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Bali update

dh | 10.11.2002 21:47

Major Java newspaper prints micronuke story front page

Update 10 November 2002

On the morning of 6th November, my claims about a micro nuclear weapon in Bali were published on the front page of a major newspaper in Java. Apparently the claims were enthusiastically embraced by Indonesians already deeply suspicious of Australia’s unseemly and entirely unnecessary involvement in the Kuta Beach investigation. To understand the level of outrage and mistrust, ask yourself how angry you would be if a bunch of uninvited Indonesian police turned up to "investigate" a crime in New York, London or Sydney.
Early the next morning, members of the Indonesian Government in Jakarta became involved and called urgently for further details about the nuclear device. And so it was that by 10 a.m. on 7th November, the ludicrous Australian-American myth about “Jemaah Islamiyah” and “al Qaeda” attacking Bali, was rapidly starting to unravel across Indonesia.
According to a well-placed government source in Jakarta, firm action was then taken to reverse the situation, and restore the Australian-American myth in the eyes of the public. Sometime around noon an Indonesian general connected to TNI, ordered that a man called Amrozi be ‘strongly’ encouraged to confess.
To quote the Jakarta government source, Amrozi “was hooked up to 220 volts, given a cup of Scopolamine, and thirty minutes later was ready to swear he was George Bush”. Our brave Australian and American investigators neatly sidestepped direct involvement in this torture, by lamely telling television viewers at home that they had “no need to interrogate the suspect personally”.
In reality Amrozi is a motorcycle mechanic from east Java, whose wife and neighbors can prove he never left his home island, but this awkward truth was of no concern to the general, nor to his western paymasters. By early morning on the 8th of November, the western media obediently started parroting claims that Amrozi was a “known associate of Jemaah Islamiyah”, with indirect links to “al Qaeda”.
By late afternoon the same day, al Jazeera television, the nice folk who brought you the blatantly forged video footage of “Osama Bin Laden” last year, issued a press release stating that, “al Qaeda has accepted full responsibility for the Bali bombing”. Wrong! The web site on which this bogus claim was made, is owned and discreetly operated by a 'blind' company in Qatar, the home base of al Jazeera.
It was perhaps on this date that we finally slipped seamlessly into a post-Orwellian media world, where those who control the present ignore the past, and don’t give a damn about the future. As if bewitched, journalists worldwide jumped on the Thought Police band wagon, telling us to believe that an imaginary terrorist organization had motivated a motorcycle mechanic in Java to kill nearly 300 people in Bali, using only a van full of Potassium chlorate detergent. As George Orwell foresaw in his famous novel “1984”, there seems to be little we can do at present about this blatant media disinformation:
“At present nothing is possible except to extend the area of sanity little by little. We cannot act collectively. We can only spread our knowledge outwards from individual to individual, generation after generation. In the face of the Thought Police there is no other way.”
No matter the level of direct and indirect media control, the vexing problem of a newly alert Indonesian Government had still not been completely resolved. What if a suspicious minister [or ministers] managed to slip the right scientific equipment into Bali, and detected residual traces of slow alpha radiation from the micro nuke at Kuta Beach?
Help was soon on the way to deal with this possible contingency. On the morning of Saturday 9th November, just three days after my claims were published in the Indonesian newspaper, Intelligence services in London used the British Home Office as a 'front', and issued a dire warning that “al Qaeda might be planning to attack the west with a dirty radiological weapon”.
For those not fully conversant with this dreadful technology, it was helpfully explained that a radiological weapon is a conventional explosive bomb with nuclear waste wrapped around it. When the bomb explodes it hurls radioactive material outwards, causing terrible injuries to the victims of the blast. Of course, the Home Office warning was swiftly “retracted’ six hours later by Minister of Home Affairs David Blunkett, who said it was a “clerical error”, but not before the bogus warning had been peddled to the public by every television network in the western world.
This is not the first time that British intelligence has used this technique to subtly deflect attention away from a real micro nuke. The same claim was peddled back in 1993 after micro nukes were used on the City of London, as indirect warnings for the City to fall in line behind New York. I recorded this earlier intelligence leak in a report first published in 1993, and posted on the Internet six years later.
“During early May 1993, ITN World News from London carried an interesting feature in which it was explained that due to thefts of highly-radioactive Uranium 235, terrorists would now be able to contaminate conventional bombs with 500 grams of Uranium, thereby forcing the police to stay away from the area for days. Exactly why experienced terrorists would risk detection & death by transporting deadly unshielded Uranium around in their pockets was not explained.
“There is no credible reason for keeping the police and other authorities away from a bombsite after the weapon has been detonated. However, the rumor could form the basis of a government defence in cases where American or British citizens located positive traces of radiation, near the World Trade Centre or in the City of London, for example.” The original 1993 report can be read here.
The British Home Office never makes “clerical errors” of this magnitude, especially on a Saturday when its civil servants are at home for the weekend, and the only people left in the Home Office building are duty spooks and cleaners. The bogus story was released specifically [and only] to cover any future discovery of radiation at Kuta Beach.
Now if an Indonesian minister manages to establish that traces of slow alpha radiation are still present in Bali, all the deranged General has to do is collect a few more “suspects”, hook them up to 220 volts, pour Scopolamine down their throats, and urge them to “confess” that the mythical “al Qaeda” provided nuclear waste to wrap around their homemade bomb constructed from potassium chlorate detergent.



Hide the following 7 comments

No need for nukes

10.11.2002 22:28

No need for nukes
No need for nukes

There is disturbing evidence that the U.S. Military are conducting new experiments with Tesla's wireless energy transmission technology. A basic web search for keywords such as "Tesla" and "coils" reveals that hobby physicists throughout the world are playing with Tesla's technology on a small scale in their garden sheds, as hundreds of personal home pages proudly attest.

The HAARP project, located at an American military base in Alaska, is rumoured to be developing a modern device on a vast scale for transmitting huge payloads of energy to distant locations. In theory the HAARP weapon could be used to transfer more energy than a nuclear explosion to a precisely focussed point anywhere on Earth.

A nuclear missile takes time to travel to its target, carries a limited amount of energy, and can be shot down. Tesla's wireless transmission technology strikes at the speed of light, is invisible, unstoppable, and can release an amount of energy that is unlimited except by the size of the power plant where the device is operated.


fully agreed

10.11.2002 22:51

nikola. the technology worked so well at the wtc, why not use it here again. It would produce similar effects to those described by Vialls, with plenty unmeasurable DOR around to produce sudden death effects, yet no messy radioactivity. A worthy counter theory


longitudinal em waves

10.11.2002 23:23

what exactly is a longitudinal electromagnetic wave?



10.11.2002 23:48

oh, and potassium chlorate isn't a deteregent. Nor do you need to shield U235. It's not that deadly. Uranium was discovred in about 1790. Has a half life of the order of some billions of years.


More Potential

11.11.2002 22:50

Thanks for endorsing my counter-theory, it can also explain why planes are falling from the sky like bird shit, Senator Wellstone's, one in Luxembourg and now the Phillipines, and the whelter of previous crashes, too numerous to list.

And to sceptic - a basic web search for keywords such as "Tesla" and "coils" as stated, should answer your query.



11.11.2002 23:42

