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GMO Discussion: Andrew Kimbrell interview, Bioneers

archive man | 16.11.2002 21:18 | Bio-technology

Radio Interview on the GMO front // MP3 file or streaming, < 30 minutes

GMO Discussion: Andrew Kimbrell interview, Bioneers
GMO Discussion: Andrew Kimbrell interview, Bioneers

This is a Sue Supriano interview with Andrew Kimbrell at the Bioneers conference held in Marin, California in October.

You can learn more about Mr. Kimbrell's organization and what's happening on the Genetically Engineered Organisms front by visiting their website.  Simply click here: Center For Food Safety Website.

Sue's programming can be found at the a-infos radio project.  That site was going through an upgrade in the last week and I'm not sure if they're done.  But it appears she uploaded the file to SF Indymedia so I'm not sure if a-infos' upgrade is done.  The official summary of the attached program is below, from:


"Steppin' Out of Babylon":
"The Fatal Harvest-The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture
Length: 28:15
Subtitle:Int. with Andrew Kimbrell
Summary:Kimbrell is a public interest attorney in Washington, DC, a member of the Board of the International Forum on Globalization, etc.. He talks about GMO food & other impt. agricultural issues addressed in his book
Type:Regular Show
Recorded At:Marin, CA
Producer:Sue Supriano
Uploaded By:Sue Supriano
Uploaded On:11/14/2002
Keywords:industrial agriculture, genetically modified food
Restrictions:For non-profit use only.

self-contained half hour radio show

archive man