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Boycott U.S. and Israeli Multinationals(take two)

STOP NYC Inc. | 06.12.2002 16:48

The employees of McDonalds are being organized for a work slowdown on December 21, let's support and help them!

Whilest going about the various Indymedia sites, found this gem(see link) about a call for McDonalds workers worldwide to take it slow and easy on December 21, an early Christmas holiday break, you might say, while on the job-a work slowdown to protest the abysmal conditions and pay of this typical American multinational, and a show of solidarity with the continuing struggles in Argentina and Mexico.

I say we lend some support and help for the otherwise slave-driven McDonalds employees and people of Argentina and Mexico on "Global McSlow as F**k Day" by also making it "Global Boycott McDonalds Day"

That should not only make December 21 a lot easyier going for the McDonalds employees, but also send a loud and clear message to the Yank scum running McDonalds that its customers worldwide stand in solidarity with its overworked and underpaid staff, along with all other workers worldwide.

So on December 21,-




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Why don´t you join the BNP you idiot?

07.12.2002 09:54

So what are you trying to say here? Are only American Companies guilty? What´s about British, European and other International multinationals? Are they OK? Won´t they benifit from cheaper oil and cheaper labour? Get real.

What´s your ideal? A future of British industry, British repression, British polution, British imperialism and British war? Sounds like Nick griffin to me.

Isn´t Tony Blair up for a fight as well? Doesn´t the whole western world want cheap oil to save it from recession, despite the costs in weapons and, more importantly, civilian lives?

We can boycott American multinationals on the 21st but why don´t we boycott the lot? i.e all companies. Let´s actually fight the real reason for this war (i.e.capitalism) and start fighting it today. In fact, now. Refuse to take part. Let´s refuse to be workers, consumers and warmongers and stop this crap once and for all in order to produce a true emancipated and free society.

With your "yank scum" and your jew bashing you don´t get anywhere. It´s the same old fascist shite again on IMC. If you think you´re really "left" and alternative then think before you post. If not, then just join the fascists because your views are theirs. Down with fascist scum.

For a true social revolution.

CAPITALISM ( produces / anti-Semitism) KILLS

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Yanks and Zionists

09.12.2002 17:09

Must have missed my post about the Zionist founders of Israel collaborating with nazi Germany-well reserched and evidenced, some weeks ago?(No, I'm not going to re-post it again just for YOU-go find it yourself!)

Anti-Semitic? Go ask the (predominantly Euro-Caucasian) Israelis!

Good point on capitalism-but whose primarily behind (and by far the chief beneficiary of) global capitalism, along with their desire for endless war against the rest of the world(and Blair going with Bush, a REAL idiot!):"full spectrum dominance"?

Go ask the Yanks!

Boycott all of them?-go ahead-but the reason I'm focusing on the U.S. and Israel-

A. They make up the lion's share of the problem, and

B. It is merely a step in bringing down this capitalist dictatorship- it will go faster if we start by focusing on the biggest and worst offenders and go from there.

BTW-unless your a Zionist or a sympathizer, please do your research and think first before YOU post here tagging anyone as "anti-Semitic"!