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Peace is the way to peace - not war

Daniel H. Shubin | 19.11.2002 22:25

Take the challenge - become a peace church

Now is the time to terminate war and military aggression and only the Christian church can do it as our obligation to the founder of our religion, Jesus of Nazareth, Messiah of Israel and the Son of the Living God.

Peace Church Challenge is a ministry dedicated to return Christianity back to its Apostolic roots by turning churches and denominations toward religious objection to war and military aggression. Visit the website:
For a free copy of the book Conflict of Ages, email your name and address to
Dan Shubin, director, Peace Church Challenge

Daniel H. Shubin
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Only Christians can stop the war?

19.11.2002 23:12

"Now is the time to terminate war and military aggression and only the Christian church can do it"? Great to have Christians on board with anti-war stuff, but I doubt you'll get anywhere with the attitude that only people who believe in your god can achieve peace. We all need to work together on this one. And I might add that religion seems to be a factor in a lot of wars, though I'm sure you've heard that before.


Onward Christian soldiers

20.11.2002 09:13

When I were a lad, I occasionally made it into school, and once or twice even made it in time for assembly.
Where the entire school including the teachers would sing
pro christian songs, like Onward christian soldiers marching as /off to war, with the sword of jesus going on before.
Then there was Jeruselem. in englands green and pleasant land. Edward Elgar, and loads of other nazi shite.

As I remember, from my history lessons, the archbishops of Germany and England blessed the "cannon fodder" on both sides
before they were marched of to be machined gunned while trying to cut through the barbed wire.
and Red Shield backed both sides in the conflict made loads of money and is no doubt a devout christian and goes to church on sunday ....... fuck the christians I'd feed 'em to the lions, only problem is there aint no more lions their extinct. I wonder if it is possible to calculate the amount of people who have died in the name of big G, the crusaders must have bumped of a few million arabs, if the US / UK airforces painted red crosses on their planes we could pretend that it's all part of the same story...

boy / yob

it works both ways

20.11.2002 12:49

Well it works both ways, Christians have been on the receiving end too. Religion isn't the cause of wars (witness Muslims & Christians happily praying side by side on the stop the war demo) it's just an excuse used by people who wish to dominate the world.
