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GERMANY/TURKEY: Turkish conscientious objector in danger of being deported

Concodoc | 28.11.2002 17:28

Kurdish-Turkish conscientious objector Abdulrezzak Er is in danger of being deported from Germany back to Turkey.

GERMANY/TURKEY: Turkish conscientious objector in danger of being deported
GERMANY/TURKEY: Turkish conscientious objector in danger of being deported

[CO-alert: War Resisters' International's mailing list]
[ on conscientious objectors facing repression ]

29 November 2002

GERMANY/TURKEY: Turkish conscientious objector in danger of being deported from Germany

Turkish conscientious objector Abdulrezzak Er is in danger of being deported from Germany to Turkey, together with his wife and their three children.
As all male citizens of the Kurdish village Sohran, Abdulrezzak Er was forced by the Turkish military to become a "village guard". He refused, and was arrested several times, and tortured. He also refused to perform his military service in Turkey.
In 1996, he fled to Germany and applied for asylum. This was refused, and he now can be deported back to Turkey - together with his family - at any time.
Abdulrezzak Er is an anti-war activist, and since 1999 he is active within the network of Turkish-Kurdish antimilitarists in German exile. He participated in public actions in Germany, and publicly declared his refusal to serve in the Turkish military.
In case of deportation, Abdulrezzak Er is likely to be arrested and tortured. He will also be forced to perform military service.
At present he already need therapeutical treatment as a result of torture.

War Resisters' International asks you to send letters in support of a petition to the German Bundestag - Commission for Petitions (text below).

War Resisters' International also calls for protest letters to the German authorities, and German embassies abroad. Addresses of German embassies can be found at

Andreas Speck
War Resisters' International

Text of petition:

Petitionsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages
11011 Berlin

Petition-No: 05679/15

Dear Mr/Ms,

I support the petition in support of conscientious objector Abdulrezzak Er. I fear that he will face torture, imprisonment under isolation, and inhuman treatment, in case of deportation. I therefore ask the Commission for Petitions of the German Bundestag to grant Abdulrezzak Er the right to stay in Germany.

An den Petitionsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages
11011 Berlin

Petition-Nr.: 05679/15

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wir unterstützen den Petitionsantrag für den Kriegsdienstverweigerer Abdulrezzak Er.
Wir befürchten, dass ihm im Falle seiner Abschiebung Folter, Isolationshaft und unmenschliche
Behandlung drohen. Wir bitten daher den Petitionsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages, dem
Petitionsantrag für Herr Abdulrezzak Er stattzugeben.


Sayin Yetkililer

Vicdani redci Abdulrezzak Er icin verilen petisvon basvurusunu desteklemekteyiz. Sinirdisi edilmesi ciurumunda iskence, hukuka aykiri tutuklanma. insanlikdisi muamele ve hapse atilma tehdidiyle karsi karsiya kalacagindan korkmaktayiz. Bu nedenle Alman Parlamentosu Petisyon Heyeti`nden Savin Abdulrezzak Er icin yapilan basvuruyu kabul etmesini rica ediyoruz.

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