Police State Haringey
Nooooooooooooo.............. | 21.11.2002 17:16
"This is a very deliberate strategy to provide a visible re-assurance to people in Haringey and to act as a deterrent against armed criminals. This sort of routine deployment to an area is exceptional but we have to return Haringey to normality as soon as possible."
(Military police in body armour with sub-machine guns is NORMAL?)
"Armed officers are being asked to deploy from their vehicles to show there is a visible deterrent on the streets and to demonstrate to people that there are armed officers in this area."
(Military police in body armour with sub-machine guns is NORMAL?)
"Armed officers are being asked to deploy from their vehicles to show there is a visible deterrent on the streets and to demonstrate to people that there are armed officers in this area."
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Rivers of blood
21.11.2002 17:45
21.11.2002 18:26
inaccurate waffle
21.11.2002 19:03
As for 'since when are armed military police on patrol' or whatever was said... this is again a semi moronic comment, as the armed officers are civilian police officers.
You really can't expect us to not arm some of our police when you have a high number of armed villains walking around butchering each other and robbing people at gunpoint in the street.
voice of reason
how moronic?
21.11.2002 19:55
Note the quote about deploying from their vehicles. These armed officers have been around for years - they just normally don't flash their guns around unless there's a suspected armed criminal in the area.
By getting them to walk around a bit, the 'visible presence' is supposed to convey the idea that 'something is being done'. Given they have a track record in shooting unarmed suspects, not everyone will be 'reassured'.
And why are there lots of cops there....
21.11.2002 20:30
the area is very mixed with many races, sometimes there is tension, this increases if someones murdered and more so if drug money is involved
some people do feel safer others do not
what would you do after such a murder
i know for certain after some of the incidents of the last year and a half or so that if the police had not flooded the area then there would have been many more injured and maybe more dead
does not mean i like the situation, thats just how it is
better get used to it
21.11.2002 21:48
then the target of those guns will be you
pigs can sleep in beds...
22.11.2002 04:50
do you really trust in the good judgement of the police. i mean, what kind of pshycological profile does it take to want to tell people what to do, and get paid badly for it.
beat the shit out of people etc.
nah, i prefer chaos. if human being have been able to survive through the ages, why the fuck do you need police anyway.
take care of yourself.
if you dont like the area, go somewhere else.
get streetwise, whatever. just be responsible for your own actions. thats the way life is. and should be.
22.11.2002 13:09
the enforcer