Proposal of netstrike de Isole nella Rete against the last detentions
ECN-ISOLA NELLA RETE | 15.11.2002 22:33
The arrests of the political activists in South of Italy are really grave. It's urgent to give an strong and united response. Isole nella Rete is proposing a netstrike.
Over the skin of the activists from the South is the future of all the political activism.
Over the skin of the activists from the South is the future of all the political activism.
The investigation about the small netstrike against the Ministery of the Law Affairs Italian was just an small proof of how the country is being governated. Police forces and judges have been preparing to greet the pacifist answer in the ESF of Firenze with a plumbeous answer against the presumed bad people from the movement choosed between those who have tried to defend themselves in the network but as well in the street, from a neoliberal politic which is a real danger for all the world.
While the cars of DIGOS (secret italian police) take tens of activists to the superprision cells or make them stay arrested at home is necessary to keep calm but as well to asume again a colective political way. The Social Forum of Firenze has been a success for the movement in terms of comparing and presenting colective political proposal. The Social Forum has represented for the Government a pain in the back, at least in terms of public order, but now they need to have an enemy to give them reasons to have a good reason to defend the actual Government. They do it through the criminalization of selected parts of the movement looking the fragmentation of the unity (this history remembers too well to the one from the 70's). In this scenario it's necessary to answer back with strenght and in a unitary fashion to one repressive action which intends to beat those who are more active in the net and in the street in the communication of contents of disension or trying to defend themselves from a repression who has produced many hurted people and even deaths in the last years of political fight.
We invite a all the forces of the active movements of Genova and Firenze (without exclusions) to movilize in favour of the liberation of the arrested activists against all forms of political censureship, the movement's criminalization and all the prisions.
In our area we propose a netstrike against the web of the Ministero de Grazia e Giustizia italiano [] for next Monday, November the 18th from 10'00 on.
While the cars of DIGOS (secret italian police) take tens of activists to the superprision cells or make them stay arrested at home is necessary to keep calm but as well to asume again a colective political way. The Social Forum of Firenze has been a success for the movement in terms of comparing and presenting colective political proposal. The Social Forum has represented for the Government a pain in the back, at least in terms of public order, but now they need to have an enemy to give them reasons to have a good reason to defend the actual Government. They do it through the criminalization of selected parts of the movement looking the fragmentation of the unity (this history remembers too well to the one from the 70's). In this scenario it's necessary to answer back with strenght and in a unitary fashion to one repressive action which intends to beat those who are more active in the net and in the street in the communication of contents of disension or trying to defend themselves from a repression who has produced many hurted people and even deaths in the last years of political fight.
We invite a all the forces of the active movements of Genova and Firenze (without exclusions) to movilize in favour of the liberation of the arrested activists against all forms of political censureship, the movement's criminalization and all the prisions.
In our area we propose a netstrike against the web of the Ministero de Grazia e Giustizia italiano [
