Pics.Firefighters protest at CBI conference manchester 25th
Richard | 25.11.2002 18:57
Greater manchester Firefighters protest outside the CBI Conference in Manchester while Gordon'tight-arse'Brown pontificates to the fat cats inside. Judge someone by the company they keep, eh Gordon (article 1)
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Light my fire
25.11.2002 21:20
As Blair speaks of turning the tide in the firefighters
strike this picture clearly shows what this is all about.
Watch the scene behind the firefighters back.
Yet another deluxe hotel invading earth citizens
common space. Commodifying our environment. The only
earth we have.
Blair, Prescott and other members of the cabal just
loved to see the earth filled with these kind of
buildings. But they don`t give the slightest fuck about
the well being of the firefighters, nor for that matter
of a decent living for people in general.
Burn Britain.