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Sign for demanding responsibilities on the Prestige oil spill

Antonio | 01.12.2002 20:18

Spanish police is blocking the access of journalists to more than 100 BEACHES TOTALLY COVERED IN FUEL.

Dear friends

The Spanish and Galizian authorities are trying to hide the enormous disaster originated by the Prestige oil spill. The images you see in the TV are always the same stuff. Spanish police is blocking the access of journalists to more than 100 BEACHES TOTALLY COVERED IN FUEL. Spanish and international volunteers are also prevented to help. The Galizian president, Manuel Fraga, decided to go on hunting during the worst moments of the crisis. The Spanish Environment Minister Mr Matas (a powerful mafioso of the tourism sector) decided to go to Mallorca to attend conferences on Eco-tourism at the same time. Please ask for the responsibilities and show your solidarity at:

Also, keep updated on the Prestige case at:

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