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The New Curriculum

Ofsted | 08.12.2002 16:21

The three R's - Repulsive, Repugnant and Reprehensible.

My teenager spent the school day studying the new trend, Vampires - while his younger sibling at primary was read the ‘magical’ occult classic Harry Potter, by the teacher.

After school, before homework on Hitler and The Occult, I switched on TV for the children and the cartoon chorus rang out: “She’s just an ordinary girl in an extraordinary World, Mona the Vampire.”

Following that came the ‘All New Scooby-Doo’ with ghosts, spells, werewolves and ghouls, so I changed channels and there was ‘Sabrina the Teenage Witch.’

The cartoon Network was showing ‘Grim and Evil’ staring the Grim Reaper.

Later; ‘The All New Addam’s Family’ featuring torture implements (for ‘all-new’ read - more gore) and then, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Are you seeing a pattern emerging?

The obligatory adverts interrupt viewing, a dad is having nightmares from playing ‘Resident Evil’ a computer game, with homicidal zombies, very funny!

Have we let our standards drop a tad or has Count Dracula taken over the government, education system and TV networks?

If kids are really lucky, their parents may let them stay up and watch, Freddie Kruger, on Friday 13th., but not mine!

Maybe it’s just me that’s got a problem with this orgy of evil...

I thought, am I being a kill-joy for not appreciating the ‘niceties’ of the occult?

So I looked in the mirror and repeated ‘Candy Man’ three times – ha-ha-ha-ha-ha - and wondered why Vampires are the new trend



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re: the new curriculum

08.12.2002 19:29

in answer to your question...Yes, it's just you.

Take a step back and read what you've written. You sound like a red-neck religious nut. Scooby-doo, Sabrina the teenage witch and Harry Potter are part of the occult?!? I suppose David Icke's reptiles are hiding in your cellar are they?

Get a grip. The illuminati are not behind an evil plot to take over the minds of the young via scooby doo.

Though granted, a seriously evil mind may be behind scrappy-doo...

(to be fair, your opinions are no more insane than those of most of the other nutters posting on here)


thats the harmless viewing

09.12.2002 00:08

Ghosts, Vampires, Witches, thats the harmless stuff on the curriculum and on tv. The filth is all the 'equality' bullshit they are teaching kids these days, that all are equal and all are worthy. COMPETITION is what kid need to be taught... the fact the you need to compete with your fellow students... you need to be the best, do the best and if you arent the best, then you need to strive to be the best. Endeavour and competition. The system needs to be changed so that all are given and equal chance to compete ( WITHOUT affirmative action in the classroom THANKYOU ) and those that cant compete are downgrading into a,b,c classes. children that are in the lower classes are taught at the level they are at to try and encourage them to move up the system. Furthermore they should factionise education according to individuality. Those that are keen in science should go to schools that specialise in this, those in languages and arts to a school for those. gcse's and alevels are a joke. Children should be allowed to do engineering and essential building skills crafts before college, if they are best directed that way rather then formal academic education... and finally... universities should not be allowed to know the class or race of individuals till AFTER they have gone through the application process. All need to be judged on their individuality, not on affirmative action.

the destroyer