Palestinians dancing and celebrating news of 11 Israeli school kids slaughtered.
Joel | 21.11.2002 21:53
CNN - "A suicide bomber killed 11 people and injured 50--including many schoolchildren--aboard a crowded Israeli commuter bus in Jerusalem. Killed in the terror attack were an 8-year-old, three teenagers and seven adults." Reuters reports that "witnesses said they heard children who had been on their way to school screaming 'Mamma, Mamma' from the wreckage." Hamas confessed to the atrocity.
CNN quotes Jerusalem's Mayor Ehud Olmert: "Every time I come to such a site, I can't escape the thought that a living person entered the bus, and he saw the young kid of 6, 7 years old sitting, and he blows him apart. This is something that you have to see to understand how terrible it is."
Meanwhile, the Jerusalem Post quotes the murderer's father, Azmi Abu Hilail, who praises his son: "Our religion says we are proud of him until the day of resurrection. This is a challenge to the Zionist enemies." The Post doesn't spell out which religion the Abu Hilails practice, but I'm willing to bet a dollar it's a religion of peace.
CNN quotes Jerusalem's Mayor Ehud Olmert: "Every time I come to such a site, I can't escape the thought that a living person entered the bus, and he saw the young kid of 6, 7 years old sitting, and he blows him apart. This is something that you have to see to understand how terrible it is."
Meanwhile, the Jerusalem Post quotes the murderer's father, Azmi Abu Hilail, who praises his son: "Our religion says we are proud of him until the day of resurrection. This is a challenge to the Zionist enemies." The Post doesn't spell out which religion the Abu Hilails practice, but I'm willing to bet a dollar it's a religion of peace.

Hide the following 7 comments
21.11.2002 22:24
Dear Dov, did you try to mean 'Dove'?
21.11.2002 22:48
also maybe you should think how would you and your child as waiting for hours at police checks and more and more that you could understand if you would stop exercise that power that the money gives you (i.e. to freely go and enjoy the pizza eh eh)
oh sure you are free to go
only do not expect the rest of 5billions and a half on this planet to be pacifist
by the way you are not and you are more likely a conquistador that wants to stop wherever he wants to eat his the face of others
the article deserved a more political answer, however sometimes we have to talk about pizza to make ourselves understood
and then what cnn calls Happiness...
go to Reuters to find out some new 'exciting' web , you can click on 'our world', actually guess we'll need to click it off soon
Pal 4 Paestinians
21.11.2002 23:18
at least dont let it feed the anti-islamic purge
21.11.2002 23:18
21.11.2002 23:28
Condemn all Terrorism
22.11.2002 00:31
Peace is farther off when we deny history and the black potential in ourselves and those on our side.
a time to kill
22.11.2002 04:36
murder is never a good thing, the tragedy is that people cant seem to truely identify with the palistinian cause...
first you have to imagine what it would take for you personally to do such a thing...and once you realise what that is, you can understand what its all about.
untill then, anyone who sees the arabs as just crazies who enjoy killing for their religion, is just a fucking middleclass kid, who has never had his freedom completely taken away.
some of us, at least have the ability to imagine those things, and hence we can understand why their doing it.
jsut introduce yourself to the question WHY? answer it, starting from the viewpoint that all people are essentially the same, and that an arab wouldnt do something that you wont.
hence, if there is a breaking point, where you will finally commit murder cause you have no other way out....BINGO!