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Propaganda alert: The "Left" case for killing Iraqis

Supadupa | 15.11.2002 17:26

Liberal Love (via B52s): This week begins a propaganda offensive aimed especially at centres of Liberal and Left opinion in Britain, to plant a "Left" argument for the war--- its aim to divide and conquer that majority opposition to the war

This week begins a propaganda offensive aimed especially at centres of Liberal and Left opinion in Britain, to plant a "Left" argument for the war--- its aim divide and conquer.

The argument is clever: (a) yes the West put Saddam in power, but only the west can now restore justice to Iraq (b) Sadaam is oppressing and murdering Kurds/women/he is a "war criminal" (c) this is a human rights crisis (d) those who talk about the 'sovereignty' of Iraq are betraying their liberal principles, and in another sense betraying their racism (after all don't the Iraqis deserve freedom too?) (e) support the war etc.

The strategy has been used before with great success. It is nothing but the old Liberal Imperialism of Victorian Britain given interesting new multicultural dress.

There are, at least, three kinds of antidote to this toxin:

(1) Look at War Present:
The tens possibly hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who will die burned in their homes, suffocated by rubble, or wearing uniforms fighting loyally for their country against cowardly invaders who will bomb from the air; added to the hundreds of thousands of babies who for generations to come will bear the scars of depleted uranium munitition deformities; the housing and infrastructure which will be obliterated--- and despite the lies don't expect the West to rebuild anything-- just look at Kosovo or Afghanistan

(2) Look at war past:
Those of you old enough to remember the First Gulf War (1990-91) will remember those lovely buttons bearing the legend "FREE KUWAIT" which were delivered in bulk to student unions around the country. That was an easy victory-- of course, the West's victory meant the entrenchment of feudalism in Kuwait, less rather than more freedom, and the deaths over the last decade of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis because of sanctions.
Afghanistan and Yugoslavia were bombed into terrible suffering, and there has been no attempt to reconstruct, to fix the damage.

(3) War future:
There is no case of an American invasion, since that of Japan, in which the country which emerged afterwards has not been poorer, weaker, less healthy, less equal, with lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality whether one looks at Vietnam and greater Indochina (the first recipient of Liberal love via B52s), Grenada since the 80s, Panama since 89/90, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan. There is no evidence that invasions by the West produced happier outcomes.

And frankly, since Israel has never abided by resolution 242 of the Security Council passed more than thirty years ago in 1967, that should be a priority for United States intervention. But instead, no, we let the Israelis go on murdering Palestinians



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Don´t take this article seriously!

15.11.2002 17:56

Sounds like an expression of sheer paranoia to me. What good do you really think you do contributing with this kind of hype?
It´s time EVERYONE resisted the "monster of Bagdad" not just americans, leftists or kurds.
Saddam clearly disrespects the world community so what does the world owe him?
So you´re afraid some of his brainwashed soldiers will suffer if an attack by the UN/NATO is launched? Yes, of course they will and of course SOME civilians will suffer as well. But what is really at stake here? Are we forced by any leftist ethics to tolerate that millions of Iraqis and perhaps people in Iraqs neighbour countries must suffer far more, for years and years?
I don´t respect the CIA product called the "Saddam regime". In my eyes he should it must be stopped. We owe this to the people of the Middle East.
Do you consider Saddam to be the LEGITIMATE ruler of Iraq?
Are you anxious about the "rights" of Saddam?
Personally, I couldn´t care less..


get real Linda

15.11.2002 18:24

Yes, Saddam is a dictator and responsible for several serious violations of human rights. But you can't seriously believe that the way to get rid of him is to let George W. Bush and his mates from the oil lobby loose in Iraq - to kill innocent civilians (and contrary to what the American propaganda machine tells you there will be more than "some") who have already suffered enormously from the consequenses of the Gulf War and the economic sanctions that prevent Iraqi children, who suffer from cancer caused by the depleted uranium that the Americans dropped on them during the Gulf War, from getting medication.
What do you think the Americans will do once the war is over (whenever that will be)? Replace Saddam with some nice chap who will respect human rights and make the world a better place? Of course they won't - they'll replace him with another dictator who's just as bad as Saddam but who will do what the Americans tell him to do and sort out a good deal for them on Iraq's oil. And after Iraq, there's Iran, and after Iran, well, the "American way of life" needs a lot of oil to keep it going.


not true

15.11.2002 18:24

"There is no case of an American invasion, since that of Japan, in which the country which emerged afterwards has not been poorer, weaker, less healthy, less equal, with lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality"

Try South Korea?

And you think the people of Kabul want the Taliban back?

And I think you need to check your facts about Grenada too.


Real enough Carmen.Check yourself -and facts!

15.11.2002 18:46

Who will USA replace Saddam with?
We all know what happened in countries freed by (or at least to a great deal freed with the help of) USA and Britain in the end of the second world war.
Is France a Democracy? Italy? Norway? Denmark? Germany?
Why are you so found of Saddam? What good does he do?
Get real Carmen - and get the real facts.


Put down molasses and the flies arrive

15.11.2002 18:47

You are trying to keep control of your new spin I see. I'm sure that you will snare a few Polly Toynbees in your net, but its not going to fly.

You shouldn't have tried to test run it on Indymedia. It would have been better if you just got it placed quietly in the Observer on sunday, before you'd given warning of your plans. In fact, I'd suggest that you stop posting this line on Indymedia before people like me who will keep on HAMMERING your propagada, succeed in desensitizing the Left to your lies

However many names you use to post, anyone with any intelligence will spot what interests you serve

Check YOUR facts about Grenada (whose health care system would truly be in ruins were it not for the Cuban doctors who still serve the people, and whose economy depends on the airport built for them by the Cubans ...)


Afghanistan is still not free!!!

15.11.2002 18:57

Afghanistan is still not free! It is now fought over by rival war lords and the Afghan people still live under brutal Islamic law, which is only slightly less oppresive than under the Taliban!

Any war to oust Saddam by the west will result in massive and almost totally devastation of Iraq and the mass slaughter, maiming and injuring of tens of thousands of Iraqi people!

In the words of Scott Ritter "The United States of America has the best trained, the best led, the best equipped military forces the world has ever seen. We are the most efficient killing machine in the history of mankind. Iraq will be destroyed with a vengeance. I am a 12-year marine veteran. I fought in the first war against Iraq. When we talk about war, be clear that war means death and destruction."

Yes the people of Iraq need to be freed from Saddam's brutal regime but the best way to do that would be to lift the sanctions so that the Iraqi people can rebuild their country and rebuild their lives and then get on with the job of removing Saddam themselves. 78 days of bombing of Serbia failed to remove Milosevic and in fact strengthened his position, but the Serbian were able to rise up and overthrown Milosevic themselves in an almost bloodless coup a few months later!
