European Social Forum 2003 mobilisation
Paris2003 | 28.11.2002 18:48
Let’s make this year’s mobilisation more diverse and less bureaucratic! The next meeting of the European Social Forum will take place at University of London Union, room 3c. 6.30pm, Wednesday 4th December.
Next International meeting. Bourse du Travail of Saint-Denis: 9-11 rue Génin 93200 Saint-Denis, 7th-8th December, 2002.
Next International meeting. Bourse du Travail of Saint-Denis: 9-11 rue Génin 93200 Saint-Denis, 7th-8th December, 2002.
Let’s make this year’s mobilisation more diverse and less bureaucratic!
The next meeting of the European Social Forum will take place at University of London Union, room 3c. 6.30pm, Wednesday 4th December.
Next International meeting. Bourse du Travail of Saint-Denis: 9-11 rue Génin 93200 Saint-Denis, 7th-8th December, 2002.
[Fwd: from the French organisers]
After the World Social Forum of Porto Alegre, which demonstrated the power of the global citizen movement, and the success of the first European Social Forum of Florence with its impressive demonstration, it is up to France to organize the second European Social Forum in November 2003.
A committee of intitiative for the ESF 2003 has been set up in France. It gathers different parts of the French civil society, willing to claim, together, that "another world is possible".
This committee organizes on December 7th and 8th, 2002 a meeting, open to all the organizations and European networks of the civil society: trade unions, citizens ' movements, dealing with popular education, local development, associations of international solidarity, ecologists, Human rights activists, networks of social and solidaritarian economy, movements of the "without" and of all struggles against exclusion, of youth, of immigrants, of peasants, of pacifists, cultural networks, movements of feminists, of researchers and professors involved with the GSF and the ESF, in order to:
- discuss a proposal of a framework to work on a European scale on the ESF 2003 in Paris and Saint-Denis
- set up a council of European guidelines of the ESF 2003
The meeting takes place at the Bourse du Travail of Saint-Denis: 9-11 rue Génin 93200 Saint-Denis, on Saturday the 7th and Sunday the 8th, 2002.
The hours are:
December 7th: from 10:00 am till 8: 00 pm
December 8th: from 9:00 am till 4:00 pm
We thank you to forward this invitation to any organization or network of the civil society that you think may be interested.
Please confirm your participation to:
Virginie Peron :
Let's act together to make another world possible!
The French committee of initiatives for the ESF 2003
The next meeting of the European Social Forum will take place at University of London Union, room 3c. 6.30pm, Wednesday 4th December.
Next International meeting. Bourse du Travail of Saint-Denis: 9-11 rue Génin 93200 Saint-Denis, 7th-8th December, 2002.
[Fwd: from the French organisers]
After the World Social Forum of Porto Alegre, which demonstrated the power of the global citizen movement, and the success of the first European Social Forum of Florence with its impressive demonstration, it is up to France to organize the second European Social Forum in November 2003.
A committee of intitiative for the ESF 2003 has been set up in France. It gathers different parts of the French civil society, willing to claim, together, that "another world is possible".
This committee organizes on December 7th and 8th, 2002 a meeting, open to all the organizations and European networks of the civil society: trade unions, citizens ' movements, dealing with popular education, local development, associations of international solidarity, ecologists, Human rights activists, networks of social and solidaritarian economy, movements of the "without" and of all struggles against exclusion, of youth, of immigrants, of peasants, of pacifists, cultural networks, movements of feminists, of researchers and professors involved with the GSF and the ESF, in order to:
- discuss a proposal of a framework to work on a European scale on the ESF 2003 in Paris and Saint-Denis
- set up a council of European guidelines of the ESF 2003
The meeting takes place at the Bourse du Travail of Saint-Denis: 9-11 rue Génin 93200 Saint-Denis, on Saturday the 7th and Sunday the 8th, 2002.
The hours are:
December 7th: from 10:00 am till 8: 00 pm
December 8th: from 9:00 am till 4:00 pm
We thank you to forward this invitation to any organization or network of the civil society that you think may be interested.
Please confirm your participation to:
Virginie Peron :

Let's act together to make another world possible!
The French committee of initiatives for the ESF 2003