What The SWP Did In Florence
Johnny Memonomic | 22.11.2002 14:46
I was there & can verify the racist, arrogant actions of the SWP..and their shoving of people on the ground
Anti-war demo
Bitter taste of SWP arrogance sours day
In Florence, the SWP certainly did make an impression. There is no doubt that the 500 or so comrades the International Socialist Tendency mobilised were noticed by every single person in the Fortezza. Where the thousands of Rifondazione members modestly tried to camouflage their organisation, the SWP was promoting itself unashamedly.
While there was no SWP stall, its front organisations, the Anti-Nazi League and especially Globalise Resistance, were very visible with their posters, banners and stalls. A daily rally in the court of the Fortezza was followed by mini-demonstrations, in which the IST comrades walked round and round, displaying ‘F**k capitalism’ placards and shouting “People, not profit”, “SWP, SWP” and other such catchy slogans. When selling Socialist Worker or its international equivalents, the comrades seem to have been to told to shout: “Socialist Worker: one solution, revolution”.
While the SWP was undoubtedly able to impress some of the younger, politically inexperienced people in the Fortezza, most people followed the daily spectacle with mild amusement.
But things turned sour on the Saturday, the day of the demonstration. First, Globalise Resistance managed to persuade the organisers that it should be down to GR to front the contingent from Britain, not the representatives of the trade unions or the Socialist Alliance banner. Then they ignored the pre-arranged order of the demonstration and led the British section to the front of the march - bypassing not only the huge contingent of Rifondazione Comunista, but also the hundreds of Fiat workers.
A number of non-SWP members in the British contingent unsuccessfully argued against this move and quite a few went their own way at this point. It was the Fiat workers and the stewards who physically ‘convinced’ the comrades to go back to their earlier arranged position - but not without a few moments of pushing and shoving. Other contingents looked on in sheer astonishment.
Rather than admitting that this clumsy attempt at self-promotion was a mistake, the comrades from the SWP have resorted to all kinds of stories in an attempt to justify their aborted attempt to place themselves at the head of the march. According to one SWP member, the organisers “feared an attack by the police”. Seeing so many young people would hopefully deter them. Another SWPer told a CPGB comrade: “We earned the right to lead the march - we organised the biggest anti-war demo in Europe.”
Bitter taste of SWP arrogance sours day
In Florence, the SWP certainly did make an impression. There is no doubt that the 500 or so comrades the International Socialist Tendency mobilised were noticed by every single person in the Fortezza. Where the thousands of Rifondazione members modestly tried to camouflage their organisation, the SWP was promoting itself unashamedly.
While there was no SWP stall, its front organisations, the Anti-Nazi League and especially Globalise Resistance, were very visible with their posters, banners and stalls. A daily rally in the court of the Fortezza was followed by mini-demonstrations, in which the IST comrades walked round and round, displaying ‘F**k capitalism’ placards and shouting “People, not profit”, “SWP, SWP” and other such catchy slogans. When selling Socialist Worker or its international equivalents, the comrades seem to have been to told to shout: “Socialist Worker: one solution, revolution”.
While the SWP was undoubtedly able to impress some of the younger, politically inexperienced people in the Fortezza, most people followed the daily spectacle with mild amusement.
But things turned sour on the Saturday, the day of the demonstration. First, Globalise Resistance managed to persuade the organisers that it should be down to GR to front the contingent from Britain, not the representatives of the trade unions or the Socialist Alliance banner. Then they ignored the pre-arranged order of the demonstration and led the British section to the front of the march - bypassing not only the huge contingent of Rifondazione Comunista, but also the hundreds of Fiat workers.
A number of non-SWP members in the British contingent unsuccessfully argued against this move and quite a few went their own way at this point. It was the Fiat workers and the stewards who physically ‘convinced’ the comrades to go back to their earlier arranged position - but not without a few moments of pushing and shoving. Other contingents looked on in sheer astonishment.
Rather than admitting that this clumsy attempt at self-promotion was a mistake, the comrades from the SWP have resorted to all kinds of stories in an attempt to justify their aborted attempt to place themselves at the head of the march. According to one SWP member, the organisers “feared an attack by the police”. Seeing so many young people would hopefully deter them. Another SWPer told a CPGB comrade: “We earned the right to lead the march - we organised the biggest anti-war demo in Europe.”
Johnny Memonomic
Hide the following 12 comments
22.11.2002 15:06
From the best SW of all time
22.11.2002 15:13
Subscribers to the excellent Leftist Trainspotters mailing list had a field day in Florence – all those obscure newspapers, all those groups from all over the place, it really was sect-spotting heaven.
And for the British delegation there was an added bonus of discovering the Italian versions of our own old favourites.
Ever heard of the newspaper Communism from Below? Probably not, but that apparently is the Italian translation for Socialist Worker- Comunismo dal Basso.
Clearly Communism is not a word that the SWP like to use too much in the UK – it obviously sounds a bit Stalinist.
But why not use the direct translation Il Operaio Socialista in Italian?
Well just as communism is a word that the Britleft try to avoid, Socialist is a word that has embarrasing connotations in Italy.
That is largely a result of the PSI, the Italian Socialist Party. The right-wing PSI led by former Italian PM Craxi, collapsed under the weight of corruption in the early 1990’s – old comrade Craxi was not exactly one for probity.
He is best known for doing more than a little fiddling of the books – and as everyone in the Socialist Alliance know that is something the SWP can never, never, ever be accused of. Right?
Jerk Francis
revolution in a teacup
22.11.2002 15:34
I know we are supposd to infer from this that pushing in on a march is just one step away from suppressing a genuine libertarian workers movement. in fact pushing in is a clear example of the paucity of their politics and a demonstration of the inherent flaws of trotskyism. but to me it looks like a bit of handbags on a demo.
22.11.2002 16:42
I was there too and nothing of the sort happened. Racist? how in what way, shoving people on the ground this just daft.
will you please give it a rest!
22.11.2002 17:24
fed up
Ignore these provocations
22.11.2002 18:05
D Duck
Same old, same old, try harder Special branch
22.11.2002 18:46
Suppose you still have to justify your expense accounts
You lot should join a trade union, perhaps you might get such crap jobs to do
Must have a different Florence to the march that I went on
Bill Bo Bolshevik
22.11.2002 22:18
but please tell me if there is any point in your IST comrades selling your paper, when they can't even read it (i.e. they spoke Italian and French, but no English!)
Basically reinforces my opinion of the SWP (SWC/ANL/Resist aside) 'the socialists, united, gotta sell more papers!'
22.11.2002 22:26
as usual a bunch of assholes at the core though that's to say nothing of the general supporters however garrulous.
it means nothin
love em or fuck em.
it matters not
Monty Pythonesque...
23.11.2002 01:22
Are you the Judean People's Front?
Fuck off!
Judean People's Front. We're the People's Front of Judea! Judean People's Front. Cawk.
Can I... join your group?
No. Piss off.
I didn't want to sell this stuff. It's only a job. I hate the Romans as much as anybody.
Shhhh. Shhhh. Shhh. Shh. Shhhh.
Are you sure?
Oh, dead sure. I hate the Romans already.
Listen. If you really wanted to join the P.F.J., you'd have to really hate the Romans.
I do!
Oh, yeah? How much?
A lot!
Right. You're in. Listen. The only people we hate more than the Romans are the fucking Judean People's Front.
And the Judean Popular People's Front.
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Splitters. Splitters...
And the People's Front of Judea.
Yeah. Splitters. Splitters...
The People's Front of Judea. Splitters.
We're the People's Front of Judea!
Oh. I thought we were the Popular Front.
People's Front! C-huh.
Whatever happened to the Popular Front, Reg?
He's over there.
[pant pant pant] Ooh. Ooh. I-- I think I'm about to have a... cardiac arrest. Ooh. Ooh.
Absolutely dreadful. Hmm.
Yes, brother! Ha ha. What's your name?
Brian. Brian Cohen.
We may have a little job for you, Brian.
missed the Badgers ear lobes
23.11.2002 12:51
when reading anti SWP articles ..
you missed the part, where Reg then orders the Roman version of a Big Mac and proceeds to tuck in ..
Party politics is not what this movement is a
25.11.2002 13:27
I do not want to be a member of any idealogical movement.
I am opposed to war with Iraq and the repression of the Palestinans.
I want to march in disgust.
I do not want to march as a representitive of a political party.
I do not want to march under the banner of a political party.
I no longer can march!
Shame on you SWP for trying to further yourselves by exploting peoples disgust at their government. To me and my friends socialism is as irrelevant as capitalism, your 'war' is not our war, you just help get ordinary people labled by the press as 'anachists and revelotionaries', I am neither, you have done harm not good.