profrv@(nospam) | 26.11.2002 02:17
Labor demagogues high on war rhetoric and messianism are riding roughshod over our bloodwon civil and human rights.
Here and in Australia,Labor,not Al Quida,is the main danger.
Here and in Australia,Labor,not Al Quida,is the main danger.
The Premier of NSW recently has unleashed alsations on commuters and police horses on bystanders and reporters at a WTO demonstration.He has called for the power to oredr Tanks into the streets and a department of Fatherland Security.His (literally)manic police minister has attacked pacifists and Indymedia websites.The Premier has attacked a female reporter for asking a question.He once attacked WEF demonstrators as 'fascists,'and this rabid frothing was taken up by his mate,Steve Bracks in the next state.
Bracks has just legalized Heimsecuritat burglary,theft and/or planting of evidence.This is hardly a full list of the assaults on freedom led by these labor party demagogues.
That would take to long but in the history of au,there are many examples of Labor leaders acting like real live fascists.
Hawke with the proposed australia card and his minister Hayden presiding over the Sheraton raid are just two.
My dad is a crusty conservative who reads the Spectator and now we both agree that the threat is verifiable,the threat is real.
From this...
British parliament votes to suspend civil liberties
By Julie Hyland
4 September 1998
Prime Minister Tony Blair's "draconian" Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill was overwhelmingly passed by the British parliament in an emergency sitting early Thursday morning. Almost simultaneously the Irish Dail approved similar legislation.
The UK legislation, which was endorsed by 391 votes to 17, overturns basic judicial norms and civil liberties. Under the Bill it is now possible to:
Convict a person for belonging to a proscribed organisation on the evidence of a senior police officer.
Treat a suspect's refusal to answer "relevant" questions, or co-operate with any "relevant inquiry", as corroboration of the police officers' evidence.
Enable the seizure of the property and assets of anyone convicted of terrorist acts.
The Bill also introduces a new offence of "Conspiracy to commit offences outside of the United Kingdom". This provision enables the British government to take action against any country deemed to be sponsoring or aiding "terrorism" and to imprison any person in Britain "conspiring" to carry out such actions abroad.
The new conspiracy offence will enable the imprisonment of any British citizen agitating in support of, and raising money to fund, dissident movements overseas. On this basis, British supporters of the anti-apartheid movement during the 1980s could have been rounded up.
The parliamentary vote has set a dangerous and far-reaching precedent. Judicial and democratic provisions are no longer considered issues of fundamental principle, but are subject to circumstance. The British government has established that the use of terror is its prerogative alone.
The proposed rescinding of basic legal rights and procedures in english common law up to and including Habeus Corpus,that takes all common law countries back to pre Magna Carta,the dark ages.
The UK STASI is dangerous because it not only destroys what your supposed to be defending but can be circumvented by determined and dangerous terrorists anyway.The best way to fight them is more freedoms,more responsibilities.
Blair and Carr are not obvious moron's like shrub and Bracks and that makes them all the worse.Our inalienable human and civil rights are being trampled and abused,raped is not to strong a word for it.Collateral damage on an insane crusade to make the world safe for the last empire and it fleet of SUV's.
STRIKE BLAIR OUT and never let the monster raving looney back...EVER!
Bracks has just legalized Heimsecuritat burglary,theft and/or planting of evidence.This is hardly a full list of the assaults on freedom led by these labor party demagogues.
That would take to long but in the history of au,there are many examples of Labor leaders acting like real live fascists.
Hawke with the proposed australia card and his minister Hayden presiding over the Sheraton raid are just two.
My dad is a crusty conservative who reads the Spectator and now we both agree that the threat is verifiable,the threat is real.
From this...
British parliament votes to suspend civil liberties
By Julie Hyland
4 September 1998
Prime Minister Tony Blair's "draconian" Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill was overwhelmingly passed by the British parliament in an emergency sitting early Thursday morning. Almost simultaneously the Irish Dail approved similar legislation.
The UK legislation, which was endorsed by 391 votes to 17, overturns basic judicial norms and civil liberties. Under the Bill it is now possible to:
Convict a person for belonging to a proscribed organisation on the evidence of a senior police officer.
Treat a suspect's refusal to answer "relevant" questions, or co-operate with any "relevant inquiry", as corroboration of the police officers' evidence.
Enable the seizure of the property and assets of anyone convicted of terrorist acts.
The Bill also introduces a new offence of "Conspiracy to commit offences outside of the United Kingdom". This provision enables the British government to take action against any country deemed to be sponsoring or aiding "terrorism" and to imprison any person in Britain "conspiring" to carry out such actions abroad.
The new conspiracy offence will enable the imprisonment of any British citizen agitating in support of, and raising money to fund, dissident movements overseas. On this basis, British supporters of the anti-apartheid movement during the 1980s could have been rounded up.
The parliamentary vote has set a dangerous and far-reaching precedent. Judicial and democratic provisions are no longer considered issues of fundamental principle, but are subject to circumstance. The British government has established that the use of terror is its prerogative alone.

The proposed rescinding of basic legal rights and procedures in english common law up to and including Habeus Corpus,that takes all common law countries back to pre Magna Carta,the dark ages.
The UK STASI is dangerous because it not only destroys what your supposed to be defending but can be circumvented by determined and dangerous terrorists anyway.The best way to fight them is more freedoms,more responsibilities.
Blair and Carr are not obvious moron's like shrub and Bracks and that makes them all the worse.Our inalienable human and civil rights are being trampled and abused,raped is not to strong a word for it.Collateral damage on an insane crusade to make the world safe for the last empire and it fleet of SUV's.
STRIKE BLAIR OUT and never let the monster raving looney back...EVER!