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Deadly lesson for Israel left

Barry | 11.11.2002 15:41

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Sunday night, two or more Palestinians burst into an avowedly pacifist rural kibbutz, shot dead its secretary Yitzhak Dori, 44, and a visitor from Moshav Eliachin, Tirza Damari, 42. They then burst into a home and murdered Revital Ochayon and the two small sons, Matan 5 and Noam, 4, she sheltered with her body.

The Kibbutz Metzer is a nest of Israeli Left wing pro-peace-by-any-means people. Well, Arab sent them his gratitude for tireless working for "Palestinian cause". I would hope Arab monsters blowing up school buses and shooting Israel children in there beds, shows the savages these Arab are.



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11.11.2002 16:54

Its interesting, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Al Asqa wont sign an agreement, that they wont target Israeli woman and children in Israel. Someone needs to explain to me, why Bush and Blair keep saying Islam is peaceful.


Religious wars

11.11.2002 17:50

Isn't this what the Islamic jihadis want? A religious war where EVERY Arab fights EVERY Jew. The worst Jews for them are the ones that sympathise with the Palestinian cause. Likewise, the worst Arab for Israel is the one who wishes to negotiate - these types belie the notion that the Arab world is out to vanquish Israel.


Delete these racist postings, please

11.11.2002 18:13

The above postings seem to me to be at best misguided and over-emotional, but quite conceivably Barry, Joel and Dan may all be the same person, who might, equally conceivably, be employed to have done so.

I have no problem with different opinions on this Indymedia site, but refering to "Arab" and "Arab monsters," by implying that Islam is inherently violent and that the ultimate aim of Arab countries is to "vanquish Israel" or that peacenik Isrealis live in "nests" (like, I assume, vipers) appears vitriolic and unnecessary.

Certainly, it doesn't count as "news."

mail e-mail:

they've he's been around for a while

11.11.2002 18:27

Dan and joel have been around for a while .
dan comes across all liberal and radical but when the shit hits he's backin' Israel(nearly wrote brixton)
I reckon dans account of the Slave Trade would probably give
the poor misguided white / jewish folk the benefit of the doubt, but using the same methods in which he proportions the blame onto the Palestinians, it's a dead cert he would conclude that it was the fault of the those fuckin nigga's .



go away

11.11.2002 19:29

Just because they've been around for a while doesn't mean they are not the same person, or that this person isn't getting paid for posting this vile shit. Just ignore them, they don't really contribute anything except the stench of rotten flesh.



11.11.2002 19:34

You say, In an article you wrote. You said, "Israel is a small country that packs a lot of military strength. Just consider the wars this country has waged against its neighbors. In the 1948-49 war, Israel fielded an army that was stronger and better equipped than all the Arab armies on the war front..."

Ha, so many Arab lies, oh well, we are getting used to it. Apparently those holocaust refugees had a great military training in the death camps. Arabs will stop at nothing to justify their backwardness and hunger for blood.

I think the reason the Palestinians butcher so many Israeli children. They think then the world will recognize Islam as the only True Peaceful Religion.

By the way, those 'Shahid's look so cute in their suicide belts. Like little homicidal teletubbies.

2 pics I thought you should see on Yahoo.



12.11.2002 14:37

Amy's not talking out of her arse then!
Such stupidity takes beating.
I thought the first two postings were bad enough!

daniel gurney


12.11.2002 14:46

Amy isn't talking out of her arse then!
That's what you call real stupidity. And I thought the first two posts were bad enough.

daniel gurney

not ready to debate ...

12.11.2002 16:49

Barry, joel and dan?

Who are they?

I don't know, don't care and have no means of identifying them as 'individuals' or even 'citizens' (as opposed to those in the employ of govenment/industrial agencies.)

This is not the point.

The point is, who is more likely to have made a political calculation that, in attacking a left-leaning, pacifist, pro-peace family/group a political advantage would therby be gained?

Would it be the Palestinians, desperate for favourable media coverage and political leaverage from within israel?

Or a fanatical right wing zionist government, employing its mossad spooks, whose motto is 'through deceit we wage war' and who has been found out before by several countries legal apparatus to have carried out similar 'false flag' operations?

We shall never know, probably, but this does not excuse any act of oppression, repression, exploitation, appropriation or inhumanity, in the future, nor pardon one in the past.

mail e-mail:

Are they ready for debate?

12.11.2002 17:07

barry, joel, dan who are they?

I don't know, don't care and probably will never find out.

I don't know if they are the same person, or if they are one 'individual' or an organisation of government/industry.

This is not the point.

The point is, who is more likely to have made a political calculation, that in attacking a left-leaning, pacifist, pro-peace family/group a political advantage would be gained?

Would it be Palestinians desperate for positive media coverage and political leaverage from within israel?

Or would it have been a racist, right-wing zionist government employing mossad spooks known to have carried out similar attacks throughout the world (and having been caught red handed doing so on more than one occasion) and whose motto is 'through deceit we wage war'?

I don't know, probably never will.

This is not the point.

The point is that this does not excuse any act of repression, oppression, appropriation, exploitation or inhumanity, either in the present or retroactivly, ex-post facto.

mail e-mail:


12.11.2002 17:45

For those of you who are paranoid, I always post under my name and am not "employed" by anyone to express a point of view. I am against religious extremism in all its forms, whether its the jihadis or Likud. If you think that's racist, then I think you need your head examined. In addition, I think most of the posts deliberately misrepresent what I am saying. Either that, or the writers are illiterate. However, Jackslucid raises one important point: could the terrorist attack have been carried out by the IDF to knock off some irritating pacifists and shore up support for Netanyahu?


just for the record ....

13.11.2002 09:30

Just for the record Dan, I was not directly commenting on you or your post, merely highlighting the pointless distraction of questioning your right to say what you like, rather than responding to infomation/opinion and agreeing/refuting it.
It is not enough just to complain that someone/a posting is racist, or that someone is hiding behind an assumed identity. These accusations lead nowhere.
For myself, I always use a return address, so that if anyone wants to engage in private conversation or abuse me personally they can!
So can we focus on issues and not personalities ...

mail e-mail: