My report on anti-war Civil Disobedience protest in Whitehall this morning
rikki | 02.12.2002 17:55
Around thirty-five demonstrators were arrested today in a 'die-in' organised by ARROW and Voices in the Wilderness UK to protest against plans to attack Iraq. The protest was attended by TV activist Mark Thomas and Green MEP Caroline Lucas.
More than 250 protestors (many wearing bloodied dressings, torn clothing and bandages) gathered this morning at ten thirty in Whitehall Place. The group represented a cross-section of ages from a couple of babies to several elders in their eighties. People had come from places as far afield as Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol, and North Wales. There was a large police presence intent on stopping any obstruction of the road in Whitehall. There was also quite a large press presence, including BBC News, Radio London, Channel 5 and several newspapers.
When the march set off into Whitehall, it became apparent that the police were trying to keep demonstrators on the pavement from the start. In response to this, a group of forty or fifty spilled out into the road at the first corner and 'died' covering about half the carriageway. Meanwhile, many others continued towards Downing Street. Despite the police presence, many small groups and occasionally larger groups managed to peacefully break through and lie in the road causing severe traffic disruption throughout the morning. Sand spread round the road and a soundtrack of war sounds also added to the atmosphere to create a powerful image symbolising the death of innocents in war.
The main group were eventually penned in by two sets of iron barricades and lines of police opposite Downing Street, but at about one o'clock, they were allowed to walk back along the pavement to join the smaller group that still claimed half the carriageway at the corner of Whitehall Place. One demonstrator managed somehow to get into the Cabinet Office before being ejected, and also bumped into Robin Cook in a corridor of the Foreign Office! (So much for heightened security!!)
Meanwhile out on the road, small groups were still managing to stop the traffic at various intervals. Many found themselves "arrested", dragged to the side of the road, and then "de-arrested". However, a few plucky and persistent protestors were eventually arrested 'permamently' and taken off in vans, meant as a warning to the others.
After three hours, a decision was taken to end the present action and move en masse down to Parliament Square to show solidarity to Bill, the anti-war protestor that has kept up a daily vigil in the Square for more than a year now.
The move went without incident at first, as demonstrators were kept on the pavement by police on foot and in vans. However, about fifty yards past the Cenotaph, police stopped the traffic themselves to escort the procession across the road, and it was at this point that around thirty protestors felt faint once again and collapsed in the road:) The whole of Whitehall was effectively blocked for a few minutes, but police were swift to act and started dragging people off under arrest and into police vans where about thirty more were taken off to various police stations.
Latest news from the legal support team is that those arrested are beginning to be released and most accepted cautions after being offered this as an alternative to charge. It appears that none of those arrested had their charges dropped and that all offences were 'obstruction of the highway'.
Despite the huge press attendance and fantastic photo-opportunity, the protest only had about five seconds coverage on the main BBC lunchtime news and none on the local BBC news. It received no coverage from ITV at lunchtime.
I'll post up some pics tomorrow.
When the march set off into Whitehall, it became apparent that the police were trying to keep demonstrators on the pavement from the start. In response to this, a group of forty or fifty spilled out into the road at the first corner and 'died' covering about half the carriageway. Meanwhile, many others continued towards Downing Street. Despite the police presence, many small groups and occasionally larger groups managed to peacefully break through and lie in the road causing severe traffic disruption throughout the morning. Sand spread round the road and a soundtrack of war sounds also added to the atmosphere to create a powerful image symbolising the death of innocents in war.
The main group were eventually penned in by two sets of iron barricades and lines of police opposite Downing Street, but at about one o'clock, they were allowed to walk back along the pavement to join the smaller group that still claimed half the carriageway at the corner of Whitehall Place. One demonstrator managed somehow to get into the Cabinet Office before being ejected, and also bumped into Robin Cook in a corridor of the Foreign Office! (So much for heightened security!!)
Meanwhile out on the road, small groups were still managing to stop the traffic at various intervals. Many found themselves "arrested", dragged to the side of the road, and then "de-arrested". However, a few plucky and persistent protestors were eventually arrested 'permamently' and taken off in vans, meant as a warning to the others.
After three hours, a decision was taken to end the present action and move en masse down to Parliament Square to show solidarity to Bill, the anti-war protestor that has kept up a daily vigil in the Square for more than a year now.
The move went without incident at first, as demonstrators were kept on the pavement by police on foot and in vans. However, about fifty yards past the Cenotaph, police stopped the traffic themselves to escort the procession across the road, and it was at this point that around thirty protestors felt faint once again and collapsed in the road:) The whole of Whitehall was effectively blocked for a few minutes, but police were swift to act and started dragging people off under arrest and into police vans where about thirty more were taken off to various police stations.
Latest news from the legal support team is that those arrested are beginning to be released and most accepted cautions after being offered this as an alternative to charge. It appears that none of those arrested had their charges dropped and that all offences were 'obstruction of the highway'.
Despite the huge press attendance and fantastic photo-opportunity, the protest only had about five seconds coverage on the main BBC lunchtime news and none on the local BBC news. It received no coverage from ITV at lunchtime.
I'll post up some pics tomorrow.
Hide the following 8 comments
Oxford Street would have been a better place!
02.12.2002 18:31
We should organise a anti-war civil disobiedence action in Oxford Street on December the 21st the same day as the WOMBLES Argentina solidarity action to bring business on that street to a total halt on the buiest shopping day of the year!
02.12.2002 21:03
Don't get me wrong, I am entirely in sympathy with the demostartors motives, and i'm all in favour of using civil disobdience to oppose the proposed war.
But why stop traffic and inconvience our fellow citizen, the majority of whome agree with us?
I just don't think Tony Blair and George Bush give a monkeys about your ordinary motorist in whitehall. in fact they are probably hoping that the motorists and general public become alienated from the anti war protestors (with a bit of help from murdoch et al.)
Personally i think we would be better of inconviencing the right people, ie. the MOD and American military statione d in our country. Then we stand a better chance of keeping Joe Public on our side when the proganganda war hots up.
I know that are actions planned for the Airbases, i'll be there, and if only a tenth those who marched in london and on Hallowean tuend up evry saturday that would give the authoirities a massive headache esp. if we are backed by public opinion.
No dis-respect is meant to those who turned up in Whitehall, and i hope all those arrested are OK, esp. after the police violence @ the CBI. I just do think we should remember who the enemy is ,and he's currently munching on a banana in a big white house and not leading a very stressed existence driving in whitehall.
Maybe i have missed something. i know there are plenty of govr. buildings there, but my impression from the report is that its the traffic that got stoped and not the war effort.
All that said i will still cheer any demo i personally come across, and respect to you all.
Oxford Street 21st Dec
03.12.2002 01:20
Joe Public
03.12.2002 13:29
But there are different types of actions - and this one was aimed at promoting civil disobedience, that is non-cooperation with the governement, rather than trying to stop the governement.
I think this kind of actions are better to contact "Joe Public". Hundreds of people saw it, were leafleted, and quite a few people tooted. There was a big media presence, "public figures", etc. I also prefer direct action at bases, as they are better targeted, and trying to do something rather than trying to promote something (in therory at least - they still remain very symbolic) - but "Joe Public" never hears about them. I think it important that "Joe Public" sees there is a resitance that goes beyond marches&protests.
Anyway, see you at Fairdord ?
the law of the minimum effort
04.12.2002 17:08
and do I have to feel sorry for the citizens who were not able to drive in peace that specific day???????
this is The law of the minimun effort.
it takes all sorts
08.12.2002 17:40
09.12.2002 03:58
DATE & TIME: Saturday 14th December. 12:00 - 4:00pm
The Gloucestershire Weapons Inspectors, along with over 10 Towns & Cities, are coming:
Bristol-Stop-The-War have called a REGION WIDE
DEMONSTRATION of USAF Fairford (Gloucestershire) in
response to it's use by US Stealth Bombers which will be used to carpet bomb Iraqi cities.
This is the basic agenda. For a map of Fairford Village click below:
a) Coaches arrive at Fairford Village at 12:00noon. Drop off & Pick up at PARK ST. It should be possible for Coaches to wait in Park St.
b) Congregate along the HIGH ST. (at the bottom of Park St.) for the march to the Main Gate on HORCOTT RD. (20 minute march)
c) 12:30-1:00pm. The Gloucestershire Weapons Inspectors will request entry to the base.
d) After the expected refusal, there will be open mic speakers (using megaphones) for as long as people wish to speak.
e) During this time people will be encouraged to line the road, & explore the public pathways, so as to symbolically 'circle' the Base.
f) 3:30. Demonstration ends. People are requested to return to the Village before dark, & by 4:00.
2) DIRECTIONS: Fairford is 10 miles north of Swindon & 20 miles west of Oxford. Fairford is on the A417 going east to west. Or along the A361 going north to south, turning onto the A417 at Lechlade village. USAF Fairford is 15 minutes walk from Fairford Village, along Horcott Rd.
3) BRISTOL COACH TICKETS: £10 waged / £4 unwaged
AVAILABLE FROM: Greenleaf Books. 82 Colston St. BS1 5BB
(Top Of Christmas Steps. City Centre)
COACHES LEAVE: Anchor Road @ 10.00am
(Behind The Watershed Complex. City Centre)
4) BATH COACHES: To book a place on the Bath Coach Phone Mike: 01225 471548 as soon as possible.
TICKETS COST : £10 return
alternate methods
10.12.2002 08:53