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Prior Warning

Insider | 14.11.2002 01:09

Shall I spell it out for you?


Intelligence has been gathered indicating that a ‘three-pronged’ (Devil’s Trident) attack will be launched within a month, by CIA-funded and trained Al-Qaeda operatives, simultaneously in three countries, probably including the UK, who have not had their ‘9-11’ yet. This information coincides with an ‘alert’ later withdrawn by the Home Office, specifying that dirty bombs or biological agents could be released in Britain, possibly using trains, instead of planes and targeting the main financial or economic institutions, i.e. Central London. Germany, France and Canada are also threatened, because their citizens have been most reluctant (like Australians) to support the so-called ‘war on terror.’ A spot of mental rape and trauma on a larger scale (scalar) than Bali or the WTC should remedy that little dilemma for the Globalists and the ghost of Bin Laden has been resurrected (on faked tape) for the occasion. Bush said, it's a timely reminder and warned the!



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excuse me?

14.11.2002 11:41

intelligence has been gathered, by whom? if you were near interested in persuading people of the validity, whilst understandably you may not wish to release sources, you wouldn't start trying so hard to make it like a bad Tom Clancy novel ripoff.


even ordinary folk

14.11.2002 23:20

can hear the the collective clatter of the 4 Horsemen.
It's like that background noise the intelligence services claim they're hearing to indicate imminent attack
Only its put right in the face of the dumb populace the more so to condition
Can you believe another dumb Osama fraud conveniently praising all recent incidents falsely connected to Al-Qaeda?
Sorry illuminati folk - you've become all too transparent.
For those that have eyes to see...
Try this as a source:
From: "Karen-lee Bixman"
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 11:47 PM
Subject: Terrorist Alert,Karen-lee Bixman, The Investigative Reporter,
November 12, 2002

> The Investigative Reporter
> Karen-lee Bixman
> November 12, 2002
> Special Terrorist Alert
> Dear Friends of The Investigative Reporter,
> I am writing you tonight, to alert you to the fact that between now
and the > end of the month, the United States will, in all probability,
experience a > terrorist attack. I have gathered information from
written reports that > have been published overseas, as well as
information from private > intelligence sources.
> First, let me share some of the published information:
> On Saturday, November 9th, Pakistani-American businessman Mansoor Ijaz
> appeared on Fox News Channel, "Foxwire" hosted by Rita Cosby. Ijaz,
was the > same man who helped negotiate a deal for the extradition of
Osama bin Laden
> to the United States. This offer was executed during the Clinton >
administration and also turned down by the same.
> During the Foxwire interview Ijaz stated that the Al-Qaida network is
> planning to launch major attacks on the U.S. and two other countries
by the > end of the month.
> "Within the next two or three weeks I think we're going to be looking
at > something pretty tough..I've been told that there's going to be
three > simultaneous attacks on three different continents," said Ijaz.
He also > stated the U.S. and United Kingdom would be primary targets.
> Interpol secretary-general Ronald Noble said, "All intelligence
experts > agree that Al Qaida is preparing a major terrorist operation,
simultaneous > attacks that would not only target the United States, but
rather several > countries at the same time.
> On November 12th, the British paper, "The Independent" reported that >
British Prime Minister Tony Blair, spoke to the British people on
Monday, > warning them of pending attacks. The French prime Minister
also addressed > the French citizenry on Sunday warning of coming
> My private sources indicate the following: The GNB, which is the >
equivalent of the German CIA has confirmed that attacks will occur in
> United States. The RAF (British Air force) is now patrolling the air
over > London. Snipers have been placed on the roof of Heathrow Airport
in London.
> Multiple coordinated terror attacks are expected to cripple
> Meanwhile, sources indicate that US and British forces are
currently > battling the Iraqi Republican Guard in southeast Iraq.
> The state department has issued a world-wide alert of an attack
against > Americans. Officials said the attack could take place as
early as this > week, when a Pakistani national, Mir Ahmad Kasi, is set
to be executed for > the killing of two CIA employees in 1993. Behind
the scenes, the US > intelligence community is operating in a state of
"frenzied panic."
> While Foreign Prime Ministers have been warning the citizenry of
coming > attacks, the U.S. Government, i.e., President George W. Bush
and his office
> of Homeland Security have been silent. Perhaps, they are afraid that
> issuing such a warning would panic the American people. Perhaps, they
are > afraid that Americans would take to the streets in mass to protest
the war > with Iraq. Whatever, the reason, I do not believe that a
warning of an > imminent attack will be forthcoming from Washington.
> The attacks could occur at anytime, however, Osama bin Laden,
recently > referred to the American feast day as a time of retaliation.
Thus, > Thanksgiving could be the targeted date.
> For months, I have been warning my subscribers and radio listeners
that > before the end of the year three events will occur: an economic
collapse, > another terrorist event, and war with Iraq. Hopefully, all
of you have made
> preparations. If you have not done so, do it immediately.
> When the attack occurs, ATM cards, and credit cards will be useless.
> Therefore, make sure you have cash on hand. Make sure you have an
adequate > supply of food and water on hand, as electricity, water and
other services > will be interrupted. Anyone that has travel plans for
the upcoming
> Thanksgiving holiday might want to reconsider and instead stay at
home. > I pray that America will be spared this nightmare, I pray that
something > will happen to avoid the coming carnage, but I believe
devastation is at > the door.
> Now is the time to pray for the protection of your family and your
loved > ones, and seek the Lord as you have never done before.
> I am sending you this warning in the hopes that you will be
mentally, > physically and spiritually prepared for what is coming.
> God Bless You All,
> Karen-lee Bixman
> Publisher, The Investigative Reporter

