Youre opinion?
Guido | 21.11.2002 19:58
"We call for:
1. The Belgian government to search for a diplomatic solution to the current conflict. The use of neutral weapons inspectors in Iraq forms part of this mission.
Belgium and the European Union must demand the removal of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East in line with UN resolutin 687."
1. The Belgian government to search for a diplomatic solution to the current conflict. The use of neutral weapons inspectors in Iraq forms part of this mission.
Belgium and the European Union must demand the removal of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East in line with UN resolutin 687."
We call for:
1. The Belgian government to search for a diplomatic solution to the current conflict. The use of neutral weapons inspectors in Iraq forms part of this mission.
Belgium and the European Union must demand the removal of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East in line with UN resolutin 687.
2. The Belgian government and other European governments to apply pressure on the US government to avert military conflict.
3. The Belgian military to provide no support (including logistic support) for the attack. Belgium must use its political power to block the preparations for a military invasion.
4. The Belgian government, other European countries, and UN security council members to insist on a lifting of the sanctions against Iraq. The current sanctions against Iraq - shown to be ineffective by UN reports - have hurt the citizens of Iraq, while making the regime of Saddam Hussein stronger. We have to take urgent steps to reduce the suffering of the Iraqi people.
1. The Belgian government to search for a diplomatic solution to the current conflict. The use of neutral weapons inspectors in Iraq forms part of this mission.
Belgium and the European Union must demand the removal of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East in line with UN resolutin 687.
2. The Belgian government and other European governments to apply pressure on the US government to avert military conflict.
3. The Belgian military to provide no support (including logistic support) for the attack. Belgium must use its political power to block the preparations for a military invasion.
4. The Belgian government, other European countries, and UN security council members to insist on a lifting of the sanctions against Iraq. The current sanctions against Iraq - shown to be ineffective by UN reports - have hurt the citizens of Iraq, while making the regime of Saddam Hussein stronger. We have to take urgent steps to reduce the suffering of the Iraqi people.