Phone tapping
_ | 10.11.2002 14:19
Dozens of suspected criminals in germany found out that their telephones were being tapped by security services when charges for the eves dropping appeared on their phone bills last week. The error, which was put down to a software glitch, came to light when one customer complained about charges for calls to a mysteriouse number on his bill. Calls to the number were answered with a voice telling the customes they lacked authorisation. Security sourses confirmed nearly 50 people had been inadvertently invoiced for the cost of teh eavesdropping. The authorities immediately contacted the phone company O2 in Munich, which stopped the delivery of other bills that were ready to be sent out.
Any geeks out there who know how to create similar glitches in the UK, please go straight ahead!
Any geeks out there who know how to create similar glitches in the UK, please go straight ahead!