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UN demands end to Israeli 'killing and beating' of staff | 04.12.2002 06:00

By Justin Huggler in Jerusalem
04 December 2002

United Nations workers issued a petition yesterday demanding the Israeli army stop the "harassment, beating and killing" of UN staff.

The petition comes less than two weeks after Iain Hook, a British UN worker, was shot dead by an Israeli soldier inside a UN compound as he tried to evacuate his staff.

"For two years, United Nations staff have been subject to escalating harassment and violence by Israel's military, so that the protection supposed to be afforded by the blue letters of the UN is being steadily eroded," said the petition, which was signed by 64 UN staff working in Israel and the occupied territories.

An Israeli military source said: "We reject the suggestion Israeli soldiers intentionally try to harass UN personnel. We respect their work, and that includes our commitment to their safety".

But the petition reflects growing fear among UN staff, and anger at the Israeli army's attempts to explain away Mr Hook's death. The UN has dismissed as "not credible" claims by the Israeli army that Palestinian gunmen were inside the UN compound when Mr Hook was shot.

The petition follows a UN demand for an explanation from the Israeli army over the destruction of food worth $270,000 (£172,000) that was to be distributed to Palestinians.

Soldiers blew up a warehouse containing more than 500 tons of food that belonged to the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) in the northern Gaza Strip at the weekend.

In a recent report, the American government aid organisation USAid found that 20 per cent of Palestinian children under the age of five suffer from malnutrition. The report warned of a looming "humanitarian disaster".

In a statement that showed signs of official patience wearing thin, Kofi Annan, the UN secretary general, said he "once again" called on the Israeli authorities "to live up to their commitments and obligations to facilitate emergency humanitarian assistance in the occupied Palestinian territory".

The warehouse was destroyed during a raid on the Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahiya on Saturday night. It appears the Israeli army destroyed the building because they believed a wanted militant was hiding inside. There were apartments on the upper floors.

"The landlord told the soldiers food from the UN was being stored on the ground floor," said Jean-Luc Siblot, the country director for WFP in Jerusalem.

"There was a WFP sticker on the door. There was a UN flag on the building. They entered it and searched before destroying the building. They knew. That's the fact I find a little bit difficult to swallow."


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any explanation ...

04.12.2002 12:54

Any explanation that the israeli authorities give is BULLSHIT.
Their purpose is plain ... to force upon the Palestinians conditions that are unbarable, and thus give them an ultimatum ... give up and go away, or face humilation, starvation and death.
This amounts to crimes against humanity.
Any israeli official that steps out of israeli territory (!?!) should be lible to immediate arrest [citizens if necessary]
ENOUGH BULLSHIT ... either the israeli comply with international law or they are against it.
I can not believe that I am alone in struggling with hatred for all that israel represents - from its mysterious origins[sic] ... zionists and nazies collaborating ... and bloody beginings ... king david hotel and Deir Yassim ... to the current outrages of collective punishments, land grabbing, ex-judicial killings, officially sanctified torture and racism.
And lets not forget the very serious questions of 'false flag' operations that have been raised here and elsewhere ... including israeli involvement in 911, bali and now mombassa ... its looking like israel is hiking one finger at the rest of the world and we are sitting back and saying 'ohhh, well they did have a bad time under hitler'.
Yeah as did homosexuals, trade unionists, and a wide section of non-arryan non german - do you see them swaggering around committing such crimes?
I'm truely sorry to those many many israelis who are fighting tooth and nail to bring peace and justice to the region, but it may be time to say too late!
No justice no peace.

mail e-mail:

RE: any explenation

05.12.2002 01:07

Anyone who cant distinguish between the people and the state ("in struggling with hatred for all that israel represents") cannot talk about "justice." Anyone who has given up total hope on confiring with the opposing side "I'm truely sorry to those many many israelis who are fighting tooth and nail to bring peace and justice to the region, but it may be time to say too late!" has already lost the argument, and whos views are just plain dangerouse.

Respect life, all life, we are humans, we need peace, we need rational conversation. And please dont assume im on either side, im actualy on both and neither...


World War III

05.12.2002 03:16

Mad, yes, all human lives should be respected, absolutely! But to be on both and neither sides in a situation where people are getting slaughtered because of blantant injustices and total disrespect for international law, just doesn't cut it. If you want to save some lives (maybe stop world war III), simply talking of "love" isn't enough, you better start talking: Justice, and better yet, you better start TAKING ACTION. This "war with Iraq" is nothing more than a continuation of a premeditated, well orchrestrated, and seemingly successful plan that started with the war against the Palestinians. And don't be fooled, "Iraq" is not the end-goal of this plan, it's just the beginning.


well ...

05.12.2002 10:34


Listen pal, I can talk about justice all I like and if I want to.
Next, my choice of words deliberatly distinguishes between the people of israel [need it be said that I sympathise with them ... apparently so!] and what the STATE of israel represents, which is state sponsored racism, torture land theft, collective punishment [yawn yawn it goes on and on].
As for giving up on confiring with the opposing side - show me the willingness from the state of israel to talk!
You can't because there is none.
So where does this leave the Palestinians?
Have they lost the arguement?
Is it about winning and losing arguements?
Or is it about making a difference to your life by resisting oppression?
Yes I beleive in love and respect for life, but when this love and respect is exploited, laughed out of town and finished off with bullets who are you to say that I can not fight back, or at least confire my support for those who make this decision about their life.
Without JUSTICE, ther can be no PEACE.
