is a way.
- A way to have the power?
- Does this include God?
- But what if, just what if God does not exist?
That's not a problem.
- Why?
A God from the past, or a God created in the present would to the creatures inside God appear to be the same God. Wether God exists or not is of no concern. The effect will be the same.
- So there is a chance that God really does not exist?
Of course. Otherwise God wouldn't be perfect. However, God does exist - if only by definition. And because of that, God is actually real. God is defined as "what could have been, what has been, what could currently be, what currently is, what could become and what is actually to become". In scientific terms, this could be called timespace or the multiverse. If you are a muslim, you will see that this is the same definition as that of Allah. And if you read both the Bible and the Koran with no prejudices, you will see that they actually tell the same story. If you connect this story with science, you will see an even greater story, and still the same story. So, to answer the problem of the question, if God does not exist, that is not a problem. We still need to "invoke God". Wether God exists or not, our only way to transcend is to "invoke God" and thus increase our understanding and acceptance for each other.
- In other words, we are all correct?
Yes, and at the same time we are all wrong.
- This does not compute.
That's what paradoxes are good for. Explain the unexplainable - or science. A neverending quest for knowledge, based on the assumption that God will prevent us from misusing that knowledge. Scientists appear to be cold and robotic, but most of them have religious reasons for their scientic research. Many of them has firmer belief in God than many priests have.
- Still, why paradoxes?
Paradoxes are used to make perfect beings become imperfect, or for imperfect beings to become perfect. Thus, we are created in the image of God and still we are imperfect.
- Sounds like something of a strange thing to do if you are God?
Not if you are creating yourself.
- Huh?
Suppose that God is what science define as a singularity. If so, God is all and nothing at once. That means singularities exists, and that means we are singularities. A singularity has no beginning and no end, it has no borders and still borders exists. A singularity is infinity within finity. Thus, the paradox is actually "humans trying to understand God". We don't understand infinity, and by defining God, we limit Gods existence even if God by definition is infinite and limitless. We are the paradoxes.
- Come again?
The very fact that we try to understand a being whose parameters is not comprehendable is a paradox. Imperfection tries to understand perfection, but even if imperfection knows that the answer lies within, imperfection searches without.
- Within and without?
Within is you, without is everything except you. If 6 billion perfect beings were to believe that they were all imperfect, they would be imperfect. Either that, or they wouldn't believe themselves to be imperfect.
- I am feeling a pattern arising here.
Yes, it is. Every "absolute fact" you use to device your inner thought-construction of the world is only half of the truth, and sometimes even less. Every question may have at least to answers, and for every answer there may be two evenly correct questions. Everything has its counterpart, and this counterpart is emotionally equally charged. Thus, good will good repay and evil shall evil destroy.
- So, when someone does something bad, they do something good at the same time?
- But if you do something bad, you will still be punished?
One way or the other, yes.
- So, doing both good and bad is acceptable, but it will take you nowhere?
Maybe not acceptable, but survivable - and correct, it will take you nowhere.
- And doing only bad?
Is a total paradox and thus impossible. "Bad" and "evil" can only exist as a belief and as an interpretation of actions and events.
- And doing only good?
Is our ultimate quest.
- Huh?
Every religion, every piece of common sense, every rule ever created - all designed for one purpose: cooperation and peace towards the awakening.
- And still we fight?
Just like our prophets have foretold. Read the Bible, read the Koran, search the Internet, read papers, watch TV and you will see that our fight is the same - we just don't see it.
- Perfection trapped in imperfection?
That's one way to describe it.
- So God didn't create these scenarios, but we did?
Yes, God only told us about them, so that we would have hard evidence of him when enough knowledge has been accumulated.
- Why did God want to do that?
We are free spirits, face it. We live under the law of God, but we are free spirits. God can't hurt us, just like we can't hurt God. We can hurt eachother, and thus weaken God. God can hurt himself, and thus hurt us. We are protected by eachothers nature of existence. However, we do fight eachother, we do weaken God.
- In theory, would it be possible to kill God?
Impossible to say, but from our point of view in time and space, one must leave room for this option. Killing God would however mean the destruction of everything, and this is not possible to us - or so it seems. If seen by pure definition, God is absolute and infinite and thus not possible to kill. Even the absence of God comes under the definition of God.
- So killing each other is not just hurting ourselves, it hurts God as well?
Of course, it hurts ourselves, God and every non-human inhabitant of God. We are a selfish race, but our selfishness is based on misunderstandings.
- What can we do then?
We must acknowledge our very own individual as imperfect, and as a result this means accepting all previous mistakes as "mistakes of misconception".
- And this will do what?
It will open your mind, and you will be able to start reasoning at speeds hundreds of times faster than before.
- Instantly?
No. You simply won't be able to rid all mistakes in one blow.
- Unless?
Unless a miracle that only God could have sent occures.
- And this is?
Impossible to say, but when it comes - you will certainly understand.
- Cool.
This may seem weird, but reasoning is much simpler when you place yourself outside your own sphere of knowledge when seeking answers.
- Is there a god?
Hard to unveil God is, and for a reason - otherwise it's not God we are talking about.
- Can it all be chaos?
In theory, it seems that chaos is an acceptable explanation of the world. However, if one decides to fill the gaps in the chaos-theory, perfection lies beneath.
- And the devil, where does he fit?
Probably nowhere. Who is the devil? What kind of creature is the devil if a perfect being is to create a creature of pure evil? If manifested as a creature, the devil would be proof that God does not exist - since no being of pure good can create a creature of pure evil just to teach his other underlings a lesson. If however the devil do exist, he must have been created by God - thus, the devil is proof that God does exist. Either way, a manifested devil is Gods paradox - it is impossible. The devil does not exist.
- What about Satan in the Bible, then?
Humanity have already been fooled by Satan, just look at how we govern our planet. Satan is not real, however.
- We have been fooled by someone unreal?
Yes. We have been fooled by our belief in Satan, the devil, hell and all other bad things. Bad things simply does not exist, they must be manifested and since no being of God can do evil deeds, evil deeds must be a result of misunderstanding.
- So, our misconception of the world is actually the manifestation of the devil?
More or less, yes. The devil exists in each and every one of us, but not alone. The devil is a creation of the disbelievers, and the disbelievers are a creation of God. The disbelievers are made in the image of God, so they can give proof to the universe that even evil deeds are done with good intentions.
- Evil does not exist, then?
Evil is a matter of definition. Evil to whom?
- Isn't hurting someone else and act of evil?
If you knowingly hurt someone, you choose to do a deed that may be interpreted as evil. However, the one who actually does the deed must have a reason to do it that outweighs the evil deed. This reason may be a phony reason, but if the individual believes it to be real - the individual will act as if it were real. Thus, in the eyes of the do'er of evil, it would be even more evil not to do the act.
- So noone is actually evil, they just lack knowledge?
Yes, and no. Noone is evil - just think of it. Evil is an abstract definition rooted and explained by its own paradoxial existence.
- So we are all stupid, then?
No. We are actually very, very clever. We are actually so smart that we don't accept the world, even if every teacher, textbook, priest, newspaper and tv-channel offer us ways of interpreting it. Movies like The Matrix, Star Wars and Lord Of The Rings are indicators that we actually believe something grand to happen soon.
- What are to happen?
Maybe nothing. It's up to us.
- But if something is to happen, what then?
Either we choose to live in peace, or we choose not to. As of the current situation of the world, our acceptance of previous natural patterns as self-enhancing are bringing us toward hellraising. Our extreme search for our origin may be what saves us. Deep within the scientific principles lies the bits of evidence we were waiting for.
- So science is our saviour?
No, science has brought principles as to how to look at the world. These principles can be used in psychospace.
- Psychospace?
Your soul. Your inner self. Your feelings. Your total conceptional storage of every piece of information the world has ever brought you. Or should I say, your own personal way of looking at the world. The very reason that we wage war.
- Is psychospace a scientific term?
Don't know, but don't think so. Science, like religion, has misunderstood some basic principles and because of this, miracles have simply become paranormal events. Same reason for psychospace - many scientists consider research on the mind as blasphemy. Therefore, science has never been able to answer religious answers - until quite recently when some researchers have come out and said that maybe religion isn't that stupid after all.
- How does this psychospace work?
Impossible to say, but it may appear that this is the fourth dimension. Time is an abstract definition and can therefore not be regarded as a dimension. There are two ways to move, inwards and outwards.
- Inwards and outwards?
Yes. Remember that we have left the three dimensions of space and have reached the fourth dimension. This is a dimension that we think as an extra direction to our earlier three directions. This is wrong. If a two-dimensional entity could freely travel in three dimensions, this entity would be extremely powerful compared to other two-dimensional creatures. It could simply vanish and reappear at will. Fourth dimension, same rules - move at will.
- In other words, teleporting?
No, by no means. Something that may look like teleporting, perhaps.
- What, then?
A free mind with a free will - free to do what one desires.
- No rules?
Actually, no. No rules.
- So it's just wishfull thinking, then?
No. A true, free mind will always search its creators perfection. Since this perfection results in understanding and further knowledge, the free mind don't need rules.
- And if someone is to do something wrong, anyway?
Once a mind has truly freed itself, it can't be hurt.
- Why?
Seen Matrix? Remember what happened to Neo, and more figuratively to those against him?
- In other words...?
You will be granted with total power of wish if you live by the laws of God.
- I thought free minds didn't need laws?
Not like our laws. It's as simple as this: "all that feels good and none that feels bad, this is the feelings that decide what to do and what not to do". If you can question your reasons, do so - discover yourself, you might be amazed.
- In other words, I live by these laws at every moment, even if I don't recognise them?
- So, the only reason that I do errors, is the fact that my background material is erroneous?
It would seem so.
- Then why, if I'm so perfect, haven't I noticed this before?
You have. You have always wondered, but since noone has been able to answer, you have automatically assumed that "the meaning of life" is too great a task for one man, and especially yourself.
- And this goes for every individual on the planet?
Differen misconceptions and different degrees of the misconceptions. Otherwise, yes.
- Does this mean that we all run on automatic?
- And the free will?
At this point, it's a mere illusion.
- But I do make my own decisions, and my big mistakes are my proofs?
And within your proofs lies your answers. Your answers to why you made the mistakes in the first place.
- And if I can't figure out of my mistakes?
Then you have started climbing the wrong mountain. Find something that interrests you and eventually knowledge and understanding will grow in you. Suddenly one day, you may find the answer to your mistakes, and to other questions in your mind.
- Why are you telling me this if there is so much power related with this? Don't you want it yourself?
Yes, I want it. I simply urge it. But I can't have it. None of us can.
- Then why are you telling me?
Because there is a way.
- A way to have the power?
- Does this include God?
- But what if, just what if God does not exist?
That's not a problem.
- Why?
A God from the past, or a God created in the present would to the creatures inside God appear to be the same God. Wether God exists or not is of no concern. The effect will be the same.
- So there is a chance that God really does not exist?
Of course. Otherwise God wouldn't be perfect. However, God does exist - if only by definition. And because of that, God is actually real. God is defined as "what could have been, what has been, what could currently be, what currently is, what could become and what is actually to become". In scientific terms, this could be called timespace or the multiverse. If you are a muslim, you will see that this is the same definition as that of Allah. And if you read both the Bible and the Koran with no prejudices, you will see that they actually tell the same story. If you connect this story with science, you will see an even greater story, and still the same story. So, to answer the problem of the question, if God does not exist, that is not a problem. We still need to "invoke God". Wether God exists or not, our only way to transcend is to "invoke God" and thus increase our understanding and acceptance for each other.
- In other words, we are all correct?
Yes, and at the same time we are all wrong.
- This does not compute.
That's what paradoxes are good for. Explain the unexplainable - or science. A neverending quest for knowledge, based on the assumption that God will prevent us from misusing that knowledge. Scientists appear to be cold and robotic, but most of them have religious reasons for their scientic research. Many of them has firmer belief in God than many priests have.
- Still, why paradoxes?
Paradoxes are used to make perfect beings become imperfect, or for imperfect beings to become perfect. Thus, we are created in the image of God and still we are imperfect.
- Sounds like something of a strange thing to do if you are God?
Not if you are creating yourself.
- Huh?
Suppose that God is what science define as a singularity. If so, God is all and nothing at once. That means singularities exists, and that means we are singularities. A singularity has no beginning and no end, it has no borders and still borders exists. A singularity is infinity within finity. Thus, the paradox is actually "humans trying to understand God". We don't understand infinity, and by defining God, we limit Gods existence even if God by definition is infinite and limitless. We are the paradoxes.
- Come again?
The very fact that we try to understand a being whose parameters is not comprehendable is a paradox. Imperfection tries to understand perfection, but even if imperfection knows that the answer lies within, imperfection searches without.
- Within and without?
Within is you, without is everything except you. If 6 billion perfect beings were to believe that they were all imperfect, they would be imperfect. Either that, or they wouldn't believe themselves to be imperfect.
- I am feeling a pattern arising here.
Yes, it is. Every "absolute fact" you use to device your inner thought-construction of the world is only half of the truth, and sometimes even less. Every question may have at least to answers, and for every answer there may be two evenly correct questions. Everything has its counterpart, and this counterpart is emotionally equally charged. Thus, good will good repay and evil shall evil destroy.
- So, when someone does something bad, they do something good at the same time?
- But if you do something bad, you will still be punished?
One way or the other, yes.
- So, doing both good and bad is acceptable, but it will take you nowhere?
Maybe not acceptable, but survivable - and correct, it will take you nowhere.
- And doing only bad?
Is a total paradox and thus impossible. "Bad" and "evil" can only exist as a belief and as an interpretation of actions and events.
- And doing only good?
Is our ultimate quest.
- Huh?
Every religion, every piece of common sense, every rule ever created - all designed for one purpose: cooperation and peace towards the awakening.
- And still we fight?
Just like our prophets have foretold. Read the Bible, read the Koran, search the Internet, read papers, watch TV and you will see that our fight is the same - we just don't see it.
- Perfection trapped in imperfection?
That's one way to describe it.
- So God didn't create these scenarios, but we did?
Yes, God only told us about them, so that we would have hard evidence of him when enough knowledge has been accumulated.
- Why did God want to do that?
We are free spirits, face it. We live under the law of God, but we are free spirits. God can't hurt us, just like we can't hurt God. We can hurt eachother, and thus weaken God. God can hurt himself, and thus hurt us. We are protected by eachothers nature of existence. However, we do fight eachother, we do weaken God.
- In theory, would it be possible to kill God?
Impossible to say, but from our point of view in time and space, one must leave room for this option. Killing God would however mean the destruction of everything, and this is not possible to us - or so it seems. If seen by pure definition, God is absolute and infinite and thus not possible to kill. Even the absence of God comes under the definition of God.
- So killing each other is not just hurting ourselves, it hurts God as well?
Of course, it hurts ourselves, God and every non-human inhabitant of God. We are a selfish race, but our selfishness is based on misunderstandings.
- What can we do then?
We must acknowledge our very own individual as imperfect, and as a result this means accepting all previous mistakes as "mistakes of misconception".
- And this will do what?
It will open your mind, and you will be able to start reasoning at speeds hundreds of times faster than before.
- Instantly?
No. You simply won't be able to rid all mistakes in one blow.
- Unless?
Unless a miracle that only God could have sent occures.
- And this is?
Impossible to say, but when it comes - you will certainly understand.
- Cool.
This may seem weird, but reasoning is much simpler when you place yourself outside your own sphere of knowledge when seeking answers.
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