Propaganda alert: The "Left" case for killing Iraqis
Supadupa | 15.11.2002 18:50
Liberal Love (via B52s): This week begins a propaganda offensive aimed especially at centres of Liberal and Left opinion in Britain, to plant a "Left" argument for the war--- its aim to divide and conquer that majority opposition to the war
This week begins a propaganda offensive aimed especially at centres of Liberal and Left opinion in Britain, to plant a "Left" argument for the war--- its aim divide and conquer.
The argument is clever: (a) yes the West put Saddam in power, but only the west can now restore justice to Iraq (b) Sadaam is oppressing and murdering Kurds/women/he is a "war criminal" (c) this is a human rights crisis (d) those who talk about the 'sovereignty' of Iraq are betraying their liberal principles, and in another sense betraying their racism (after all don't the Iraqis deserve freedom too?) (e) support the war etc.
The strategy has been used before with great success. It is nothing but the old Liberal Imperialism of Victorian Britain given interesting new multicultural dress.
There are, at least, three kinds of antidote to this toxin:
(1) Look at War Present:
The tens possibly hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who will die burned in their homes, suffocated by rubble, or wearing uniforms fighting loyally for their country against cowardly invaders who will bomb from the air; added to the hundreds of thousands of babies who for generations to come will bear the scars of depleted uranium munitition deformities; the housing and infrastructure which will be obliterated--- and despite the lies don't expect the West to rebuild anything-- just look at Kosovo or Afghanistan
(2) Look at war past:
Those of you old enough to remember the First Gulf War (1990-91) will remember those lovely buttons bearing the legend "FREE KUWAIT" which were delivered in bulk to student unions around the country. That was an easy victory-- of course, the West's victory meant the entrenchment of feudalism in Kuwait, less rather than more freedom, and the deaths over the last decade of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis because of sanctions.
Afghanistan and Yugoslavia were bombed into terrible suffering, and there has been no attempt to reconstruct, to fix the damage.
(3) War future:
There is no case of an American invasion, since that of Japan, in which the country which emerged afterwards has not been poorer, weaker, less healthy, less equal, with lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality whether one looks at Vietnam and greater Indochina (the first recipient of Liberal love via B52s), Grenada since the 80s, Panama since 89/90, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan. There is no evidence that invasions by the West produced happier outcomes.
And frankly, since Israel has never abided by resolution 242 of the Security Council passed more than thirty years ago in 1967, that should be a priority for United States intervention. But instead, no, we let the Israelis go on murdering Palestinians
The argument is clever: (a) yes the West put Saddam in power, but only the west can now restore justice to Iraq (b) Sadaam is oppressing and murdering Kurds/women/he is a "war criminal" (c) this is a human rights crisis (d) those who talk about the 'sovereignty' of Iraq are betraying their liberal principles, and in another sense betraying their racism (after all don't the Iraqis deserve freedom too?) (e) support the war etc.
The strategy has been used before with great success. It is nothing but the old Liberal Imperialism of Victorian Britain given interesting new multicultural dress.
There are, at least, three kinds of antidote to this toxin:
(1) Look at War Present:
The tens possibly hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who will die burned in their homes, suffocated by rubble, or wearing uniforms fighting loyally for their country against cowardly invaders who will bomb from the air; added to the hundreds of thousands of babies who for generations to come will bear the scars of depleted uranium munitition deformities; the housing and infrastructure which will be obliterated--- and despite the lies don't expect the West to rebuild anything-- just look at Kosovo or Afghanistan
(2) Look at war past:
Those of you old enough to remember the First Gulf War (1990-91) will remember those lovely buttons bearing the legend "FREE KUWAIT" which were delivered in bulk to student unions around the country. That was an easy victory-- of course, the West's victory meant the entrenchment of feudalism in Kuwait, less rather than more freedom, and the deaths over the last decade of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis because of sanctions.
Afghanistan and Yugoslavia were bombed into terrible suffering, and there has been no attempt to reconstruct, to fix the damage.
(3) War future:
There is no case of an American invasion, since that of Japan, in which the country which emerged afterwards has not been poorer, weaker, less healthy, less equal, with lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality whether one looks at Vietnam and greater Indochina (the first recipient of Liberal love via B52s), Grenada since the 80s, Panama since 89/90, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan. There is no evidence that invasions by the West produced happier outcomes.
And frankly, since Israel has never abided by resolution 242 of the Security Council passed more than thirty years ago in 1967, that should be a priority for United States intervention. But instead, no, we let the Israelis go on murdering Palestinians
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I think
16.11.2002 03:15
Wake up young man/woman
You will see this particular "spin"
16.11.2002 09:32
You might want to follow the discussion of another version of this thread under:
We are dealing with an American-led media operation, which hasn't quite picked up the subtleties of the British public sphere. Mark my words, this is the new propaganda offensive.
Their fundamental problem is that even people on the Right in Britain think of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld as the alliance of the stupid, the venal, the corrupt, and the ruthless. Jack Kennedy they ain't.
17.11.2002 23:15
Maybe some people of the left (are you thinking about 'The New Labour Party'?) are confused but remember that most of left wings on the world are against the war.
Why do you think Bush wants to go to war? Because is he pitying the Iraqi people? He want to go to war to cover up his fraudelent actions during the so called Iran-Contra affairs and obviously he is going to help american companies to take over on Iraq's oil and water! Well he is going to have a lot of money from thiese companies, do not worry about it. This guy doesn't understand a iota about the political economy but he understand the value of the money.
I am against Iraq war because civilians are going to be hurt and became again casualties from criminals like Bush and Blair!