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Mombasa - instinct tells you it's a Mossad job

dh | 01.12.2002 00:00

This will undoubtedly end up as a double post.
Still better too many than none.
A way of looking how things happen

On 28 November it was reported that "al Qaeda" had blown up the
Israeli Paradise Hotel at Kikambala Beach near Mombasa, and
synchronously launched a missile attack on an Arkia Airlines Boeing
757, taking off from Mombasa Airport en-route for Tel Aviv with 264
Israeli passengers on board. There was wild media talk of
outstanding Israeli bravery in the face of these horrifying Muslim
atrocities, but in reality the entire "dual attack" was a lookalike
invented by the Mossad, designed to deflect attention away growing
anger in Indonesia about direct CIA and Mossad involvement in the 12
October bombing of Kuta Beach in Bali. More about this motive later
in the report, but first let us use real-time and photographic
evidence to prove this deliberate Israeli illusion.
The first proof that the Kikambala Beach operation was a
covert Israeli sting, came less than an hour after the massive bomb
blast, with a tame television anchorman in New York repeatedly asking
a reporter at the Paradise hotel about "the other attack on the
Israeli airliner taking off from Mombasa." The timing of these
questions was impossible, because the pilots aboard the Arkia
Airlines Boeing 757 had not reported any incident. Serving as proof
of this critical omission, there is no record of any "Mayday"
or "Pan" call on the Kenyan air traffic control tapes at any time on
28 November 2002. So now we know the New York media was deliberately
telling us about a mid-air incident which never occurred.
Simultaneously at the Paradise Hotel, hordes of Israeli
tourists were filmed sitting on top of their heavy suitcases more
than 200 meters away from the building. Nearly every reader is
conversant with hotel evacuation drills. You are told repeatedly
that "human life is important, possessions are not". This priority
never changes, with standard emergency instructions worldwide urging
patrons to "Stay calm, check the room to ensure no-one is left, leave
your belongings where they are, and walk briskly to your assembly
point – do not run." Nowhere in the rules is there any instruction
to risk the lives of your children and yourself, by slowly and
laboriously dragging a fifty-pound suitcase more than two hundred
meters towards the beach.
The tourists sitting calmly on their suitcases at the
beach, is explained by the fact that the Paradise Hotel is
a "turnkey" operation, one-hundred-percent owned by the Israelis and
thus under their complete control. You cannot walk in off the street
and book a room, because the entire hotel is reserved strictly for
Israeli tourists, including a sizeable number of Mossad operatives
on "Rest and Recuperation". This was a controlled operation from the
start, with nearly all of the Israeli guests cleared away from the
buildings before the charges were detonated.
Next, Mossad agents led the compliant Kenyan media to a
spot just outside the Mombasa Airport perimeter fence, and showed
journalists the "discarded launch tubes" of two shoulder-launched
surface-to-air heat seeking missiles, allegedly fired at the Arkia
Boeing 757 as it passed overhead at 500 feet. They were real launch
tubes complete with pistol grips designed to fire the SA-7b "Strela"
missile, but minus the heavy battery packs which the "Arab
terrorists" inexplicably decided to run away with. Believe me, there
is no way you can fire the Strela without its heavy battery pack. The
launch tubes had also been resprayed brilliant sky-blue, a color
which provides excellent contrast for media location and recording on
Betamax video, but is absurd for operational use. The only colors the
Strela is issued in from the factory, are camouflage khaki or olive
The SA-7b Strela is an infra red heat seeker that locks
onto hot engine exhaust gases, and will rush off at Mach 1.75 to
kill any aircraft [without active magnesium flare protection] that
flies within its slant range of 3 miles. Immediately after launch
the equipment operator becomes irrelevant, with the missile doing the
rest all by itself. Sure it sometimes has a bit of a problem with
helicopters which deflect their hot engine gases up through the rotor
blades, but the huge gaping red-hot engine orifices of a Boeing 757
at point blank range, are the Strela's ultimate wet dream.
If one of these rather phallic missiles had actually been
fired at the Arkia 757 from the Mombasa runway overrun area, it would
have automatically and immediately streaked inside one of the 757's
irresistible orifices, and blown the entire engine pod off the wing
with its powerful HE warhead. Two missiles would have blown off two
engine pods, making the Boeing extremely difficult to control, to say
the very least of it.
Fortunately you do not have to take my word for this.
Look very closely at the Strela launch tube photographs shown on this
page. The launch and propellant charges of the Strela are very messy,
and always leave a lot of dirty residue on the muzzle and exhaust
pipe of the launcher after a missile has been fired. There is not the
slightest trace of residue on either Strela launcher at Mombasa,
proving conclusively that they were never used for live launches, and
were thus placed in the grass solely as stage props to reinforce the
Israeli myth.
No doubt a few avid television viewers might
retort, "What about the Israeli captain of the Boeing? He said he saw
two smoke trails from the missiles". Really? It would be more
productive to focus on exactly what the captain told the media, and
whether his statement could be even remotely correct. The captain's
exact words were, "We saw two white stripes coming up from behind the
airplane on the left side a bit above us." As you will see from the
photo of the Arkia Boeing 757 on this page, the aircraft is not
fitted with rear view mirrors or a tail warning radar. No pilot
sitting on the flight deck of a Boeing 757 can see "behind" the
aircraft because rearward vision is severely restricted. With
the "stretched" version of the Boeing 757 they were flying, the Arkia
pilots would consider themselves lucky if they could twist around far
enough to see their own wings. Nor would they have done so at this
entirely critical point in the flight.
The aircraft had just rotated off the hot runway at
Mombasa with a full load of fuel and passengers, and was at its most
vulnerable. Lose an engine at this point, which means half your total
thrust on a twin-engine Boeing 757, and you need to be a very slick
pilot to get the airplane back on the ground in one piece at all. So
beyond question, both pilots had their eyes glued firmly to the
instrument panel at the precise time the captain subsequently
claimed, "We saw two white stripes coming up from behind the
aircraft…" You decide whether or not the captain was telling the
truth, bearing in mind that he also claimed he "felt a bump",
inferring one of the "phantom" missiles had glanced off the airplane.
On arrival at Ben Gurion airport in Palestine the airplane was
checked for damage by television media, and not a single scratch or
blemish was found on its immaculate paint work.
As previously stated, and apart from gratuitously trying
to establish a direct link between Palestinians and the fictional "al
Qaeda" in the form of CIA/MI6/Mossad "suspect" Abdullah Ahmed
Abdullah, the motive for this staged Mossad "attack" was almost
certainly to combat increasing dissent over the Bali bombing, with
the intent of getting suspicious westerners back on side. The very
nature of the covert operation provides several strong clues, as do
the various stage props provided by the Mossad for local and
international media networks
At the basic subliminal level, you were supposed to
acknowledge this "cowardly" attack by "al Qaeda" on "Israeli
civilians" who were simply on holiday having a good time
at "Kikambala Beach", where the blasts were caused by a "suicide
bomber" and a "car bomb". You were repeatedly shown hundreds of feet
of video film reinforcing this myth, with lots of waving palm trees,
and distraught Jewish survivors sitting on the beach.
Surely the covert Kikambala operation subliminally
reminds you of another "cowardly" attack by "al Qaeda" on "Australian
civilians", who were simply on holiday having a good time at "Kuta
Beach" in Bali on 12 October? It is remarkably similar in many ways,
right down to the fine details of a "suicide bomber" and "car bomb"
The entire operation was designed to [hopefully] prove that poor
Israelis on holiday suffer as much as poor Australians do, at
the "ruthless" hands of "al Qaeda" and/or the interchangeable "Jemaah
Well, perhaps not exactly. More than one hundred
Australians died at Kuta Beach, but only three Israelis died at
Kikambala Beach. As if to make up for this inferior body count, you
were told that "al Qaeda" had also fired two SA-7b "Strela" heat
seeking missiles at an unarmed Israeli airliner. Poor brave Israelis,
I am not callously ingoring the loss of life where local
residents are concerned, it is simply a matter of not having accurate
figures to use. To the best of my knowledge, approximately 100
Indonesians perished at Kuta Beach, while at least 15 Kenyans were
killed at Kikambala Beach. Sadly perhaps, this heavy death toll will
be regarded by the CIA and Mossad as irrelevant "collateral damage."
During the ten days immediately preceding the Kikambala
operation, things had gone from bad to worse for American and
Australian investigators trying to prove that "al Qaeda" and "Jemaah
Islamiyah" were responsible for the Kuta Beach atrocity. On Monday 18
November, Indonesian Parliamentary Speaker Amien Rais said he
questioned the validity of the police conclusion that "Amrozi" was
the main perpetrator of the Bali bombings. Rais was supported by
Deputy House Speaker A.M. Fatwa, who stated, "`My conscience says
that he is not a key actor. I don't believe that Amrozi has the
capability to make all kinds of the preparations for the bombings,
like setting off a kind of micro nuclear bomb in Bali."
These pointed observations by two of the most powerful
politicians in Indonesia caused a storm of discontent across the
entire nation, with most Indonesians justifiably claiming that the
CIA and Mossad were responsible for the outrage in Bali. Then events
accelerated rapidly, with politicians from Jakarta personally
visiting Kuta Beach. This was followed by the sudden recall of the
police general in Bali, who for weeks prior to this had managed to
produce endless "Muslim suspects" for the Americans and Australians,
at the same staggering speed a conjurer might pull rabbits out of a
hat. But just like the rabbits, the Muslim suspects were just clever
illusions. And so it was that quite suddenly, with their tame police
general removed from the island and escorted back to Jakarta, the CIA
and Mossad knew the game was up.
The risks involved in Bali finally being exposed as a
joint CIA-Mossad operation are awesome, and far more dangerous in
their own way than the multiple allegations about 9/11. Though many
investigators including myself have proved with ease that nearly half
the named 9/11 "hijackers" are still alive and well today, and that
forged evidence was deliberately planted at the crime scene in New
York, none individually or severally have sufficient hard evidence to
prove that 9/11 was a premeditated scam launched by Judeo-Christian
crusaders, rather than by fictional Muslim "al Qaeda terrorists".
Bali is quite different. Because it is known that the
only possible source for the weapon named by Deputy Speaker A. M.
Fatwa is Dimona in Israel's Negev Desert, this single atrocity has
the easy ability to unravel the entire carefully-constructed post-
9/11 "War on Terror", and its more recent oil-rich cousin, the "War
on Iraq". If you successfully unravel the Bali atrocity, and
correctly pin the blame on the CIA and Mossad, you automatically
expose both "al Qaeda" and "Jemaah Islamiyah" as organizations
deliberately invented by these two related western intelligence
agencies. Indeed, using this process you prove that the CIA and
Mossad ARE THEMSELVES "al Qaeda" and "Jemaah Islamiyah". Then, and
only then, can you use modus operandi and due legal process to prove
beyond doubt that the same two agencies were also responsible for
This frightening possibility was a risk the agencies were
not prepared to take, and the Kikambala operation was swiftly
arranged to deflect attention away from the increasing anger in
Indonesia. Unfortunately, there is a remote but worrying possibility
that the lookalike Israeli attack on Kikambala, might have been
designed to deliberately include propaganda enabling future "more
sophisticated" attacks on the west.
So far as I know, this is the first time that either the
CIA or the Mossad has actually brought you real television footage of
an [unfired] surface-to-air missile launcher, with the obvious intent
of convincing you that the fictional "al Qaeda" and "Jemaah
Islamiyah" not only have access to such equipment, but are also
willing and able to use it against unarmed civilian airplanes. The
big problem, of course, is that this decoy missile equipment was
deliberately placed in position by the Mossad, rather than
any "Muslim terrorist" group.
Though I normally go out of my way to avoid causing
public panic of any kind, now might be a good time to reevaluate just
how necessary it might be for your wife, children or yourself to fly
on commercial airplanes. If the CIA or Mossad feel the need to
reinforce hatred and fear of "al Qaeda" or "Jemaah Islamiyah" at some
time in the indeterminate future, there is now an odds-on chance that
at least one of the future "terrorist atrocities" will involve a pair
of [live] Israeli SA-7b Strela missiles hurtling up from the ground
to join with your airliner in a deadly embrace, immediately after
take off from New York, London or Sydney.



Display the following 3 comments

  1. and what of the firefighters — dh
  2. Really???? — Paul Edwards
  3. joe Vialls! — brian