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We are NOT Elitist. There are "real issues" at stake.

One of many DA groups | 19.11.2002 18:51

An attempt to open a constructive debate on the success of mass anti-war demos in response to SWP criticism of DA activists.

The following text was an internal text for our political group, written by one of our members after the first STOP THE WAR march in order to open up discussion. We are not in favour of the war but do not wish to take part in huge demos in London, preferring to take part in our own DA activities for reasons which are clear in the text.
Compromising our ideals and pretending that we are happy families, may create media interest and may help in the short term but stopping debate and selling out merely stops any attempt at fighting the real causes of war. We are alarmed at the recent trends in the so called left, the anti-war movement and the anti-globalisation movement. These movements are growing quickly and should be careful they do not continue to go down the wrong road.
Anti- Semitism, Racism, Conspiracy Theories and British or European Nationalism are NOT the solution, no matter how many people they get on the streets. They are counter revolutionary and fascistoid.
We have decided to post this now in response to the SWP elitism debate. I hope that this document opens a useful and civilised debate. It is our strength that we remain focussed and willing to discuss, split, reform and work towards a free society.
We are sorry that we didn´t write a paper after the debate but we´ve been very busy. Remember this is a text to open discussion.


As the second Gulf War looms , British and American politicians are travelling the world to try to gain support for the almost inevitable military strike. As the world´s leaders are wooed into accepting another war people over the world are taking the streets to demonstrate for peace. According to Schnews there were an approximate 400,000anti-war demonstrators in London. Is this a cause for celebration? Sadly not as the peace- march had no real left- wing analysis of current affairs and slipped into the same old traps: nationalism, anti- Americanism and anti- Semitism. Mass demonstrations catch the headlines but tend to produce meaningless and confused messages. This was a perfect example.

What the peace movement needs to address is the real reason for war and the actions of other nations: i.e. capitalism. A peace movement, without addressing the problem of capitalism, can only end in absurdity. To claim that war is avoidable under a system of capitalism is about as revolutionary a Tony Blair himself. Countries will act to ensure access to natural resources, foreign interests, access to markets and trade relations. In a system that judges success by economic growth and gross domestic product, nation states will do what is necessary to ensure this process. Without confronting these issues all we achieve is a self- satisfying conscious clearing stupidity with which it should be impossible for any radical left or anarchist groups to have solidarity with. Why are Schnews so keen to praise it then? A mixture of different classes and religions all marching with politicians over one issue is nothing more than a mess. "Not in my name" and "Stop the war" are meaningless statements without a revolutionary critic. "Not in my name" but I´ll still keep putting petrol in my car, and "Stop the War" as long as it doesn´t affect my share portfolio! Disempowerment, class societies, the market economy, nationalism, arms exports, environmental concerns and social disparity were just some of the real issues neatly swept under the carpet to create a huge coalition lacking alternatives and forward thinking. What a beautiful place Britain must be where we can all march together in perfect harmony. The nationalism, classism, racism, sexism and anti- semitism of Britain´s society was forgotten in a moment of true Cool Britannia publicity. Whatever happened to Anarchy in the UK?

So, if the people of Britain aren´t to blame for the consequences of their consumer choices and capitalist thinking, then who is? Sadly the answer has become all to clear across the world from Genoa and Prague to Afghanistan. The scapegoat today is of course America, the richest country in the world, which is meddling in international affairs for solely economic gain. The big fat giant is guzzling up the world´s resources and using it´s economic might to reduce production and labour costs across the world, indifferent to the consequences. George W is a menace to the world and solely guided by the economic lobbyists that surround him. His military expenditure is immoral and as the world´s sole superpower the USA has a free hand to intervene in conflicts all over the world without being reprimanded for her actions. This imperialist analysis of international relations has no relevance to a revolutionary movement, whether communist or anarchist. I´m sure Nick Griffin, Jean-Marie Le Penn, Horst Mahler or Gabrielle Belusconi would be in perfect agreement as the logical consequences of this are that Europe would be a better place if it retained it´s own cultural identity. I took part in many anti- McDonalds demonstrations in England and there were many reasons to protest for the right to speak out about the company and to criticise it. Unlike the famous Frenchman my criticism was never that McDonalds was an American company which sold food that was bad for English people. This is just nationalist rubbish and this niveau of argument has no foundation for us. America´s actions are solely the consequences of it´s status as a capitalist super state. Instead of finding a scapegoat in foreign nations we have to challenge our political situation and the capitalist actions that take place "in our name" due to our economic position and interests. Far from being the Dallas and Dynasty figures we see on television the American population is the victim of the advanced capitalist state it lives in just like we are and the most disgusting form of anti-Americanism are the racial stereotypes and hate placed upon the population of that country. We have to take responsibility for our own purchasing power and our lack of real democracy. Only a revolutionary based movement can provide the answer to this and we must start with ourselves and work outwards to create a system where economic interests don´t compromise the future of the world and the lives of millions. America is merely how Britain wants to be if it continues down the road of capitalism. Self-determination requires self-responsibility in a revolutionary context. Once again the anti-war march failed. It´s main enemy was Bush and the people he represents, whilst no real challenge was made to capitalism and it´s consequences.

Well if it wasn´t enough to show how all classes of England speak with one innocent voice and to blame it on the Americans, neo-Nazis were bound to feel at home on the demonstration by the anti- Semitic feel resounding from the unchallenged acceptance of Palestinians calling for a boycott on Israel. What the hell are they doing at a protest against war after two years of war against Israel. Schnews seems proud of the ethnic mix at the demonstration and has also advertised protests against Selfridges in its editions. Once again the real issues are shrouded by jingoism and anti- Americanism. Anti- Semitism didn´t start and end at Auschwitz and Britain is no exception. Far from being the defenders of the European Jews our society is rotten with prejudice. This doesn´t mean of course that the policies of Israel are immune from criticism and that anyone making such criticism is anti- Semitic. The historical reasons for the Zionist state must be taken into account and the existence of Israel cannot be placed into doubt however. Israel has been the victim of military aggression from its creation and the refugees are the responsibility of the Arab states who started and lost these wars. Instead of taking these refugees the rich oil states have used them as a political tool for many years now, feeding them with anti- Semitic propaganda and Arabic nationalism. Their situation is not the fault of Israel but once again in history the Jews are to blame and are attacked in the most brutal and sadistic way. The Arab world certainly does not wish for a left- wing revolution in there socially divided and corrupt states so the solution of anti- Semitism rears its ugly head again. The last Intifada, after the Palestinian leadership refused to sign a peace treaty, is another example of anti- Semitism and war. How is it possible to see banners calling for a boycott on Israel and demanding Solidarity with Palestinians at a left- wing demonstration? It is of course possible to support Palestinians in a class struggle against capitalism but not in the context of an anti- Semitic struggle against Israel. It is also to remember that any statement made condemning Israel is being made in a society in which prejudice towards Jews is common place, and fuels this hate. This most blatant form of anti- Semitism is of course only the tip of the iceberg as it can also be found in anti- American statements, views and philosophy. Instead of promoting the religious tolerance of the peace march, would it not be better to show solidarity with the nation of Israel and to expose the anti- Semitism within society.

Class War should know its enemies. Nationalism, anti- Americanism and anti- Semitism are for Nazi scum.

One of many DA groups


Hide the following 11 comments

Some personal observations.

20.11.2002 04:54


even though you're extremely well-versed, ahum....
you are also forgetting something here. this is the beginning of a movement. not everyone went to uni and could spend all their time pondering the meaning of capitalism, so just be patient. if its so bad, educate people. but dont be such a fuck head. just get involved, why not be part of the whole with your own unique contribution.

i would like to add that you sound dangerously communistic, no offence but i'm in china and thats a road that should not be walked. trust me, even i had to give the idea up.

you have to remember that the real issue isnt capitalism, the issue is complete and utter Freedom. capitalism, in the west, as communism in china is only a vehicle for repression.

you need to step away from your messianic ideals where you want to give people the so-called truth. people have to wake up to it themselves and the protests in london did nothing but encourage everyone else in the world. you are advocating the splintering of the masses.....why?

even you, strange as it may be, do not and can not claim to posess the key to freedom, or any understanding of what it would or should be like, for human beings have never been free. yes, you might have a picture, and that is something that we all share, each person has a piece of the picture in their heads too. it all needs to be combined.

freedom for all living things and the gift of nature and recourses are all intertwined.

its about time that the world is united. i would just like to remind everyone that we need to be together...and you cannot call yourself an enlightened human being whilst at the same time exhibiting the kind of behaviour that focusses so much on particulars, as you become devoid of the ability to FEEL the incredible energy of so many souls waking up to what is our birthright.

yes, you sound not only elitist, but also paranoid, snotty, nose in the air, and far too concerned with staking a place out in the future for your precious 'group' or whatever.

in my opinion groups are only what the different parts of the body are to the whole. nothing more and nothing less.

unless of course this your chance for fame and you're really worried that you'll be left behind.

if you cant join then how the fuck do you expect to build a future...

by the way.

sounds diffensive to me

where is this article coming from?

20.11.2002 11:04

'..there were an approximate 400,000 anti-war demonstrators in London. Is this a cause for celebration? Sadly not..' [fewer would have been better?]

'Once again the anti-war march failed.' [biggest anti-war demo ever in the UK, re-invigorated international protests; a failure?]

'..the unchallenged acceptance of Palestinians calling for a boycott on Israel. What the hell are they doing at a protest against war..' [hang on, that sounds familiar]

'Schnews seems proud of the ethnic mix at the demonstration..' [a bad thing?]

'..the existence of Israel cannot be placed into doubt however..' [aha!]

'Israel has been the victim of military aggression from its creation and the refugees are the responsibility of the Arab states who started and lost these wars.' [yeah, there it is]

'The last Intifada, after the Palestinian leadership refused to sign a peace treaty, is another example of anti- Semitism and war. How is it possible to see banners calling for a boycott on Israel and demanding Solidarity with Palestinians at a left-wing demonstration?' [okay, enough already, I think we know where you're coming from!]

kurious oranj

AntiAmericanism in the UK

20.11.2002 13:20

- The demo on the 28th did show a lot of anti-Israelism :
* Stupid associations between Israel and Nazi regime.
* Only palestinian victims were talked about/shown, not
Isralei victims.
* General one-sided view, nasty israel and nice palestine

- The demo on the 28th did show a lot of nationalism
* Palestinian flags everywhere
* 'victory to intifada' type of slogans

- The demo on the 28th did show a lot of anti-americanism

Generally, the demo on the 28th was about anti-Israelism
and anti-americanism, but it wasn't a peace demo. A
Peace demo would be against _all_ wars, and that includes
the war of the palestinians on Israel.
This demo was a collection of leftists and antiIsraelists,
_not_ the peace movement.

In general, the "anti-war" movement has a clear anti
-americanism/anti-Israelism attitude. For example, The
situation in Tchetchenia is as bad, if not worse,
than the situation in Palestine. But it has nothing to
do with the USA, so no one seems intrested. Again,
this is because this movement is made up of leftists
and anti-israelists, not by people who have a principled
stance on war.

Of course, the peace people need to work with the leftist
and other groups to stop what _OUR_ governement is doing.
The only thing WE can do at the moment against war, and
even against USA-imperialism, is to stop OUR country
to take part in it. This would make sense both for a
leftist and a peace movement. (And it would have a huge
impact internationaly, on the USA).

But going to a demonstration to show your anti-americanism,
that is something for the leftists, not the peace people.
A peace demonstration would show principled anti-war,
and anti-militarist views, not anti-americanism. And if
this peace demo was actually aiming at achieving anything
more than clearing our consicences, then it would focus,
and aim, at BRITISH war stance, and at BRITISH war machine.

There is something the poster of the article seems to have
missed : there is no peace movement in the UK. There are
small, scatered bits of a peace movement, Trident
Ploughshare, CAAT, etc. But there is no peace movement, and
that leaves the door open to the leftists, to pretend to
be anti-war, when they are just anti-american (They sure
are in favour of "liberation wars" and they don't complain
about non-US related wars).


m hm

20.11.2002 14:04

you're so concerned about Chechnya you can't even spell it?


Suprised to say the least....

20.11.2002 20:05

I was told today that I was on Indymedia and wow there I am. I am a student currently living in Germany and I wrote this article to explain to my friends in England how the german antifascist movement would react to the march in London.
German history means that antifascists here have to deal with the past, especially in the context of the 3 issues I brought up in the text. This past is sadly not just distant
but has repurcussions today.
Neo-Nazis network with all different anti- Jewish groups and protest against American imperialism. Anti- Semitic attacks take place daily, despite the police protection of important jewish buildings and the election was marred by statements made by liberal politicians. Even German non-participation isn´t so much a protest against war but is seen here as the revisionist reinvention of German foreign policy, which has of course been limited since 1945.
I am not a communist but an anarchist and would not consider China to be a communist state.
My criticism is not that "leftist" groups are present, they are essential to any peace movement, but that they are not upholding a left wing position. At least in the eyes of the German antifascists.
I think that its always good to discuss and keep an open mind. Dogmatic we are weak, through debate we can become strong.
I sent this text to many friends in the UK and I´m pleased that it has provoked a discussion. :)

This perhaps explains many of the questions above.

I can be contacted at

Good luck stopping the war!

P.S. Sorry if I´m an elitist fuck head, I am actually a nice guy.

The real author
mail e-mail:

dont go so far left that you end up right.

21.11.2002 05:09

peace is a feeling not a dogmatic thing with rules

anarchism is a religion

communism in china is, whether you see it that way or not. come and visit me and you'll see.

you are a human first not an anarchist

if you are not part of the movement you are seperate

information sets you free

youre eyes are either open or closed

when you're mother gets raped
and your 10 year old brother shot by israeli's
and your house burnt down
and your city occupied
and the blood flows

come and tell us again if suicide bombing is understandable or not.

note,when the israelis first entered the promised land, the philistines were living there already.

its never belonged to israel, and was taken by force.

you cant be against war, and then refuse to protest against the perpetrators of war.

and being a nice guy says nothing.

plus, being against something in theory, has nthing to do with being active.

being anal about specifics breeds contempt, seperatism and elitism.
and will never lead to a free society.


The Answer

21.11.2002 10:17

The answer is simple. Theres no point in fighting on your own for this or that..especially in the days of the growing anti-globalisation movement lead by youth such as in Globalise Resistance..make a differance not just a noise..join the SWP


blah blah SWP blah

21.11.2002 11:11

blah blah blah SWP blah blah Stop War Coalition blah blah Muslims blah anti-semitic blah blah blah left-wing right-wing blah as bad as the Nazis blah blah blah trust no-one blah blah might as well stay in bed

'In every critic's mind lurks the silent fear of success and the consequent burden of responsibility, the unwelcome prospect of having to provide an alternative that might itself be open to criticism.'


Bog off!

21.11.2002 11:31 it nice in the middleclass drop out world you inhabit..all this anti-swp stuff is in the majority of cases just an excuse for anti-working class rubbish. Get active or go back to mommy & daddy
Join the SWP


less anti more pro something

21.11.2002 11:39

oh, if it was only true that every critic is afraid of success. to be honest, sounds to me that DA who ever german whatever, or SWP or whatever are all trying to make sure its their future thats ensured, not the people, not diversity, not chaos.

maybe everyone should stop being so ANti everything and concentrate on the things we're FOR.

maybe people would think a little more about what they're doing if they had the foresite to envision possible criticism. whatever.

i mean, who says that there needs to be any institution at all, replacing the old one.

freedom is absolute or not at all.


oh dear

22.11.2002 11:39

Dear LH, I don't really believe you're SWP, but if you are, you really missed my point!

Okay, so forget humour, I'll just say it straight:

Like most IMC readers I'm fed up of endless SWP v anti-SWP feuds that just go round in pointless circles.

I'm proud the UK has such a huge and diverse anti-war movement and I don't want to see it split.

I want us to carry on as we have been, each joining in with actions we're happy with, while all coming together for the big protests.

Our rulers want to see us divided; because united we CAN stop their bloody war!

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