New Flugennock cartoons: "Ripping the Shirts Off Our Backs"
Mike Flugennock | 01.12.2002 05:45
New Flugennock cartoons: "Ripping the Shirts Off Our Backs"
New Flugennock cartoons: "Ripping the Shirts Off Our Backs"
New political cartoon posters by Mike Flugennock,
part of the ongoing "Amerika's New War" series
Yes, that's right, friends, as soon as the famous Oct.26 Shirts Off Our Backs Coalition really gets it going, they have to go and change their name to the Be All You Can Be Coalition for the Dec.10 actions, and just in time for me to finish knocking out this, the Ripping The Shirts Off Our Backs series of new anti-war posters for that all-important fresh round of urban beautification!
Each image is 11x17 inches and available as generic .eps, high-res .jpg, and Adobe .pdf

So, mix up that paste, load up those rollers, hit the streets and slap 'em down!
Hail Fredonia!
Mike Flugennock