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Biotechnology Newswire Nov. 18

neRAGE | 18.11.2002 14:41 | Bio-technology

The following stories and events were posted to the on the biotechnology newswire over the last 7 days. You too can post, comment, and search for some of the latest information on biotechnology. Stop by, add your stories, read, add events to our calendar and more!

| neRAGE biotechnology newswire |
The following stories and events were posted to the on the biotechnology newswire over the last 7 days. You too can post, comment, and search for some of the latest information on biotechnology. Stop by, add your stories, read, add events to our calendar and more!

| upcoming events |
Event date: 11/29/2002
Event title: Buy Nothing Day: Chicago Suburbs

Event date: 12/02/2002
Event title: Vermonter's Say No to GMOs

Event date: 01/06/2003
Event title: Vermonter's Say No to GMOs

Event date: 03/16/2003
Event title: Conference on Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals

Event date: 03/17/2003
Event title: Conference on Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals

| news stories |

Companies That Seek Cures Now Fight for Life

US: Alarms Sound Over Biopharming- GE Crops in Doubt

Grandmother Arrested In Campaign Against GE Food Reports Back

CA: Farmers Union Sees Conflict in Monsanto Advisory Pannel

GE Roundup Trait More Effective in Soy Than Corn

Iowans say biotech moratorium harms farms, research

US: ProdiGene Won't Stop Pharma Corn Production

US: Pharma Corn Spotlights Odds of Contamination

US: ProdiGene Officals Could Go to Jail

Pharmaceutical Corn Debate Continues

Pharma Corn Contamination Prompts Food Industry to Call for Changes in Biotech

Biopharma Corn Contamination Could Be Aids Vaccine or Blood Thickener

U.S. groups feel it is time to challenge EU GM food ban

Why Argentina can't feed itself - GM soya is destroying livelihoods

UN food agency and rights envoy at odds over GM

Gene Therapy Undergoes a Reevaluation

EU's Warns U.S. Against WTO Action Against GM Import Ban

Trader Joes: Holding to GE-Free Pledge

EU Gives 15 Million Pounds To Zambi To Purchase Non-GM Food

ProdiGene-Modified Corn Plant Nearly Gets Into U.S. Food Supply

Soybeans Mixed With Pharma Corn

African Consumer Leaders' Conference on Biotechnology & Food Security

Biotech fears jeopardize sale of U.S. crops

Massive Famine Stalks Ethiopia

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