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BBC 'Want to be a spy'?

Fern | 12.11.2002 00:02

Website link to BBC test 'want to be a spy'.

the BBC news website has a test, could you be a spy? check it out. It is mad. Take question three for example?

You’ve been asked to infiltrate a subversive group on the far left – what do you wear?

A: Fancy dress – it’s important to prove you have a sense of humour

B: Suit

C: Casual clothes

um. I wonder? This is lunacy. BBC trying to grip fear of the public about the 'far left'. OH. So dangerous.

my arse.

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12.11.2002 00:34

If you actually posted the next question it has a similar 'scenario' where the 'spy' is infiltrating a far right organisation... thou your selective editing of the article is amusing on the level that it reflects whats been said for a long time... its the communists that have a love or propaganda.

no to red devils

Seig Heil

12.11.2002 10:43

I wonder what the sartorial options are for potential spies infiltrating the BNP then.

Is it a) a pair of lederhosen and a fake Hitler moustache, b) shaven head and H.A.T.E tattooed on right knuckle, or c) an England football shirt with optional swastika motif.

Answers on a postcard, please.

PS: Did anyone see the Channel 4 documentary about young BNP "leader" Mark Collett? Highly amusing.

Anarchist Rioter

BBC Spy Test... I think...

12.11.2002 16:37

...that it's meant to be a joke.

mail e-mail:

on the subject of bias...

13.11.2002 06:47

reminds me of this:

I saw a CNN Asia report saying that Amnesty International had condemned Palestinian suicide bombings as a "crime against humanity".

...Then I read an indymedia report saying that AI had condemned the Israeli occupation as a "crime against humanity".

Putting two and two together, my conclusion is that AI actually did in fact say *both* of these things.

And surely this is entirely analogous to the er... stuff that's been written above.

Moral of story?

Let's all fucking grow up and try to be a tad more objective.
There is NO need for bias.

The arguments put forward by our political movement are correct and they therefore do not have any need of *exaggeration*or *lying* or *selective / out of context quoting*.

The truth is on our muthafucking side. We do not need to resort to use of anything BUT the truth.

Present an objective representation of the situation and the facts can speak for them-muthafucking-selves.


yer mutha