INDYMEDIA IRELAND | 30.11.2002 04:11
No-Shopping Day
Be a Consumer Hero
(article 1)
No-Shopping Day
Be a Consumer Hero
(article 1)
International Buy Nothing Day is November SATURDAY 30th.
The Christmas season, a frenzy of shopping madness will soon be upon us, you would almost think its your civic duty to be there, helping to prop up the economy with your purchases.
Just slow down a little bit. We're not saying that we should all stop consuming and go back to the Dark Ages
Waking Up From the American Dream the All Consuming Passion:
. You wake up, stretch, yawn . . .just another day . . . except, wait . . . isn't today the day? Didn't you make a little pact with yourself? To go on a consumer fast - to buy absolutely nothing for 24 hours?
If enough jammers turn their disaffection into resistance for just one day, November 30 could mark the delivery of a landmark social message. More than a million people will celebrate 11 years of opposition on the unofficial "opening day" of the Christmas frenzy
Ya Basta - Enough is Enough
Buy Nothing Day is a day of cheerful and critical protest against Western over consumption, the unequal worldwide distribution of well being and wealth, and the influence of advertising on our daily lives.
What is Buy Nothing Day all about?
Buy Nothing Day (November 30th 2002), is a simple idea, which challenges consumer culture by asking us to switch off from shopping for a day. It’s a global stand off from consumerism - celebrated as a holiday by some and street party for others! Anyone can take part provided they spend a day without spending!!
Active consumer? As consumers, we should question the products we buy and the companies who produce them. We're not saying that we should all stop consuming and go back to the Dark Ages The idea is to make people stop and think about what and how much they buy effects the environment and developing countries.
What can I do?
Literally, doing nothing is doing something!
Participate by not participating!
The easiest way to become involved in the Buy Nothing Day is: Stay at home! Give yourself and your wallet a day of rest by not shopping
Be an Active Consumer
Our consumer culture is out of control
Once, we shopped to buy what we needed, period. Now that we have all we need, we shop for other reasons: to impress each other, to fill a void, to kill time?. A mere 20% of the earth's population uses 80% of its natural resources. Our over-consumption is killing the planet.
Why Buy Week is a week to discuss alternatives to a shopping-centred life-style.
Why do we, as a culture, feel compelled to buy things we don't need for survival? Do you think commercials and advertisements make us feel we need things when we really don't? Can you think of reasons why buying things could be necessary for our society? Does it help the economy? Does it hurt the environment?
Slaves of Our Desires
Our Habits and Opinions Have Been So Cleverly Manipulated by PR People advertisers etc that we have Forgotten How To Think
No-Shopping Day
Be a Consumer Hero
This was an uncommercial
Pictures from BND 2001 Ireland
The Christmas season, a frenzy of shopping madness will soon be upon us, you would almost think its your civic duty to be there, helping to prop up the economy with your purchases.
Just slow down a little bit. We're not saying that we should all stop consuming and go back to the Dark Ages
Waking Up From the American Dream the All Consuming Passion:
. You wake up, stretch, yawn . . .just another day . . . except, wait . . . isn't today the day? Didn't you make a little pact with yourself? To go on a consumer fast - to buy absolutely nothing for 24 hours?
If enough jammers turn their disaffection into resistance for just one day, November 30 could mark the delivery of a landmark social message. More than a million people will celebrate 11 years of opposition on the unofficial "opening day" of the Christmas frenzy
Ya Basta - Enough is Enough
Buy Nothing Day is a day of cheerful and critical protest against Western over consumption, the unequal worldwide distribution of well being and wealth, and the influence of advertising on our daily lives.
What is Buy Nothing Day all about?
Buy Nothing Day (November 30th 2002), is a simple idea, which challenges consumer culture by asking us to switch off from shopping for a day. It’s a global stand off from consumerism - celebrated as a holiday by some and street party for others! Anyone can take part provided they spend a day without spending!!
Active consumer? As consumers, we should question the products we buy and the companies who produce them. We're not saying that we should all stop consuming and go back to the Dark Ages The idea is to make people stop and think about what and how much they buy effects the environment and developing countries.
What can I do?
Literally, doing nothing is doing something!
Participate by not participating!
The easiest way to become involved in the Buy Nothing Day is: Stay at home! Give yourself and your wallet a day of rest by not shopping
Be an Active Consumer
Our consumer culture is out of control
Once, we shopped to buy what we needed, period. Now that we have all we need, we shop for other reasons: to impress each other, to fill a void, to kill time?. A mere 20% of the earth's population uses 80% of its natural resources. Our over-consumption is killing the planet.
Why Buy Week is a week to discuss alternatives to a shopping-centred life-style.
Why do we, as a culture, feel compelled to buy things we don't need for survival? Do you think commercials and advertisements make us feel we need things when we really don't? Can you think of reasons why buying things could be necessary for our society? Does it help the economy? Does it hurt the environment?
Slaves of Our Desires
Our Habits and Opinions Have Been So Cleverly Manipulated by PR People advertisers etc that we have Forgotten How To Think
No-Shopping Day
Be a Consumer Hero
This was an uncommercial

Pictures from BND 2001 Ireland