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Show trial against 3 irish men begins to collapse

cleo mcwilliams | 03.12.2002 21:37

The Colombian state junta manufactured show trial against 3 Irish men is collapsing around the right wing Colombian junta. The trial against the 3 irish men held in Colombia is endanger of collapsing, as 4 alledged witnesses for the Colombian prosecution, fail to appear in court despite being given a previous 50 days to present their evidence to the Colombian junta Court. A clear indication that the Colombian state junta have no real evidence, forensic or otherwise against the 3 Irish men.

International observers in Colombia, watched as crucial alledged eye witnesses vital to the Colombian junta state prosecuters case failed to turn up to give any evidence, against the 3 irish men, giving a clear signal that the Colombian state junta prosecuters have no real evidence against the 3 irish men therefore the 3 Irish men should not be on trial or have been held by the Colombian junta. It only remains for the Colombian state junta prosecuters to be unable to provide any forensic evidence whatsoever against the 3 irish men, to show what an empty fiasco the Colombian show trial is. So far the Colombian state prosecutors have only been able to produce an old manual that anybody could buy from anywhere, with no finger prints or forensic evidence on it connecting the irish men with it. It's way past time to release the 3 Irish men imprisoned in Colombia, just as the Guilford 4 should never ever have been imprisoned.

cleo mcwilliams


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failing to appear

03.12.2002 21:52

failing to appear doesn't mean that there is any evidence. If the three were innocent, then these witnesses could stand up in court and say so. On the other hand, the non-appearance might be due to intimidation by the friends of the IRA men.


colombia3,guilford 4,miscarriages of justice

03.12.2002 22:56

The law is the law, if the Colombian government have no real evidence against the 3 irish men, to bring to a law court, which will stand up in a court of law, then the fact remains the Colombian junta state has no real evidence against the 3 irish men. The 3 irish men are innocent untill proven guilty, if the Colombian state junta prosecutors cannot provide any evidence against the irish men, then they haven't got any evidence, then it follows that the irish men are innocent. You cannot imprison people just because they are irish. I know arresting and disappearing Colombian citizens occurs regularly and is common practise in such latin american junta states, but the Irish men are not Colombian citizens. The international community must let the Colombian state junta know that they cannot treat Irish people like that, throwing Irish citizens in jail on a misguided whim, with no real hard evidence against the irish men. Paul Hill one of the Guildford 4, who was himself an innocent victim of a show trial, and was mistakenly thrown in jail with no evidence against him just because he was irish, is in Colombia to view the show trial proceedings, and recognises many similarities between the Colombian show trial and his own experiences as an Irish person wrongly arrested and imprisoned for many years in a British jail untill the state's case was discredited and proved to be unfounded.

solida walsh