JIC protest at BBC
alleycat/upsetter | 08.12.2002 15:26
Demonstration outside the BBC Television Studios Wood Lane W12. to protest about their continued appalling collusion with the “Vivisection Industry”. Also continued promotion of vivisection with no genuine scientific opposition.
The Judicial Inquiry Campaign greets the BBC – Saturday 7th December.
Demonstration outside the BBC Television Studios Wood Lane W12. to protest about their continued appalling collusion with the “Vivisection Industry”. Also continued promotion of vivisection with no genuine scientific opposition.
Despite dreadful weather conditions, at 11am some 50 hardy individuals of all ages and from all over the UK gathered to express their anger and opposition to the BBC’s continued blatant support and promotion of the “vivisection industry”. We had good support from the general public and also the police, some of whom appeared surprisingly informed about this medical fraud.
At 12.30 Cat (JIC) greeted the BBC and presented the case against them. A random sample of some 40 programmes dating from 1996 – 2002 was read out, with a demand that the BBC fulfils it’s own Charter Requirements and gives prime-time television to a genuine debate on the subject of animal experiments with doctors and scientists from the scientific anti-vivisection lobby to present the overwhelming evidence in opposition to this pseudo-science to the general public.
Cris (VIN) educated the BBC with scientific information opposing vivisection and exposed the “established methodology” as absurd, dangerous, misleading and unpredictable.
Rod (JIC) gave an impassioned speech, inviting everyone to take up smoking, as invasive extensive animal tests with dogs and rabbits proved safe in animals. These “tests” as everyone knows failed to predict cancer and addiction in humans. He also informed the BBC that Sir Keith Peters Head of the Clinical Medical School Cambridge has admitted that he does not know enough about animal experimentation to make a comment regarding the proposed but heavily opposed construction of a new primate research centre in Girton.
We were also approached by a member of the BBC staff, who fully supported our protest and was delighted that the BBC was being exposed as “bigots”. We wondered what other members of staff would have to say.
Facilitated by the police we then handed in to the Duty Manager huge postcards addressed to Greg Dyke. All the assembled company had been invited to make comments on the postcards, these were accepted by the Duty Manager.
On the night of the demonstration the BBC yet again showed contempt for it’s license payers by repeating the “Moral Maze”, once again no genuine scientific opposition, only the ethical and moral argument.
Please write to the Head of Programme Complaints BBC Broadcasting House London W1A 1AA stating your disgust that your £112 promotes the “vivisection industry”.
This Campaign will continue to target the BBC.
The Judicial Inquiry Campaign PO Box 38552 London SW1W 9YQ
http://www.vivisection.info/ e-mail
Demonstration outside the BBC Television Studios Wood Lane W12. to protest about their continued appalling collusion with the “Vivisection Industry”. Also continued promotion of vivisection with no genuine scientific opposition.
Despite dreadful weather conditions, at 11am some 50 hardy individuals of all ages and from all over the UK gathered to express their anger and opposition to the BBC’s continued blatant support and promotion of the “vivisection industry”. We had good support from the general public and also the police, some of whom appeared surprisingly informed about this medical fraud.
At 12.30 Cat (JIC) greeted the BBC and presented the case against them. A random sample of some 40 programmes dating from 1996 – 2002 was read out, with a demand that the BBC fulfils it’s own Charter Requirements and gives prime-time television to a genuine debate on the subject of animal experiments with doctors and scientists from the scientific anti-vivisection lobby to present the overwhelming evidence in opposition to this pseudo-science to the general public.
Cris (VIN) educated the BBC with scientific information opposing vivisection and exposed the “established methodology” as absurd, dangerous, misleading and unpredictable.
Rod (JIC) gave an impassioned speech, inviting everyone to take up smoking, as invasive extensive animal tests with dogs and rabbits proved safe in animals. These “tests” as everyone knows failed to predict cancer and addiction in humans. He also informed the BBC that Sir Keith Peters Head of the Clinical Medical School Cambridge has admitted that he does not know enough about animal experimentation to make a comment regarding the proposed but heavily opposed construction of a new primate research centre in Girton.
We were also approached by a member of the BBC staff, who fully supported our protest and was delighted that the BBC was being exposed as “bigots”. We wondered what other members of staff would have to say.
Facilitated by the police we then handed in to the Duty Manager huge postcards addressed to Greg Dyke. All the assembled company had been invited to make comments on the postcards, these were accepted by the Duty Manager.
On the night of the demonstration the BBC yet again showed contempt for it’s license payers by repeating the “Moral Maze”, once again no genuine scientific opposition, only the ethical and moral argument.
Please write to the Head of Programme Complaints BBC Broadcasting House London W1A 1AA stating your disgust that your £112 promotes the “vivisection industry”.
This Campaign will continue to target the BBC.
The Judicial Inquiry Campaign PO Box 38552 London SW1W 9YQ
