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Green goddess Squaddie arrested in Belfast for arson

nesta nugent | 03.12.2002 22:09

A Green goddess Squaddie was arrested in Belfast, after setting fire to a city centre hotel. Green goddess squaddie was charged with arson, after he set fire to a belfast city centre hotel in an attempt to show up FBU firemen, and portray FBU firemen as inadequate/incompetent and unable to deal with fires after the 8 day FBU strike ended.

In a new developement in the dirty war, being waged by the Government against the FBU and firemen, brit army personnel have been caught setting fires, after a Belfast city centre hotel The travel lodge in Brunswick st, was attacked by green goddess squaddie arsonists. This beggars the question how long have brit army personnel been setting fires, and if they conducted any arson attacks during the recent FBU firestrike, how long and to what extent has this being going on. The question also has to be asked why the fuk are brit squaddies deliberately setting fires, the answer is simple, to discredit fire fighters and the FBU during the strike and also after the strike. A recently leaked secret internal government memo adviced and instructed the police to arrest any striking fire fighters/FBU who leave their picket lines to assist at scenes of emergencies such as car accidents and complex chemical factory fires during future FBU strikes, in order to win the PR war, the government no longer will allow firemen being portrayed as heros. The leaked secret memo shows the extent, lengths and tactics which the Government is prepared to use against the striking firefighters in order to win the PR war and turn public support against the firefighters. Incidently the hotel torched by the squaddies is known to be sympathetic to trade unionists and socialist politicians, the owner and staff having made their facillities available to these groups in the past.

nesta nugent


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Where is the proof

04.12.2002 00:47

If you write something, any chance you could provide some facts or backup your story. otherwis it becomes an opinion...


back up

04.12.2002 10:52,12189,852372,00.html

Secret memo is in the daily mirror

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04.12.2002 10:54,12189,852372,00.html

Secret memo is in the daily mirror

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back up

04.12.2002 10:54,12189,852372,00.html

Secret memo is in the daily mirror

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04.12.2002 10:56,12189,852372,00.html

Secret memo is in the daily mirror

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Some links

04.12.2002 10:59,12189,852372,00.html

Secret memo is in the daily mirror

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