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Demo against Italian state repression tomorrow

Chet | 15.11.2002 21:40

Call for a demo against Italian state repression tomorrow; say NO to a criminalisation of the Italian antiglobalisation movement

Has a demonstration against the Italian state repression been called for tomorrow?
What happened at todays demo?
Tomorrow (Saturday) there will be demonstrations in a big number of Italian towns, definitely not only the major ones (see indymedia italy for details).
It would be a nice thing if we could show support from here; note that the Italian movement is one of the strongest ones in Europe (and in the world) and there have been repeated attempts to outlaw it.
I propose something a demonstration in front of the Italian embassy (grosvenor square) starting from the early afternoon (1 or 2 pm) and going on until 7 (-ish).
Anyone with me?



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  1. Also tomorrow demo outside Spanish embassy — stop repression!