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The Arabs and Israeli children

Dov | 13.11.2002 12:17

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Israel's children are the target of Middle East terror campaign
By Nolan Finley / The Detroit News, June 7, 02

The ugly little secret of the Middle East conflict is that a favorite target of Palestinian terrorists are Israeli children, teen-agers and young adults. They are intentionally killing Israel's kids.

The slaughter is carried out by cold-hearted murderers who search for Bar Mitzvahs, pizzeria's, cafe's, teen discos, wedding parties, family restaurants -- any place likely to draw young people -- before touching off their suicide bombs. And it is being done without the world condemnation that such a heinous campaign should provoke.

It is a deliberate and despicable effort to accelerate the demoralization of the Israeli people and force them to accept compromises that may leave the nation far less secure.
"It's a way of killing the future, and of raising the temperature -- what is more painful than the funerals of the young?," says Stewart Schoffman, a father, former New Yorker and columnist with the Jerusalem Report.

Schoffman says he and his fellow Israelis now try to keep their children always within sight and are reluctant to take them to crowded, public places.

There is a clear moral difference between intentionally targeting children for killing and accidentally killing children in a military engagement. The Palestinians wake up, knowing there goal is to kill as many Israeli kids as
possible. While an Israeli wakes up, hoping to kill the Palestinian terrorist that have killed so many Israeli civilians.

It is difficult to understand how Palestinian parents can grieve over children killed by Israeli gunfire, while celebrating the deaths of children they themselves brainwash and turn into human bombs.
The late Golda Meir once said, peace would come, when Arabs love their children more than they love killing Jews.

Can Palestinian Serial Baby Killers Become Peaceful Neighbors?
Sharon Nader Sloan 30 September 2002
In poll after poll, between 70-80% of Palestinians support suicide bombing of civilians, and the world’s reaction is a big yawn born of a big lie.

Let me explain.

In all recorded modern history of warfare, hatred, and evil, including the Nazis in Germany, the Communists in Russia and China, Pol Pot in Cambodia, etc., there did not ever exist the obscene outrage of suicide killers. Even the Japanese Kamikaze pilots only attacked military targets.

The model and inspiration for Osama bin Laden’s suicide bombers who hit the World Trade Center in New York, and the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and all the other suicide bombings and shootings since then (e.g., the case in the Indian parliament, etc., etc.), is Yasser Arafat and the so-called Palestinians.

The concept that it is acceptable and praiseworthy to commit suicide for the sole purpose of murdering noncombatant citizens, as proclaimed this week by the Mufti in Cairo, the highest ranking Muslim cleric in Egypt; the adulation for people who kill themselves in order to slaughter innocent women, children, and babies; training and sending young men to destroy themselves just to kill old men and old women. This horror is the sick brainchild of the Arabs way of thinking.

Hence, one has to be either naive or psychologically impaired to believe that giving Arafat and the so-called Palestinians a state of their own will turn today’s baby killers and their supporters into peaceful neighbors alongside the State of Israel; or that offering them huge economic aid with joint industrial projects will wipe away their deep-seated, bloodthirsty hatred and commitment to the destruction of the State of Israel.

The virulent Anti-Semitic television, radio and print media, political rhetoric, religious speech being produced and disseminated through the Islamic Middle East and the Muslim world. I think if we subs#####uted the words blacks, women or Christians² for "Jews" in the very same hate-filled materials we would hear protests from around the world.

2) Direct translations of Arafat¹s speeches in his own newspapers and television stations. We hear from NPR reporters lines such as
The Palestinian Authority condemned the attacks which parrot statements made for Western media. Where are the reporters translating comments on those same attacks made in Arabic which laud suicide bombers? Why are our reporters asleep? Why is this duplicity not ongoingly exposed? Here is a website that documents Arafat's statement in Arabic. You wont see this on CNN and the BBC.



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