The End of the Two-State Solution
abc | 16.11.2002 01:00
Interesting article showing that due to past and present Zionist expansionism, a 2-state solution is looking less viable.
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defunct and discredited in 1982
16.11.2002 14:25
so what has been gained via Israel ? following the Hegel-marx principle, we can at least conclude that the historical gain has been that jews need never again dread the return of pogroms and genocides; they have their nation and it looks secure. Israel, now established, will have to stop sentimental bleatings, stop playing eternal victim of history, and be judged according to the standards of other nations. This is also the departure point: the matter of concern is now for the Palestinians and their historical rights.
Israel did have a reason to ivade Lebanon
16.11.2002 23:33
The presence of the PLO in Lebanon had led to civil war in 1975 between Muslim militias and Chritain militias after the PLO gained control of most Muslim areas of southern Lebanon and turned them into PLO bases which were under almost complete PLO control. The war in Lebanon was not just between Israel and the PLO it was a multi-sided war with many different factions all fighting to control their own territory and all striving for supremacy such as Hezbollah who kidnappened westerners including Terry Wait.
Harlequin- your number is blown
17.11.2002 02:38
truth seeker
A one state solution would be a good idea!
17.11.2002 17:47
18.11.2002 12:00
All of Israels wars have been wars of aggression. Isreals own documentation show that (see for example the book 'the Iron Wall'). The whole one or two State arguement is irrelevent to the task of building solidarity with the anti-Zionist struggle here in britain...