Operation Security Fence (Westbank cities under harsh attack part IV)
Maria V. | 14.11.2002 09:23
(Click here for reports on Jenin, Nablus and Tulkarem)
Tension between Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon and foreign minister Binyamin Netanyahu (both running for Likud leadership in the next general elections) over the 'security fence' currently being erected, spilled over into the security cabinet. Netanyahu demands work on the security fence should be intensified and the route of the fence should move eastwards, further into the Westbank. Sharon responds there is no money to speed up the work and that the route of the fence has already been agreed upon by cabinet.
Wednesday the first kilometre of the 'fence' (that is actually a wall) to 'protect Israel from security attacks' was completed. The wall will be situated beyond the 'Green Line' that signifies the border between the state of Israel and the Occupied Territories and will cut many Palestinians off from their very fertile farmland. During this year's olive harvest, even before the wall is reality, already many farmers were not allowed by soldiers, settlers and builders to go to their lands situated behind the fence. Ancient trees are being cut down or uprooted to make space for the wall. Some of the uprooted trees are being replanted in Israeli administered territories and settlements.
The Israeli government has promised that farmers will be able to harvest their land after the completion of the fence. Palestinians are sceptical.
Sources: The Jerusalem Post November 14, Maria V.
Maria V.