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Mombasa update

dh | 03.12.2002 22:22

Mossad muscles in and removes the evidence

Israel Tries To Steal Mombasa "Evidence"
The anatomy of an attack that only "looked like" it was targeted on Jews, Part 2

Copyright Joe Vialls, 3 December 2002

Collateral damage Israeli style. Mossad deliberately left these welcoming dancers in the lobby of the
hotel to take the full force of the blast. All twelve members of the dance troupe were killed instantly.

Perhaps realizing that they had left fatally flawed evidence lying around Mombasa airport, more than a hundred heavily armed Israeli soldiers landed at the East Coast port on December 1, and demanded that the Kenyan Police hand over the "evidence". By all accounts they were particularly anxious to get their hands of the unfired sky-blue "Strela" missile launching tubes left near the end of Runway 21. To their astonishment and considerable anger, the Israeli demand was met with a point-blank "NO".
The Kenyan police had already worked out for themselves that the Strela launchers had not been fired, and were still trying to establish exactly why the crew of Arkia Airlines Flight 582 had ignored standard airport procedures on November 28, and taken off from the wrong runway. Instead of using Runway 03 [heading 030 degrees] where the overrun is the Indian Ocean, Flight 582 had deliberately ignored instructions and taken off in the opposite direction, i.e. from Runway 21 [heading 210 degrees], which rather conveniently took them directly overhead the decoy Strela launchers hidden in the long grass.
Think about it people, think about it. How did the agents who planted the Strela launchers know in advance that the crew of Arkia Flight 582 would be the first to violate standard procedures in three years? Put another way, how did they know exactly where to leave the dummy launchers for the media to find? Clearly they had exceptional extra sensory perception, or they must have spoken to the aircrew before Flight 582 taxied out to the runway. You choose which is most likely to be the truth.
Of course, it helps if you know that the overrun of Runway 03 is located in ten-feet-deep water, and therefore a very difficult place to expect even the most compliant of media crews to locate and film the sky-blue decoy launch tubes. No, for the Mossad scam to work properly they had to break the rules, and with typical Israeli arrogance, assumed no one would notice the "minor" deception.
But the deception was noticed, as was the fact that the launch tubes had not been fired. Anticipating a few problems with their initial cover story, the Israelis starting leaking another ingenious tale to the media, which discreetly hinted that the Arkia Boeing 757 "might have been fitted with top secret missile warning equipment", which had somehow miraculously prevented the airplane from being hit by two deadly heat seekers, allegedly fired at point-blank range. As you will see from the pictures below, this was a complete lie.

Arkia Flight 582 immediately after landing at Ben Gurion airport in Palestine on November 28. Note the
total absence of missile warning aerials or magnesium flare dispensers on the tail, wings and belly.

In the last few days, the media has started repeating "grave" Israeli warnings that "al Qaeda" will probably use one of these weapons against you or your family when you take off from New York, London or Sydney, so now might me a good time for a mercifully short lesson in shoulder-launched missile capabilities. Of course, the Mombasa scam was almost certainly contrived to prepare you for CIA or Mossad "false flag" heat seekers, which they can then blame on the naughty "al Qaeda", but the lesson might still be useful at the personal level. After all, it doesn't really matter exactly who fires the heat seeker, if one of these nasties homes in on the engine or engines of your holiday flight to Florida, Mallorca or Fiji, it could ruin your whole day.
The main part of the lesson is that there is no such thing as a "secret warning radar" that can protect you from a heat seeker at very low speed and very low altitude, as was [theoretically] the case with Arkia Airlines Flight 582. There are missile warning devices which operate quite well against radar-guided and infra-red missiles at medium and high altitudes, but we won't waste time with these here. The CIA and Mossad can only credibly fire a false flag missile at you that "al Qaeda" might reasonably have access to as well, which limits the field to shoulder-launched heat seekers like the Strela, Stinger, or a handful of others. There are minor differences, but they all work in the same general way.

The decoy Strela launch tubes positioned in the overrun area of Runway 21. Note the total lack of blowback residue on the sky-blue launchers. The small "finned" objects in the center and right pics are not "five inch missiles" as someone suggested. These are coolant catridges [one per shot], used to chill the infra-red seeker lens in the missile, allowing sufficient thermal contrast to acquire the target aircraft's jet exhaust.

In basic terms the shoulder launched heat seeker is strictly short range, with its overall slant range limited to about three miles. This means that it only has three miles TOTAL in which to kill you, from the point at which it first leaves the launch tube to the point at which it flies up your hot jetpipe and blows the engine pod off your wing. In turn this means that shoulder launched heat seekers can really only kill your aircraft very close to the airport, either immediately after take off, or immediately before landing.
There is literally only one defence against such a weapon at close range, which is to actively fire very hot magnesium flares from your own airplane. Because magnesium burns much hotter than your jet engine exhaust, the heat seeker [normally] considers the magnesium flare a sexier target, instantly falls in love with it, and is thus [hopefully] decoyed away from you. This does not always work.
Military aircraft in combat zones pop flares all the time on take off and approach, because they know full well that there is no "top secret radar" in service that can warn them quickly enough to save their hides. Please note that military aircraft normally do this in someone else's country [Afghanistan for example], and therefore don't give a damn what the magnesuim flares might set fire to. A sizeable number of them normally hit the ground still burning.
Now the trick here, before you allow your local government to squander $5 million [each] fitting flare dispensers to every airliner in your national fleet, is to remember that what you can do with impunity at Bagram airport in Afghnistan, you most certainly cannot do at John F. Kennedy, London Heathrow or Sydney Mascot. Start firing multiple flares on the take off run at one of these prestigious establishments, and you will very likely set fire to everything from the control tower to the sleek passenger bus taking you and your family to the transit lounge. Put bluntly, counter measures like these are useless for a civil airliner in a civil environment, which is why the CIA and Mossad know they can drop your airplane, yes, YOUR airplane, whenever they feel the need to drive a bit more hatred towards "al Qaeda" or whoever. .

Two Hercules transport planes "popping" magnesium flares. Ask yourself, do you really want one of these bouncing off the roof of your automobile in the airport car park, or landing in little Johnny's stroller?

Because Israel started this whole thing with the decoy operation in Mombasa, it seems suitable that I should leave you with the recent words of a bona fide Israeli spokesman:-
Boaz Ganor, head of Israel's International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism, said the appearance of missiles, while not entirely new, pointed to a new approach in the "evolution of terrorism."
In the 1960s and early 1970s, terror groups hijacked planes, which led to the introduction of metal detectors and sky marshals. The 1980s and 1990s saw terrorists sneak bombs onto planes, but that has become more difficult with sophisticated detection equipment, Ganor said.
"Now I think you'll see these groups use missiles to try to shoot down planes from the ground," he said.



Hide the following 4 comments

Are Muslims Capable of Evil?

04.12.2002 03:02

OK: the Jews are responsible for Mombasa, Bali, and the World Trade Center - just to name a few.

Is there any act of violence carried out in the past year that can be attributed directly to Islamic terrorists - or is it your belief that the Muslim world is incapable of inflicting pain on any other individual, so all acts of agression (Kashmir, Chechnya, Indonesia, Algeria, Pakistan, Africa, etc...) were actually the work of Mossad and the CIA.

Just curious....


stupid peter

04.12.2002 13:11

Your comments as usual show your intention to decieve.
Whilst it maybe true that muslims commit crimes (what the fuck is evil anyway? Perhaps your sky ghost knows!) the point here is that isrealis are committing crimes pretending to be muslims!
This is a classic false flag operation and no more than we should expect from an organisation whose motto is .. 'through deciet we wage war'.
Stick to the point peter, otherwise you appear stupid.

mail e-mail:

Hitler + Mossad

05.12.2002 02:53

Dear Whacko-Jacko,

I've heard theories that Hitler was actually a Mossad agent working in tandem with the CIA. Can you confirm this please.

Keep up the good work; you're really making a difference.


very nice Herzel

06.12.2002 23:03

Herzel theres no point making stupid 'you're a stupid conspiracy theorist!' comments, you should bother looking at the evidence. I can't be bothered to list it here (it would take ages), but there is very strong evidence suggesting that others are at work, (Bali, Mombassa, 9/11, etc) and Israel has been proven to carry out false flag operations. The evidence pointing to Al-Qaeda however is, well there practically is none. 'arab looking' and 'financial transcations leading to an arab who knows this other arab guy who we think lives in the same area as an arab terrorist fella' seem to be the largest pieces of Al Qaeda evidence we get, with the occasional 'confession' (Osama vid obviously fake/purposely mis-translated, Swiss scientists say that they are 95% certain recent audio is not Osama, strangely enough, and Osama has denied any involvement or knowledge of 9/11). Media and governments always use 'conspiracy theory' comments to debunk evidence, try looking at all the evidence pointing to Al Qaeda etc, and you'll find theres a lot more compelling evidence to suggest otherwise.
