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Bush and Blair talk war while people starve

James Holland | 05.12.2002 09:31

In Ethiopia 14 million people face starvation this winter, president Bush is meeting the Ethiopian president today, but food isn't on the agenda.....

As usual, at the top of the agenda is the 'war on terror' and how African heads of state can become more involved.
The British government is also considering increasing 'military links' with the east African state. Both of these moves are part of the ongoing 'war on terror' in which Bush & Blair are looking for strong allies in the horn of Africa as a reaction to the Mombassa bombing.
The British government's plan for Ethiopia includes increasing aid to the police, security and military forces in order to improve “political governance and human rights problems”, this seems a strange strategy since the army and police have been heavily criticised for their involvement in two massacres.

James Holland
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and so will we starve if the war goes ahead

07.12.2002 13:35

as ive remarked before, one of the drawbacks with the ''special'' relationship with the USA is that GB will be asked to share the costs of any war. already, the early morning radio financial slots are discussing this uncomfortable prospect.
its also happened before. writing in the 1920s, Trotsky (please bear with me) noted that the British empire in the far orient was under pressure from both Japan and the USA. GB would be forced to join in with one or the other, and if it chose the USA, it would mean GB being ''put on rations for 20 years''.
that was written in the 1920s, ,long before anyone was seriously thinking about a new war. but what happened ? after 1940, GB joined in with the USA, and rationing lasted until the late 1950s...
